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I love that book! I read it for the first time earlier this year. Now I want to pull it out and re-read!

Marla Taviano

That's nuts about you and Nichole! I had no idea!! I love her!!! (and Music Machine too!)


I am putting this book on my list of "To be Read...Soon!" list! Sounds fantastic! And I am definitely one that needs to write all over the books I love. I still remember realizing for the first time it was OK to mark in my Bible and even date the markings to remember special moments in my walk with HIm. Totally cool about Nicole Nordeman! And I would love to hear more about your fast from fiction...maybe soon???

By the way, loving your blog!

Pam Romo

I'll look for this book - sounds good.
I wanted to tell you I bought Hind's Feet on High Places and Mountains of Spices, on your recommendation. I've read Hind's Feet so far, and LOVED it. Perfect book at the perfect time in my growth. Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading Mountains of Spices now.

Pam Romo

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife

I'm with you on having to be able to write in books. The latest I highlighted to pieces was Searching for the Invisible God by Yancy. Great stuff.

This is also why I haven't yet bought a Kindle. When they figure a way for me to highlight and recall all the quotes I would like to reference at a later date I will own one!


I'm kind of the opposite in that I hate writing in books... the student in me likes to keep them in perfect condition, and I tend to freak out at even a bent corner. But I do copy tons and tons into my journal. I have devoured all books written by Shane Claiborne~ those seem to be the ones on constant rotation with me. This one sounds good, though... I'll add it to my growing list, thanks!


Have you read her "Two Part Invention" about her marriage? I loved that one! Love this one, too!!

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