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« The Tetons were grand! | Main | First day of school wrap-up love »


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Beyond like this...LOVE it.

So wish I had homeschooled my girl.

Enjoy this time with them.

Love u.



So cute! And yes, pudding is always the best dessert after a PBJ!


love this! you are one of the only people who's ever made me think twice about possibly homeschooling my kids. seriously.


I love this!! with Charity starting Kindergarten next year I am on my knees talking with the Lord about what to do. I love the idea of homeschool... not sure if I could do it. I need to do more homeschool homework.. already visited some schools and found one that we like. Any advice?

P.S. I went all bible dictionary and concordance on my women's bible study homework and one of the ladies said, "Oh, JoAnne would be so proud!" Thought you'd enjoy that!

Kim Feth

Love the first day of school pic! I am "Kristy" and I'm on my knees in prayer about what to do. He's in a public Montessori school right now that ends at the end of 5th grade - he just started 4th grade. The DH and I are working an aggressive debt-retirement plan, and he just got hired full time with benefits and a raise at his new job. I'm prayerful that I can stay home (or work evenings/weekends/not at all) and homeschool for middle school. Have a great time!

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