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Kim Robinson

I just did this study w/ Deby Falconer. SOOO good! God has so many things in this book that has done so much for me! Great Treasure!

Angie Platten

I'm reading two great books right now. One is "The Misunderstood God" and the other is "The Good and Beautiful God: falling in love with the God Jesus knows." I'm reading them s-l-o-w-l-y. I highly recommend them both!


I'm in the middle of too many things to list, but Ruth's books are always in my rotation! I love The Satisfied Heart along with her 31 Days of Praise and 31 Days of Prayer... my copies are worn and marked up after years of rereading, but isn't it just like God to constantly bring something new to mind with each reading~ my favorite thing about God's Word! one thing I'm trying is to do more chapter study in my Bible as opposed to having another book to guide me, i tend to rely heavily on books and am really praying that God helps me find my own voice in His, if that makes sense. Have a great weekend!


I'm just getting ready to do a mini-study of 4 sessions with a summer group. Sort of a summer refresher. :)

And ... I'll be hosting your session at the One Marriage conference this week. Just want you to know I'll be praying for you as you prepare and then share.



I am doing Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only by Beth Moore. That should put me right on track for a fall study. Oh, and I love Ruth's books too. I give 31 Days of Praise as a gift on a regular basis. Happy Reading!

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