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That was great! Audrey definitely has the swagger down... and I love how she had to explain the lyric at the end... too funny!


Happy Birthday Toben...Kevin and I follow behind in a few months. I agree 40 does not seem like a big deal to me either. Joanne have you tried Two Old is an all natural essential oils lotion that Kevin used on his back and I used on my shoulder. We get it at an Ace Hardware. They have a website


i totally feel like a dork because i can only pretend that we are friends, but i just had a HUGE smile on my face watching your girls do that. you know they are going to kill you for taping that in like 5 years. :)

Marla Taviano

Happy 40th Birthday, Toben! LOVE the end of the video. Word. You know, word. You don't know word? Tries not to roll eyes. :)

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