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« More change of plans, more opportunity to practice praise, and choosing to look for the good in it all | Main | Memory Monday: What we learned last week, what we're learning this week »


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Having similar reflections this morning as we contemplate some tough stuff in the lives of those we love. I love how you said it's an AND. It is. I think people think you are not being grateful or Christlike if you acknowledge the pain. Thanks for your thoughts today.

Angie Platten

I have been learning so much about this over the past two years. I have found that in the suffering, I see God bigger and more clearly for who He really is and who I really am than any other time. Only our God could create such beautiful treasures in the midst of such awful pain. In the midst, I am learning to trust the God will really keep his promise of Roman 8:28. Life is all about balance, isn't it? The beauty in the midst of pain, suffering, and death.

One of my favorite quotes is etched in a rock at a local prayer garden:
Say yes to the will of God and the suffering will lose it's power.


I'm so sorry to hear about Audrey's difficult weekend, and the heartbreak that came alongside of it. :( I sent up a few prayer for you guys this weekend, and I pray that you continue to find the "good" and God's redeeming power in the midst of all this. Be blessed, friend!


This was so encouraging and exactly what I needed to read today.


I love the "Yet" that connects the suffering and God's faithfulness in these verses. You are right that we often don't look at life as a whole with the hard parts and the good parts.
But God is teaching me lately that all my experiences are a part of His plan and all of them make me who I am today. I am so encouraged by your blog. Thank you for taking the time to connect with me in bloggy land.

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