My mom gave me a copy of Sarah Young's Jesus Lives not too long ago. She has Young's first book, Jesus Calling, one some of my other friends are reading too. Given that Mom loves the first one so much, I'm not sure why she bought me a different one, but I'm so glad she did and am just going to go with the fact that God knew this is the one I needed.
I have underlined and written in the margin like you would not believe. (Well, maybe you would since I've always been very up front about my need to read a book--any book--with a Bic crystal [the world's best pen!] in hand.)
Each and every day, God is speaking loud and clear to me through this book. I have no idea if everyone else's books say the same things on the same pages (I often suspect God moves stuff around so it matches my needs!), but each day I open the book with a sense of nervous anticipation.
Because some days it's perfectly soothing to my soul, reassuring me of his love and care and knowledge of me--and other days it's a little bit uncomfortable, pointed and specific to something that needs some addressing. Either way, it's good. God is speaking clearly in its pages--and it is both personal and specific.
Take today, for example. As Toben is helping me think through schedules and expectations and whatnot for our school year ahead, as I ponder what needs to be done and when, as I think about priorities and success, I've been praying that God would grant specific wisdom and direction about every aspect of our family's life and schedule.
Here's what I found this morning:
A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Me, even if many things remain undone at the end of the day. It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it? You rarely reach day's end without a sense of failure to some degree. The various means and measures of worldly "success" pull on you constantly, leaving you in a fragmented, unfocused condition.
To avoid confusion, you need a rule of thumb: Seek to please Me. When communicating with Me is your highest priority, I am pleased. The more you commune with Me as you go through a day, the more you walk in My ways. The Light of my Presence illumines the path before you, making sin both obvious and abhorrent. This same Light satisfies your soul. All in all, staying in touch with Me is a good and fulfilling way to live.
If that's not a direct answer to prayer, I don't know what is!
If I could, I'd buy each and every friend I have a copy of this. But I can't, so instead I'll just direct you to my Amazon store where you can purchase one for yourself. It will be $10 well spent--totally worth giving up a couple of lattes.
(Just a reminder, my Amazon store is exactly that--Amazon. I don't see any of your ordering information. Everything is purchased and shipped directly through Amazon; I simply earn a small referral fee when you buy through it.)
Heh. Funny you should post this this morning. Some friends are giving me a baby shower next week for #4 and I was debating whether or not to buy THIS book for all the hostess' as a thank you gift. I have the first book (and have read bits of it but not finished it) when I noticed this one was out, too. I'm thinking this is what *I* am going to read next year. (This year, I'm committed to trying to read through the whole Bible before my birthday at the end of the year since I've never done it ... that's about all I can handle right now!) : )
Posted by: stephanie | August 12, 2010 at 05:58 AM
I have read Jesus Calling twice through and have your same reactions. Got the new one and like it better because it has the scriptures listed, no look up. These are marvelous resources and well worth the measly $10. Enjoy!
Posted by: Lisa | August 12, 2010 at 06:03 AM
Thanks for the book referral.... and the smile! I got a kick about the link to Bic pens!
Posted by: chapmanchick | August 12, 2010 at 06:28 AM
A minute ago I was on Amazon with plans to order more copies of Jesu Calling and then I see your post on Jesus Lives. How strange.
A friend bought me Jesus Calling when it came out and I too have been blown away how God so lovingly speaks to me right where I am at each day.
So glad I didn't order yet... may need to throw in a few Jesus Lives copies. Thank Joanne.
Posted by: linda t | August 12, 2010 at 06:30 AM
Okay just the title of your post drew me in. I have been pondering for a year -- A YEAR -- during the last school year about just this very thing: what does a successful day look like?! And the words ring true: "You rarely reach day's end without a sense of failure to some degree." And to think of it as staying in tune with Him as the measuring guide. That is good news (not that I do that all the time! But to know my goal) This is a much needed perspective as I plan for our school year ahead as well. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Posted by: Kathleen Jaeger | August 12, 2010 at 06:35 AM
I have Jesus Calling in my stack of books I'm going to read. Think I'll move it to the top of the stack and start today.
Posted by: Sandy | August 12, 2010 at 06:38 AM
Jesus Calling is my favorite devo book. I have several copies always ready and available to give away. Because I love it so much I've thought I couldn't possibly buy any of the others for fear they would disappoint! Silly, I know.
But this message today - the first day of school - was exactly what I needed to read!
Thanks for sharing, Joanne!
Posted by: Dori Cook | August 12, 2010 at 07:30 AM
I needed that this morning too. Thanks, friend.
Posted by: Marla Taviano | August 12, 2010 at 07:38 AM
Hi Joanne,
I do believe these devotionals are so anointed. I gave Jesus Lives to my former pastor's wife a few years ago...bought Jesus Calling for your mom...had no idea why I bought two different copies...but I too have lots of underlines and notes in the margins...this spring I gave Dear Jesus to my mom and she and my grandmother shared it as she was living with my parents at the time...I bought her a copy as well and she loved it dearly right up until her passing at the end of May...there is just something about feeling like you have gotten your gentle yet firm marching orders for the day!
Posted by: Helen at A Work of Heart | August 12, 2010 at 08:48 AM
Thank you for the much needed recommended book...Jesus Lives. I just placed an order and look forward to reading it soon. Love your post!!
Posted by: Jennifer Medeiros | August 12, 2010 at 09:52 AM
There is a lady at my church who has been giving everyone Jesus Calling, and we all find it strangely appropriate to our own circumstances as we read it daily. Everyone loves it, and it's a frequent topic of conversation among the ladies.
I purchased Jesus Lives around Christmastime, and although it's set up differently than the other devotional, it's just as meaningful. Sarah Young seems to have a finger on the pulse of the common Christian experience and insights into the Word to write so eloquently to our spiritual need.
Posted by: Liz | August 12, 2010 at 06:54 PM
Wow! I so enjoyed getting all your comments throughout the day yesterday and hearing your stories about these books.
Love it when we can share things with each other and get a "me too!" in response.
And love all of you so much!
Posted by: Joanne (The Simple Wife) | August 13, 2010 at 06:32 AM
I find your writings about a successful day ground-breaking. I wish for all the world to wake up and read about this. This is a powerful topic that really resonates with many people. I was certainly touched. Thanks so much for posting this. I look forward to learning more.
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Posted by: C.J. Good | August 13, 2010 at 09:15 AM