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Teri Butcher

Awesome! My school starts on the 31st! I can't wait! I love to learn too! :)

Marla Taviano

Love this post. First of all, my brother is in seminary and they homeschool their three kiddos (8, 6, 4) and they know a bunch of Greek!

AND. When I taught 5th/6th grade gifted and talented, we did a few big productions as part of our World History curriculum. We spent a couple months with the Ancient Greeks and sang a song to the tune of A, B, C, D (Twinkle, Twinkle).

That was 11 years ago, but I was driving in the car Monday and started singing it out of the blue. And remembered it somehow! I probably don't them all spelled right, but here goes:

Alpha, beta, gamma, delta. Epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota. Kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi. Omicron, pi, rho, sigma, thau. Upsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega. Now you know the Greek alpha-beta!



Oh, I can't wait to follow this adventure!


Joanne, This doesn't apply to this particular post but I couldn't find where to email you on your blog site.

I'm wondering if you know of any books or resourses where I can learn more about "blessing" in the Bible. I'm just finishing a Bible study on the book of Ruth and the blessings given to Boaz when he accepts the role of kinsmen-redeemer and then the women of the town blessing Naomi has just intrigued me and I want to know why it isn't a part of our Christian practices now, or at least not in my experience. I'm hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction.

Thanks! Good luck with learning & teaching Greek! Exciting!



Hooray - I am so glad you are all learning this together. What an adventure. Can't wait to hear more.

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