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« Memory Monday: Romans 8:9 | Main | Going to the woods to meet a bear »


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Kathleen  Jaeger

Wow. I can't imagine 30 degree weather right now. It has been in the upper 90s for weeks now. So when it takes a breather in the 80s that's cool. We do plan to go camping this weekend but not in such a place that is quite so breathtaking. Beautiful, mind you & God's creation, mind you. But not the Tetons & Yellowstone!!

By the way, what art curriculum are you using?

And that was funny about your class being on a different night. At least you were early in didn't actually miss a class!! This sounds like something that I would do these days!!

Have a wonderful weekend.


My husband has a rare two days off in a row, so we're going to stay home and pretend to be a "real" married couple on a "real" weekend.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I turned my calendar today to a photo of the Tetons that looks almost exactly like yours. It made me do a double take! I'd love to go there some day.


We'll be camping, just like you! With highs in the low 70's, it's looking like the ideal weekend. We have a camper that sleeps ten with all the modern conveniences - like you want. Some people would not call that camping but I figure we camp WAY more with that than we would with only a tent. I call it an investment. HeeHee! Have fun!


Nothing compared to yours! Oh that sounds wonderful! Never been anywhere around there! That is one problem with being in the very bottom of the country - it takes so many hours just to drive to the northern most part of our state, much less to the northern most states in our country! I am sure ya'll will have a splendid time!


All smiles that you were a day early to class -- love that!

We have not camped in the last few years like we used to. So this weekend we are headed out with the kids. Very good friends of ours have property about an hour from here, nestled between the reservoirs, so we will head up there and enjoy the beauty. Enjoy your time as well!


That photo of the TETONS is gorgeous!
We were just in Yellowstone last weekend. It was BEAUTIFUL on Friday, actually warm until past 6pm. We were dropping our son off at college in Bozeman and decided the three of us needed a little vacation. My son got in some fly fishing, we saw Old Faithful and some elk and bison. Such a beautiful part of God's creation. Have a great time!

Marla Taviano

That sounds WONDERFUL! I haven't been to Yellowstone since 6th grade! So thankful I got to see the Grand Canyon last year (on our way to CA then to you!). You should totally go to 52 National Parks in 52 Weeks! ;)


I went to the Tetons when I was in the eighth grade...we were on our way to Yellowstone. Both were amazing! I was excited to see Old Faithful as well. Just so you know, Old Faithful isn't as faithful anymore...some earthquake made it less faithful. (There is probably some theological lesson there.)
As for my Labor Day plans, I don't have any...except to not work. =)

Kim Feth

The plans we had for the 3 day weekend have changed because the DH was in a car accident on Friday and is very sore and on much needed meds. So, my plans are to clean the house on my own, clean out the cars and train a few last huge times for my triathlon - which is next weekend. Have a great time camping!

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