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Tapioca was a staple fall/winter comfort food in my house. It is one of the few good childhood memories I have. LOVE IT.

I don't believe in secret recipes. What is the point of keeping it secret? Our lives are so darn full that the comfort of a good recipe should be shared. The love involved in a secret recipe is passed on whenever it is shared. So love and good food being shared by friends - you can't top that!

Wife of Rob

Share please! I'm all the way in Alabama...I won't tell...pinky promise

Marla Taviano

I don't care what you do, but the word "tapioca" gives me the heebie-jeebies.


Tapioca = Love

I say tease a little with the recipe. Do you add an unexpected ingredient or two? The fun of recipes - especially soup - is trial and error!

Bobbie Jo

I LOVE-LOVE Tapioca!!


I'm a recipe-sharer--but like you, I find it difficult to explain exactly what I did. "Um, I threw a couple of handfuls of frozen green peppers in... And there was maybe half a package of cream cheese leftover from some cream cheese brownies that I added too..."

I like tapioca, but wouldn't go out of my way to have it.


hee hee....I loved New in Town! Especially the scrapbook of dead pets :) I LOVE tapioca...and homemade chick n noodle soup! Bob Evan's is one of my fav's. I'm guessing it is the homemade noodles that makes it soooo extra yummy. I like secret recipies...they're kinda fun and have a warm fuzzy kinda feeling for the family ;)

Kathleen Jaeger

I have loved that my mother-in-law -- who is an excellent cook -- has never kept a secret but rather has freely shared her knowledge & taught all us daughters-in-law much about cooking. But, the mother-in-law sharing is different than sharing with the whole blog world....that on the other hand is a different question for which I know not the answer.

Dawn W

I usually share my recipes freely - except for the measurements. Just guesstimates. But not because I'm mean or secretive, simply because other than baking I rarely measure ingredients. However, I think it's pefectly fine (and kinda fun) for people to have "signature dishes" that they are known for. I have two recipes that I created that everyone begs me to make: a creamy jalepeno dip and a fresh apple spice cake. Similar recipes can be found but it's the little "tweaks" that make them mine all mine.

So? If you're the soup queen, hold back on that one recipe and make it your signature dish - just be prepared to make it for everyone since they can't make it themselves! LOL


Not to be morbid, but it was such a shame when my great-grandma died and her "secret" recipes died with her. So at least, write them down somewhere.

My mom loves tapioca. I've never tried it. Now I'm curious.


I say share the recipe please and I like tapioca but rarely make it. I've so enjoyed the recipes you've shared!


Ick on the tapioca. It's just ummm...GROSS! Can't take the little slimy balls. eeeww!

However, I am having the exact same recipe dilemma. I have two recipes that I get CONSTANT requests for and I just can't decide if I want to part with them. So I haven't done anything......yet! :-)

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