So I've been knitting this lacy pattern and totally loving it. And had just sent this picture to a friend on Twitter to show her what I was working on:
Pretty, huh?
I held it up to notice how nice and long it was getting--a good two or three feet or so--when SNAP! my knitting needle broke and the stitches started to come unravelled.
I could hardly believe it and sat on the couch, rocking back and forth, saying "oh no, oh no, oh no" over and over again under my breath, fearing the worst.
You see, this pattern is filled with all kinds of yarn overs and twists and it's not so easy to just pick up the stitches as if it were straight knitting. Some knitting stitches are easy to pick up and fix; others not so much.
I tried gluing the needle back together. I tried picking up as many stitches as I could. I tried closing my eyes and hoping that when I opened them again everything would be back the way it had been.
Didn't work.
After a deep breath, all I could do was unravel the whole thing and start all over again.
Hours of work gone in an instant.
And it seems like there's a life lesson there.
Sometimes things happen to us, other times we make deliberate choices. But consequences are there and they matter. And it takes a ridiculously short amount of time to undo something we've worked hard and taken time to create, to build.
As I rewound the yarn back into a ball from what was becoming a beautiful scarf, I realized that I want to be very careful how I live. Not as unwise, but as wise. Because unraveling is no fun at all.
Groaning and sorry, friend.
From your friend, whose life has unravelled and He is mending me stitch by stitch. So glad He knows the pattern.
Posted by: Holly Smith | October 26, 2010 at 03:55 PM an instant we can unravel that which we have worked a long time to create...
Posted by: Kathleen Jaeger | October 26, 2010 at 04:35 PM
GREAT food for thought... just what I needed to hear.
Posted by: angela | October 26, 2010 at 05:10 PM
Been there done that. It is never fun or easy to do. I too get upset over the time spent to make it and then loose the whole thing when I rip it out. But just think, you now know the pattern so well that it will go quicker.
Posted by: Vicki | October 26, 2010 at 05:22 PM
Very true...God is even faithful to us in the pain of unraveling...The Psalms are awesome.
Posted by: Kimberly | October 26, 2010 at 05:52 PM
Oh, girl. I'm so sorry. That stinks. Proud of you for finding lessons in it though. Wow. Love you!
p.s. E-mailing you here in a bit with a knitting question. :)
Posted by: Marla Taviano | October 26, 2010 at 05:54 PM
Ugh! I have been there one too many times! Somehow tho' the second time around I have found myself a bit more attentive, a bit more careful and a bit more humble, but a bit more satisfied with the finished product. : )
This does remind to live each day carefully!
I love the pattern by the way : )
Posted by: sandi | October 26, 2010 at 09:31 PM
I don't knit, but starting over we all get. Great post and beautiful scarf. Can't help to think how much more you will appreciate it now, having seen it unravel and having to start over. True for us in life as well:0) Stay warm!
Posted by: rhonda | October 27, 2010 at 08:59 AM
Wow - I don't knit - I crochet - never knew you would have to take out the entire thing for a few dropped stitches! Yikes.
Good lesson though - thanks for bringing out that point!
Oh, I would love to learn how to knit - an easy pattern(!!) - maybe you could do a post teaching us how :)
Posted by: Kristy Beckendorf | October 28, 2010 at 10:14 AM
I just started knitting a scarf this week and started a post about the life lessons I've learned. Mine are in a different vein than yours though. As I had to start over I was reminded how when I first begin knitting something it looks a bit messy until I keep at it. Kind of how it feels as God has been changing me over the past several months. Messy in the beginning but then something beautiful is created.
Posted by: amykiane | October 29, 2010 at 05:59 PM