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We loved camping as well! I can remember staying at a KOA campground on our way to our vacation destination and having such a good time at KOA that we ended up staying there for the entire vacation! There's a Coleman commercial I see often about how they began the "social networking" craze and I have to agree with them - so many wonderful conversations were around the campfire! Have a great time!


We are going camping too. Monday through Wednesday along the Metolius River in the Oregon Cascades. On Thursday it's floating and fishing the McKenzie River. Lisa Whelchel is flying out tomorrow to join us. She has camped since she was a kid and wanted to experience it again.



Have Fun!...I have so many great memories of camping too. I can't wait for our little ones to get a bit bigger to tent camp again:)!

Heather Fischbach

We are camping this week too... in Yosemite National Park and then on to Malibu State Park. The mountains and the ocean in the same week!! We have been camping every summer for 7 years now : ) One thing we never leave home without? Games, books, marshmallows, and glo sticks.


Tell me how you made headbands.... My hair is shorter now too!


I never ever camp without my wool toboggan and a pair of gloves (definitely need them at night!) and I'm also a big fan of Neutrogena makeup cloths. I don't usually wear makeup when we camp but it's great for getting the grime of the day off my face. Of course, we never have a camper or running water right next door so you might be able to skip that!

Our kids LOVE the junior ranger program at RMNP. It's AWESOME!!! The ranger-led nature walk at Sprague Lake is one of our favorites. We've done it 3-4 times and have always lucked out with fun, informed rangers who really know how to interact with kids as our guides!


Joanne, I sounds like such lovely plans for your trip and I hope all your dreams for this trip come true! Have a WONDERFUL time!

Teri H

Enjoy! I just made a bunch of headbands too! I'm growing out my bangs AGAIN... =)


It's a dream of mine to go camping in The Rockies! My Mum and Dad are camping in Canada at the moment. I'm quite jealous!

Wet wipes! I would not go camping without them!

Have fun.


I also have great memories of camping as a child. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't care for it. We purchased a piece of property with a travel trailer on it a few summers ago and I am trying to talk him into getting away for a weekend. I told him travel trailers aren't really camping and that it would be just as good as a Holiday Inn. Maybe when it cools off a little bit I can convince him to take it out.


My camping go to item is tin foil... I know, weird right? Well, we make silver fish packs at least one night each time we camp. The foil is great for cleaning the grill the rest of the nights. Oh, and for cleaning the marshmallow skewers and for wrapping the grill so you don't even have to clean it.

I also am a deep believer of citronella candles and plenty of garlic in our food to keep the mosquitoes away.

dining tables

Camping is one of the best activities for our children. I am wishing you good luck in your coming adventure. I hope that everything goes well. Just make sure that you and your family is having a great time.

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