While I did not meet a bear (so disappointing) while we were camping last weekend in Wyoming, we did see a bunch of other wildlife.
Wait! I did see a bear. But not quite like I was hoping for. Though I'm sorta glad this one wasn't able to tap me on the shoulder. He was much bigger than he looks in the picture.
We did see LIVE wildlife! Like a moose--super up-close and personal.
Here he is again:
Can you even imagine carrying those antlers around on your head all day? Emma tried, but she needed some help. (Obviously, as one of her antlers is upside down!)
We also saw bison (are they the same as buffalo?) and lots of pronghorn antelope (which we call "white butts"):
Bison/buffalo are BIG and they cause traffic to stop:
And even though we see deer often living in Colorado, it's exciting when they visit your campsite in the evening to stop and say hello. Especially when they still have some of their spots and let you walk within a few feet of them before wandering away and finding more mushrooms to eat.
We also saw a whole romp (thank you, Susan--I tweeted that I'd seen them but didn't know what to call them and she googled it and tweeted me back--all while we were on the river--love technology!) of river otter.
A "romp" is the perfect name for a group of them--because that's exactly what they do--in water and at home.
First we saw them swimming in the water around the boat. And I got a little giddy. I just love seeing things like this! Our national parks are such a treasure.
Then we passed their house, where they were having a picnic dinner of fish. ::crunch, crunch, crunch:: They do not chew with their mouths closed.
Totally made me miss the days when Audrey and Emma were little and we watched "PB&J Otter" every single day.
(See the fish in his mouth? You can click on the pictures to see them blown up more.)
There were more around the side of their house playing a mad game of tag. In and out of the water, up and down and all around. They were so funny!
I didn't think the day could get any better, but when we got to the pull-out spot, THERE WAS A BEAVER! I've always wanted to see one in the wild. He swam around like a little log with his tail out behind him and then--BANG--smacked his tail on the water. It sounded like a gunshot. And then he swam around some more so I could take his picture.
There are wolves in the Tetons too, but we didn't see any this trip. So we'll just have to go back and let the wolves and bears know we're coming ahead of time so they can get ready to come out and say hello.
LOVE all of your pics of the wildlife. Sorry you didn't meet a bear.
My friend was out there recently, tent camping. She heard a bear one night and could see its shadow through the tent. She unzipped the window flap to peek out, and that bear was staring at her eye to eye.
I hope to make out to the Tetons and Yellowstone someday but have no desire to meet a bear!
Posted by: Melissa @ Studio MCA Designs | September 09, 2010 at 07:11 PM
fish are crunchy?
Posted by: chapmanchick | September 09, 2010 at 07:13 PM
Oh, what GREAT pics, Joanne! When we were at yellowstone last summer the animal I wanted to see the most was a moose. Never did. In fact, with so many little kids and being with my parents (and not Doug, who was back at home working) we did not get off the beaten track much, so did not see the range of wildlife you saw. Beaver--how cool is THAT?! But we did get to see the cutest little bison calf literally kicking up his heels, leaping and bucking, in play. So cute.
Back here on Monterey Bay just this past summer I finally saw my first wild otter--and it was a whole family of them, like 30! All eating (the whole shell and rock on the chest trick, so adorable!) and frolicking and just snoozing in the waves. One of the highlights of my year.
I am sure this trip will be one of the highest points of your year too!
Posted by: blessed | September 10, 2010 at 09:59 AM
Wow... this is great.. nice photos.. I love the barn photos.. my husband dismantles barns and recycles the wood.. He also restores them, builds antique log houses and restores log cabins.. THis is his blog if you are interested.. I will be uploading some new photos soon.. http://mikekrasinskitalkstimber.blogspot.com
Posted by: Laura Krasinski | September 19, 2010 at 11:06 AM