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Nicole C. Mullen has a song to this Psalm. Love it and really easy to memorize when you are singing it too. :-) Really love the idea of writing on the tiles in the shower. That would be great for Maddie who is memorizing bible verses for her bible class and for spanish class - so two languages and two verses a week. Thx Joanne!

Lisa notes...

Such great ideas, Joanne. The hardest part for me is retaining a verse once I've learned it. That's where your # 2 really comes in handy: repeat, repeat, repeat.

I'm just reviewing verses this week so I've gotten nothing new to add. But I wanted to bring something to the party anyway since I've been out for awhile, so here's an older post that might encourage someone to at least learn and repeat "a little" - it's better than nothing at all!

Thanks for your faithfulness in keeping Memory Monday going. I hope to rejoin you in full soon.

Kelly S

Neat idea with the dry erase in the shower!!

You can also put the card in a ziploc baggie (the snack ones seem to be a good size) and then let the shower get all steamy, then stick it to the tile wall. My experience has been that the cards stay tuck to the tile for at least a week, if not more!

Kathleen  Jaeger

I agree with these methods and keep on thinking I will memorize again but just haven't yet. Though I haven't been doing the word by word memorizing, I do put verses on cards and hang them in my kitchen to remind me of what God has been teaching me.

In the meantime we have discovered Seeds CDs which put verses--word perfect-- to music (that we like!). So all the recent verses I've learned have been from these CDs. May you find them an encouragement as much as we have... so here's the link:

Joyfully, Kathleen

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Before you start, there are some points you have to know: A hike can take a few hours or weeks

Steve Garcia

Thanks for this helpful post. I memorize using an app called, "Fighter Verses". One cool capacity it has is to quiz yourself at 5 different levels, each deleting more words and replacing them w blanks the size of the words deleted...until you have level 5 with a series of blanks. I increase a level a day until by the end of the week I've memorized the 2-3 verses provided each week. Yes, pre-set topical lists of verses are provided, along w options to select from several versions or to add your own verses (or poems or quotes or ??) to make it like a flash card app. Very cool. Oh, yeah...I'm also a pastor and teach my congregation verses using hand motions as often as I can. Again, thanks for the inspiration.

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