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« Memory Monday: Hebrews 12:1-11 | Main | Homesick »


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Oh wow! This is so true. I see that my dear husband has no trouble relaxing and taking time for himself even though there are things that need to be done around the house. Why can't I? I feel guilty taking time for myself. I think that I "should" be doing something else. But, I know this is wrong. We can't give anything to our families if we don't get refreshed ourselves. :o) Thanks for this reminder. Hugs!


Congrats! I made the commitment a while ago to use my nap time every day (I have preschoolers...) for me. I don't allow myself to do chores of any sort during this time, and I use it to study my Bible, have coffee, and sometimes just day dream. I have found that I am much 'healthier' when I stick to it, and I think my family would agree. It makes a much better afternoon for when my husband gets home b/c I'm not a grouch just throwing the kids off on him so I can have 'me' time. He has been at work all day and deserves some time too. And I think one other plus is that my kids see me doing daily sorts of things and don't just think the house magically gets cleaned!

Glad you're getting some time to take care of yourself! Enjoy!


I too use my kids quiet time for down time. None of them nap anymore, but we still have one hour a day when they go in their rooms to read, play quietly, etc. This is my sanity! I read, nap, and just BE! During the summer, it's a little more challenging to get this done, but I still aim for a break sometime during the day.

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