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I keep putting my office/craft room/dumping ground on the list - yet it still sits undone. I keep thinking I need a day if not four hours to get thru most of it. I suppose I can do small parts at a time and live with it being in chaos for a while longer. And I do think of myself as the "controller" too. Thank you for the verse and the reminder that He is in control. :-)

Julie Hoagland

I Love following your journey to return back home.....I am living vicariously through you!

Must almost seem like a daydream!?!



I am so there with you on the "controller" thing. I am slowly starting to become a "whatever the day holds" kind of girl. I thought it would make me crazy not to have a plan and stick to it, but it is actually freeing. Don't get me wrong, I like having appointments and things set in the calendar that is a necessity no matter what, however I can let the day move forward as it may because God has taught me how to live in that freedom. It is amazing the lessons God has taught me in this past 18 months. I am (slowly) realizing what is most important. Sitting on the grass with friends, stopping over for a quick catch up, even though there are a million things to do. Who cares that there are dust bunnies multiplying in the corner... I am going to sit and laugh with friends.
Thank you for the verse this morning, it sounds like all of us OCD girls needed that :)

Kathleen  Jaeger

Wow! These two verses I needed to hear this morning for I have been feeling quite overwhelmed...after months of activity overdrive...there has been a small respite in the activities and now I'm looking around at many things not done in the process (oh..daily things were done..but deep cleaning, organizing, decluttering, maintenance...were not). And hence the over-whelmedness. So, so good to remember that HE is the Blessed controller of all things and understands & knows me well & what is best for me at all times.

Thanks for the encouragement. Kathleen


Something about you just seems to come to life when you're "home".

Looking forward to coming posts!


I am Smiling to see and hear that you are so happy. Greatings Eveline!:)

Wife of Rob

I SO needed that today Joanne....really...more than you'll ever know! Thank you for your obedience to listen to the Lord and to pen that post.

Glad you're home!

Blessings to your basement,

Caroline Perez

Checking back in this week!


The view is gorgeous! It will all get done:)

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