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I think every single one of us who reads this understands "missing the groove, not getting in the groove, wanting the groove!" ;)

Have a wonderful day....wherever the groove is.



Groovy. :) I told Sweetheart the other day that I felt like I was just treading water--waiting for the baby, waiting to move again, waiting for real life to start back up. He said, "You are." No wonder I am tired. I am trying to make routines for our current living situations knowing it will all change in a few weeks. Not fun.

Dawn W

I always get that kind of feeling towards the end of summer. I love summer and always hate it when the kids have to head back to school - but I DO love the "routine" during the school year.

Since you are a list maker/planner, take a look at this home management system:

I found it a year or so ago, and love it!


Totally get the groove thing. During the school year we definitely have a summer we are ready for a break to do "whatever"...most summers we get into a summer groove but this year we traveled for a month and never got the summer groove and I miss it...but to late to reach for a summer groove and I am just looking forward to our school year groove which starts on August 16th.

Really interested on your thoughts on Harry Potter...none of my kids are at that reading level yet so I have spent zero time thinking about it...have not seen any of the movies... they do have the Harry Potter Books on CD at the library and my kids love book on CD for the car...hope I am not opening a can of worms for you....


On days when I have some unscheduled time, I feel totally excited but at a loss! So many choices but what to choose? The groove is so much easier! Stick to the groove! No groove, and I am desperately trying to create one! I hope that you find your groove this fall! :)

Eveline! ;)

I feel te same like you do. Tommorow we are going to spain on Holiday.Just me and my knigths! :) Just reading by the pool, have fun whit my knights and enjoy the holiday!

Send you pictures when I come back.

Have a great, lovely day


I have found that after our last move (about 9 months ago) I have not found a good groove. I am unsettled and have been for months. I like your description that it feels as if you are waiting on something. I'm reminded of Dr. Seuss in Oh, The Places You Go and I've reached the waiting place. But don't know what I'm waiting for. I struggle daily with just sitting down and enjoying a book. I read, but it's while I'm doing something else or waiting on the laudry or supper. It's almost like I feel guilty for taking that time. Who knows but God so I guess I'll take it to Him. (Don't know why I didn't think of that sooner!)

Caroline Perez

My first starts 5K on the 16th and wondering how our new schedule will be!!

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