Today is Toben's 40th birthday. We had all the family over last night for chicken spaghetti (from the Pioneer Woman--let's just say that a double recipe made waaaaay more than enough for 12 people. We'll be eating it forever!), Caesar salad, and yummy bread. Not to mention lemon cake with strawberries and vanilla ice cream.
The clouds came over and it cooled down last night, so we ate outside, laughing and visiting. Lovely. I do think summer birthdays are the best when you live someplace with winter. (Have to say that having winter birthdays in Arizona was kind of nice.)
There's just enough cake leftover for Toben to have birthday cake for breakfast. Which is the best reason I know to have the party the day before your actual birthday.
I tried to get a picture of Toben blowing out his candles, but he was way too super speedy.
Toben and I were talking the other morning and wondering how come 40 doesn't feel older. Somehow when we first started dating (he was 17, I was 16) it seemed so far away, and somehow like we'd be different people when we finally got here.
(Though I'm not quite here yet, despite the fact that my dad always wants me to be a year older than I am. Which is fine, I suppose, because the girls always say I'm a year younger than I am. So it all comes out even!)
But, honestly, I think we both still feel about 17. With some aches and pains for sure (my back has been kind of twinge-y the past few days--I'm debating going for a walk this morning instead of a run), but really, I thought we'd somehow feel different at this milestone, more mature, more grown up.
But we don't. Wonder what our teenage selves would've thought to to know that adults pretty much feel the same on the inside as they do.
So I guess age is more of an attitude after all!
The girls performed a 40th birthday rap for Toben yesterday. Thought for sure you'd want to see it!
(BTW, I will post the chicken pot pie recipe this week and get my Memory Monday post done today. Hang tight.)
That was great! Audrey definitely has the swagger down... and I love how she had to explain the lyric at the end... too funny!
Posted by: Nikki | August 23, 2010 at 06:33 AM
Happy Birthday Toben...Kevin and I follow behind in a few months. I agree 40 does not seem like a big deal to me either. Joanne have you tried Two Old is an all natural essential oils lotion that Kevin used on his back and I used on my shoulder. We get it at an Ace Hardware. They have a website
Posted by: Kimberly | August 23, 2010 at 09:52 AM
i totally feel like a dork because i can only pretend that we are friends, but i just had a HUGE smile on my face watching your girls do that. you know they are going to kill you for taping that in like 5 years. :)
Posted by: katie | August 23, 2010 at 07:32 PM
Happy 40th Birthday, Toben! LOVE the end of the video. Word. You know, word. You don't know word? Tries not to roll eyes. :)
Posted by: Marla Taviano | August 24, 2010 at 05:49 AM