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Alex Henning

This would be awesome! I love all women conferences! How does it work if its online?


if i win i'd like to gift it to another woman - can i do that?


I would love to!!!!!

Michelle Comerford

I would love to ! Very Exciting !


Oh me too!!

Nicole B

Oh darn, one short! Shucks! Enjoy first 5 ladies!

Joanne (The Simple Wife)

Okay, first five. You've got it.

Alex: You log on during the conference times. The schedule is posted on their website.

Andrea: Send me the info for the woman you want to gift it to.


Helen at A Work of Heart

oh what a day to not get on the computer until hoo!


Any chance this conference is being recorded so I can pay for it, but watch it at my leisure after the fact? I have a newborn so I won't be able to participate when it's going on live.

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