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Oh, I bet I would love it! I have a love of British television. (Not all of it. It can be raunchier that US.)

I will have to check this one out. Thanks for passing it on!


We have just finished a marathon viewing of "Bleak House"-the most recent version from BBC. LOVED it! Of course, I love Dickens. Sweetheart enjoyed it so much he also ordered "Little Dorrit" which I read a few weeks ago and adored. Looking forward to that!


I've been watching a 1968 TV show called Here Comes the Brides. It takes place in Seattle WA, during the first days of the city. It is sort of like Little House. Good family watching. A bit corny at times, but the episodes are moral, and actually talk about God and praying. Just a fun uplifting show. I order them from Netflix.


I remember my mum watching this when I was really little. She loved it too. I should get into it too!

I can totally imagine you loving this. It suits you to a tee!


Oh how I loved this series. I remember watching it when it was on tv forever ago. I will have to try to get it and rewatch it. Thanks for the memories!!!

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