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Great idea, Joanne! Thanks for the reminder that our prayers can be so simple! It's not difficult, but it does take discipline. Our church has an email prayer chain and I find myself reading it and never praying for the things mentioned! How awful!

Aurora @ Under Transformation

Thanks for this reminder and for the book suggestion, Joanne. I have two ladies that are heavy on my mind these days and you've given me the perfect way to channel my thinking into something productive - prayer! I've been looking for a book to read this summer so I ordered "Enjoying the Presence of God" from your Amazon shop...would you consider doing a book study on this someday a la "Spiritual Mothering?" Not that you don't already have enough to do...but maybe? :o)


We are working through each of brother Lawrence's letters in our Wednesday night class. It does make you think to be more conscious of how we communicate with God.

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