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Am i the first? Oh how I struggle with trust, even with all the right trust verses written out on 3x5 cards, a whole stack of em. I am so familiar with them, I can recite them. The gut wrench of fear as a stay at home mom with an unemployed husband. Happened twice last year. I hear you and pray with you that the season of uncertainty will end soon and that the place of hyperventilation will stay far from you. Joanne, you are very brave and I appreciate your honesty. Blessings!!!!


I'm memorizing this verse too!!! Thanks for pointing me to it! I need this verse for some of the same reasons you do; things are R-E-A-L-L-Y S-C-A-R-Y right now, and I if I follow my thoughts and fears, I will freak out. Big time.


Lisa notes...

Thanks for such great encouragement to trust more. I struggle with that, too. It sounds so basic in theory, but it's so hard for me to carry out in practice.

I've been memorizing Isaiah 25:1:

Now that I think about it, it's a great verse to inspire trust. God always does what he promises; he IS trustworthy!

"O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God; you do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them, just as you said!"


Thank you for sharing Joanne! I feel like waiting, hoping, and trusting have been the theme for me the last 3 years. God has used your words to encourage me. Thank you again!


Another "God thing"! As they say: A coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous. It is all about "trust" right now. The verse I wrote on my 3x5 and am committing to memory: Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of {them}, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."
I think that the {them} is any situation that makes me feel trapped, that makes me fearful or worrisome. This is my Assurance of His Presence verse.
I have just been a lurker of your blog for quite some time. Today, I felt like "talking" to you and sharing. And, I want to thank you for always being such an inspiration and sharing your faith with all of us. HUGS...

Diane Pierce

I don't always post a comment but I read your blog. A LOT. :-) It seems you always have something to say that is inspiring or supportive as in, "I hear ya!". But this post spoke to me because I plan on leaving my job next year, right when school ends. I, well we've, decided that to keep putting our only daughter in daycare every summer is not how we want to spend the next few years. This will be HARD. And I am SCARED. But, I will TRUST. Thank you!!

Adidas Original Shoes

Just found your wonderful blog through A Mom's Year. Love your style! I'm sick too... definitely sucks. Hope we're both feeling better fast! :

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