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Two things...

1. I deliberately keep Fridays AND Mondays open on my calendar. I need Fridays to get things clean and orderly for the weekend, and I need Mondays to get things BACK in order after two days of pure laziness. :)

2. You need to add Ken Burns' series on the National Parks: America's Best Idea to your queue. If you haven't seen it, you'll LOVE it. If you have seen it, then you know that you can watch it over and over and over and over. It's AMAZING. I'd even go so far as to say it's *worshipful*. I'm buying a couple of dvd sets to give as Christmas gifts this year!


You are into my kinda movies! I saw the Shackleton one a couple years back with my family--which set me off on a biography/history reading kick. And I just watched that hidden Yellowstone documentary last night with my Dad. Documentaries (particularly the apolitical ones) are totally the way to go!

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