I never did get a Memory Monday post done this week. Wanna know why? I DON'T KNOW MY VERSE!
Phew. Feel better now that's out in the open. :)
Wanna know why I don't know it? Because I DIDN'T MAKE A VERSE CARD.
Seems pretty simple, but the truth is that if a verse is only on the page in my Bible it's not going to end up written on my heart. I need it where I can see it--day in, day out, throughout the day, smack dab in front of my face.
And leaving my Bible open doesn't cut it. The print is too small and there are too many other verses on the same page.
I've got an index card and a pen right here. I'm going to make a verse card as soon as I hit the "publish" button. And I WILL KNOW IT BY MONDAY.
And if I don't, you can come and give me what for.
In other random news around here, I've been nesting a little and am excited to show you a peek at my dining room. And I made a window treatment for the guest room yesterday afternoon--an old shower curtain, three pony holders, and two nails. I'll be taking some pictures later.And I want to finish the other set of curtains for Audrey's room, embellish the ones in the breakfast nook, and figure something out for Emma's room. We'll be starting school soon and I want to get some projects done first. Being back in our home makes me feel giddy--I'm sort of a stuck between wanting to just sit and stare at it all and a crafting frenzy.
The girls are going to be doing laundry and packing for a trip to the Grand Tetons/Yellowstone with Mom and Dad. They're all going camping for 10 days or so. Toben and I will join them next week since he's in LA on business and I start seminary on Monday. Alpha, beta, gamma, delta...
And I mapped a new running route yesterday and am up to four miles. I've been doing about 3.5 miles five days a week and the little extra feels good. Plus I found a new trail to add that lets me peek into all kinds of backyards.
I love peeking into backyards, not to mention windows. Please, if you have a cute house, leave your curtains open at night so others can enjoy it! Does that make me sound weird and creepy? Or do you secretly agree?!
Okay, I'm off to make my verse card. A very happy Thursday to you!
I just had to laugh about your "windows" comment. I, too, am a peeker. Sometimes I even slow my pace when walking or driving at night, when I'm coming up to a "cute house". You can only tell so much from the outside during the day. The night-time views are great! =)
Posted by: Leah | August 26, 2010 at 06:20 AM
You make me laugh out loud!!! Yes, I think more of us than will admit love to peak inside other's homes. (I do!)
Thanks for your continued honesty. It's tough enough when we fail but even harder when the perception is that we're the only one. I'm like you - if I don't print out the verse and stick it everywhere (bathroom mirror, inside the pantry door, in the center console of my truck, etc.) I "forget" to work on it. I've fallen a little behind lately, too. So, your "kick in the pants" caught me squarely on the behind, also! LOL
Be blessed!
(And post your pictures soon!)
Posted by: Dawn W | August 26, 2010 at 08:26 AM
Okay I want to see your curtain embelishments! Please - I have been thinking about taking down blinds and doing something different. I need some inspiration!
I know what you mean about having to write my verse out - if I don't, it doesn't get in either!
Ok, I probably never would have mentioned it, but I do love driving (or running) by and seeing pretty houses lit up. Though for my own house - I want it closed up at night - it does creep me out to think of others looking in my house - unless of course they are harmless - but one never knows!
Posted by: Kristy | August 26, 2010 at 10:38 AM
Oh how I love to peek inside windows. One of my favorite memories ever is going on a walk with my sister one Christmas Eve after dinner. I loved catching those glimpses of families enjoying one another.
Posted by: Beth | August 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM
I'm with Kristy. I get creeped out at the thought of someone peeking into my house. We sleep with the windows open and fans in them in the summer and I'm always afraid some weirdo is gonna walk by while I'm in view from the window. My husband feels the same way.
Posted by: Sharon | August 26, 2010 at 01:08 PM
LOVE the home pic so much..keep them coming..I love looking at people's houses especially if they are well lit.
Posted by: kristin | August 26, 2010 at 03:23 PM
Definitely love to peek inside peoples windows. I so wish there was a neighborhood general open house where everyone who was willing would let their neighbors take a look inside!
I have to ask. I'm currently down in the Springs but we are looking all around the Denver/Boulder area for when we move next year. If you don't mind saying, in what general area of Denver do you live? It sounds nice....trees, trails, etc. Or what areas would you recommend. I like older homes too......they seem to have more character.
Posted by: Meg | August 26, 2010 at 08:03 PM