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« Well, hello Wednesday! | Main | Some more crafty »


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Heather C

Knitting... knitting, knitting, knitting. Major "really want to get done" project is knitting some flowers to sew on denim jackets for my neices. Wish I could find a picture, but the idea came from Mason Dixon Knitting. :)


Okay Joanne, your crafting space is TOTALLY like something from a magazine! My crafting space is our kitchen table that needs to be cleaned off daily. I am trying not to be jealous, but instead be very happy for you. :)

When I was pregnant with my first, Isabelle zapped me of any creative juices I had. The thought of baking cupcakes and sewing literally made me want to puke. Thankfully during this pregnancy, that only lasted the first trimester. My latest projects: stenciling Bible verses on painted wood for gifts and myself, sewing and selling hostess aprons, and I am going to attempt to make fabric coasters to sell at our church youth group's upcoming Art Fair. I also bought a pattern off of Etsy to make dresses for my 1 1/2 year old daughter out of my old t-shirts!

Melissa Thacker

Not crafting...want to be crafting...can't find time to craft..:(

But your space is fabulous and such cute ideas! How long have you been crafting and when did you learn to knit? Seems like so many of your followers/readers knit.I've promised myself that one of these days, I will learn to knit and embroider. So, we shall see... :)


I'm hoping to find some crafting mojo! Yay for you :)

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