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Love "Anne of Green Gables"! I have it on my Kindle and re-read it often. I love her attitude and curiosity!


I love Anne as well. :0)

I feel like I don't have a big imagination. I think it is something to be you've given me some ideas on how to nurture it. Thanks!


Breathtaking photos. It is really beautiful!


Hi Joanne! I love this post because it's exactly how my brain works. I make up the most ridiculous stories in my head, sparked by a simple "I wonder..."

I always wonder where people in the airport are going. Vacation? Work? Happy reason? Sad? Or when someone is waiting in their car in a parking lot... why? Are they waiting for someone? Are they afraid to go in? Are they listening to a good song on the radio? People out walking - are they exercising? Do they know where they're walking or are they just meandering? Did she just need a break from her four kids who seem to constantly need her???????

Oops. Got carried away. But I do this all. the. time. I can't escape it or make myself stop. It just happens and sometimes I can't concentrate on other things. Do I need help? :)

I love the idea of keeping a journal for it all. What a great way to foster creativity!

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