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Kim Feth

Once again, God connects minds. I was thinking last night, "Why don't I remember these fall and Halloween decorations last year?" That's when it dawned on me that in late September and October of last year was when I was at my deepest point in grief for my mom. And I suddenly remembered that our best friends asked my DH and the boy to come to their house for dinner and trick-or-treating. I stayed on the couch in a dark house and cried. And they went and had a blast. Which was what each of us needed apart from each other. When we talked today, I thanked her for meeting my family's need in a season of life when I couldn't. Friends really are a gift from God!

Paula Romer

Glad your friend Christy was here for a visit, but I was bummed for you
that she wasn't able to have a true Autumnal Colorado experience as you had hoped. September was cruel with it's hot weather. Now we beckon October come in all it's crisp, blustery glory and crimson brillance! I hope Christy enjoyed seeing the brillant Aspen color while wearing a tank top!
Autumn greetings, dear friend. Welcome back to Colorado!!!

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