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So Cute! I totally have to learn to do this!


Looks great! I'm been taking a break from blogg reading {getting my priorities back in lin...} And I've missed catching up with you!

Glad to back... Blessings on your week!

Jennifer White

you are IN-SPIR-ING! Great job on the work arounds and Fab idea on the snuggie!


It might not be like the pattern but it's 10 times better than the pattern! Good job, I totally love it! It will be nice and toasty over the winter. Seriously adorable.

Lisa C.

Oh! I like yours much better. . . it turned out so cute! You look so stylish! :-) Good job!

Kim Feth

I gotta find someone close to teach me how to crochet. The only thing I can crochet is a straight line. If crochet jump ropes ever catch on, I'm on financial easy street!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Love the wrap...too cute! And thanks for the great idea with the tank tops. I was just looking at a picture of my little bean pole and noticed a little waist gap...I think I will give this a try :)

Leona Cowden

Love all your crafts, i am really into organizing and de-cluttering to help simplify my home, your book is really inspiring, you look adorable in your new creation!


Love the wrap... I think I'm ready to graduate from scarves and try something else :) I love the tank idea... does it stay in place?

Kristy Beckendorf

LOVE this post - and you are too cute by the way! Love the short hair - mine is growing out -and all I do is pull it up... But love the sassy/perky feel of shorter hair!

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