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Wonderful reminder. I sure need to adjust my heart, mind and attitude toward the many "whatevers" of my life.

Mindy Rauschenberger

I never comment but I have you on my blog list so I can follow you. I really like this! We homeschool and I might use this...if you don't mind, that is.:)


an uplifing way to use the word 'whatever' - teenagers in the UK use the word in a disgruntled or apathatical way 'whatever' - but you have given your girls the true meaning of the word.

Kim Feth

Wow! I have so been struggling with that here and trying to figure out how to address it in my son's character. Now I have the verse! May thanks,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Megan Wighaman

Love it! Will be using it for my middle schoolers!


I am totally stealing your idea! These verses were just what I needed to hear!

Laura Krasinski

I just found your blog.. I was googling making pumpkins.. great instructions.. and I love your idea that you are using for your homeschooling.. it is nice to see your love of Christ being taught along with the Reading, writing and arithmetic!!


Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I have given you the Versatile Blogging Award on my blog. A Versatile Blogger brings everything to the table: good writing, good stories, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I hope you will accept my award by visiting my blog and "picking it up." Then you can pass it on to your favorite bloggers, too. It's a great way to find and share new blogs. Have a great day! Here is the link:


Cool to see you using this verse too. I was just talking with my youngest about this and applying it to him playing his sports, and doing it all for the Lord, not for his own personal recognition. He liked it and "GOT IT" so much so that we are having the verse made out of vinyl lettering and put it up in his room. God must be putting this verse on many peoples hearts right now. Very Cool! Hope your new year for homeschooling is off to a great start! Miss you!

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