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This sounds great, I'll have to remember it for our camping trips this fall!


Ok, I'm still not totally clear on this recipe, and it sounds so good, I want to make it. Do you brown the sausage and the tater tots at the same time in the same skillet? Then pour the eggs on top of all this? OR are you browning the sausage while the tater tots bake in the oven? Then you pour the eggs into the sausage skillet and pour the tater tots on top? I'm going to a cabin in the woods pretty soon, and this would be great to fix in advance!

Leah in Iowa

This recipe sure sounds like a keeper!!


I made these Sunday morning and all 5 of us loved them. My 3 teenage boys would have eaten them ALL up but I talked them into saving some for Monday morning breakfast. I think everyone should have something to look forward to on early Monday mornings. They reluctantly agreed. We enjoyed them this morning again. I will be making these up again for sure! Thanks for sharing another of your yummy recipes!!!

Sara Olivier

My son is allergic to eggs and dairy, so I tried this recipe with just the sausage, tater tots, and green chile sauce - so good! I am so excited to have an easy breakfast burrito recipe for my whole family. Thank you for sharing!

Jennifer G.

These breakfast burritos are simple and delicious. I made these for dinner tonight and had 6 leftover to put in the freezer for easy breakfasts on school mornings. I will make these again.

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