This is me popping in to say a quick hello before our first overnight guests arrive. They're coming from Arizona where it's currently a bazillion degrees, which makes the mid-90s of Denver today seem downright balmy. Of course, we do not have AC here, but the sky has clouded over, it's cooling off nicely, and since we're grilling burgers, I think we'll eat outside and it'll be just about perfect.
I still haven't found the cord to connect my camera and computer. So I'm waiting for my sis to come take pictures. She promised, but it might be after our camping trip next week. We'll just have to wait and see.
So Audrey's making potato salad for the dinner tonight, and Emma and I have put Mr. Beebe's world-famous, best baked beans ever in the oven. Wanna know what makes them the best? BACON. A whole package criss-crossed over the top like a pie top. Oh, and lots of onion quartered and mixed in with the beans to get all soft and golden-y and buttery. YUM.
(I don't have a recipe, just going by what I remember him saying when I ate them and nearly fell on the floor at how good they were. Cook 'em long and slow is what he said, so I am. And then I'll turn up the heat if the bacon's not quite crispy cooked enough on top.)
I'm so excited to have a guest room. In fact, I even added a "company" category for the blog. We haven't had a guest room in ages. Since we lived in Monument, in fact. Which was like eight years ago.
So who else wants to come stay?
(Hmm...think I need a more vintage-y looking clock. Maybe the kind with bells on top...)
saw a couple clocks like that at Goodwill this week on county line and broadway.
Posted by: Yvette | July 14, 2010 at 04:40 PM
Can I come? I just flew to Arizona yesterday to visit a friend and it's supposed to be 115 today! I think I might melt!
Posted by: Barbie | July 15, 2010 at 07:04 AM
I would love to come in the winter!
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | July 15, 2010 at 01:46 PM
To escape the Texas heat I would be there in a heart beat!
Posted by: rhonda | July 16, 2010 at 02:19 PM
That's almost a little freaky! I'm in the process of deciding what it going to go in our new guest room in our new house...and just the other day I was just thinking of my Nanny's old alarm clock with the bells on top...and how I wished I still had it! When we both find one, we'll have to swap guest room pics....that is just wild.
If you ever want to come back to the Deep there will be a guest room!
Posted by: Wife of Rob | July 16, 2010 at 08:32 PM
I heard it was like 115 degrees in Arizona this past week. Kinda makes our West Virginia 94 degree / 98% humidity sound mild. Sheesh. Glad I don't live in the desert...
Posted by: Julie From Inmates | July 18, 2010 at 07:47 PM