Thought I'd pick up where I left off the other day...
91. Having my parents live so close (Did I already say that?)
92. Cookie baking with my mom and sister and all the cousins
93. Snow while we were baking cookies yesterday
94. Hershey kisses for Peanut Butter Blossoms
95. New recipes
96. My favorite favorite antique store--The Pink Attic Cat--and sweet Amy who owns it
97. My Thanksgiving Tree (you knew that was going on the list!)
98. My Bible study gals (Kathy, Yvette, and Kristin--I love you dearly)
99. Thursday get togethers with Shanna
100. Friday Skype-ing with Christy
101. That Audrey got to sleep over last night with Gran and Papa
102. That Emma's going over this morning to help Gran make dinner
103. Turkey!
104. Green bean casserole!
105. Pecan pie! (Going to get it in the oven in a minute)
106. Having a kind husband (I love you, Toben, and appreciate your thoughtfulness so much)
107. My iPod (Did I say that one already too?!)
108. Heat in my house that works (the low last night was THREE)
109. Toben's job--and that he absolutely loves it and gets to work with a great guy (Love you much, Ryan!)
110. Redemption
111. Early mornings when no one else is awake (something makes me think that I said that one already too)
112. That I can repeat myself and be thankful for things more than once :)
113. The Glee Christmas album and that they put "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" on it--Comfort and joy are great tidings, indeed
114. Journaling
115. Possibilities
116. Faithfulness
117. My sewing machine
118. The library
119. Trees
120. My comfy bed and electric blanket
121. Choice--even though it's sometimes hard
122. The ability to learn and grow and change
123. The sound of Emma singing upstairs in her room
124. Encouraging comments and emails and notes
125. Emma's ruby red lips
126. More coffee in the pot
127. God's economy--that he doesn't waste anything we go through, but uses it all for our good and his glory
128. That we only have to drive five minutes to get to Thanksgiving dinner today and don't have to fly anywhere
129. Seashells
130. Do-overs
131. Cornbread and milk
132. That the truest thing about me is that I am loved
133. Having enough
134. I'm thankful that thankfulness isn't limited to one day a year, that it's an attitude we can choose that God rewards with more and more thankfulness.
And that whether you made it through my list or not, that's okay. Because my list is really for me. You get to have your own list. And I pray that it's nice and long and never ends.
Happy Thanksgiving! be continued
I've loved reading your list... my favorite was "God's Economy"... perfect for me to think about. Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by: angela | November 25, 2010 at 09:38 AM
What a great list - they just made me happy reading them :)
Posted by: Kristy Beckendorf | November 27, 2010 at 06:57 PM