So I've found my crafty mojo!
::much rejoicing::
I keep my curriculum for the girls' school on a clipboard each week. What has been a totally plain and beyond boring clipboard. No more! A little paint, a little spray glue, an old map, some ribbon--and now it makes me smile!
I love maps.
(Making these is pretty simple. Paint the clipboard and let it dry. Find a map or some paper and cut it slightly larger than the surface to be covered. Spray glue on the back, fix in place. File the excess paper from the edges. Add ribbon.)
I've also made a couple more fabric pumpkins.
I wrote a tutorial about how to make these two years ago. So if you're new around here (or need a refresher), here it is!
There's also a really cool [not telling what] in progress for my sister, not to mention [not telling that either] that's done. A couple of [wouldn't she like to knows?] for my mother. And some [nope, that's a secret too] for some friends.
It's going to be a handmade Christmas, which is my very favorite kind.
Think it's because the basement is FINALLY in order. It's much easier to craft when the table is actually clear and you can see stuff. Who knew?!
Mom and I were talking the other day about crafting spaces. And while we'd both love something out of a magazine picture, it is nice to have a big, unfinished space where it's okay to spill paint on the floor or leave a project in process laying out.
If we ever finished our basement, I'm sure my space would end up smaller than this, and somehow I seem to use every bit of this space.
What about you? What are you crafting these days?
Knitting... knitting, knitting, knitting. Major "really want to get done" project is knitting some flowers to sew on denim jackets for my neices. Wish I could find a picture, but the idea came from Mason Dixon Knitting. :)
Posted by: Heather C | October 21, 2010 at 01:05 PM
Okay Joanne, your crafting space is TOTALLY like something from a magazine! My crafting space is our kitchen table that needs to be cleaned off daily. I am trying not to be jealous, but instead be very happy for you. :)
When I was pregnant with my first, Isabelle zapped me of any creative juices I had. The thought of baking cupcakes and sewing literally made me want to puke. Thankfully during this pregnancy, that only lasted the first trimester. My latest projects: stenciling Bible verses on painted wood for gifts and myself, sewing and selling hostess aprons, and I am going to attempt to make fabric coasters to sell at our church youth group's upcoming Art Fair. I also bought a pattern off of Etsy to make dresses for my 1 1/2 year old daughter out of my old t-shirts!
Posted by: Bethany | October 21, 2010 at 02:06 PM
Not crafting...want to be crafting...can't find time to craft..:(
But your space is fabulous and such cute ideas! How long have you been crafting and when did you learn to knit? Seems like so many of your followers/readers knit.I've promised myself that one of these days, I will learn to knit and embroider. So, we shall see... :)
Posted by: Melissa Thacker | October 21, 2010 at 07:59 PM
I'm hoping to find some crafting mojo! Yay for you :)
Posted by: angela | October 22, 2010 at 11:00 AM