I'm sitting at the kitchen counter, eating a piece of the apple pie that Emma made this afternoon. I know I talk/Tweet/Facebook about pie a lot. I just really, really love pie.
Anyway, wanted to say that Emma's pie rocks the casbah. Which is a song by The Clash, and if you spell it with a "k" it's an Arabic word for a fortress. Usually without windows. Fascinating. I love how readily available information is.
When I worked at the library in junior high school, I loved looking at encyclopedias (also love to spell it--geek, I know!). And the other day I watched an old movie called Ball of Fire with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck about a group of professors writing an encyclopedia who meet a night club singer who teaches them about slang. Fun and worth a watch.
Anyway, if actual encyclopedias were a 10, the internet is about a million zillion. There are just so many fascinating things to know.
I also learned today about emoji--Japanese emoticons that you can put on your phone to send picture texts. (I grabbed Awesome Emoji from the App store--free!)
So I sent Toben a text filled with little pictures of things like chickens and eggplants and bathtubs and French fries. All things I love. He didn't get it and told me to stop texting him. So I sent him some animal pictures and a kiss-y face. He told yelled at me to stop again. So I sent him an angry face.
He came downstairs to tell me to knock it off. Not sure if it was the emoji or the fact that I was texting him from the kitchen.
But we made up over apple pie. It's amazing stuff.
(Yes, that is a picture of our garage floor I sent to him. Pretty risque, huh?!)
I sat down to write something meaningful and profound. It's been a disappointing day--despite apple pie and little Japanese pictures for my text messages. Sometimes writing about it helps put it all in perspective.
But I don't think meaningful is going to happen tonight--not unless this gets really, really long. So instead I think I'll go turn on my electric blanket and grab a book. And maybe another piece of pie. Perhaps profundity (good word, huh?) will come in the morning.
Sleep tight!
garage floor...that is hilarious. You just made me blush and laugh at the same time. That is genius!
Posted by: Wife of Rob | November 03, 2010 at 07:12 PM
I love to spell encyclopedia whilst singing/spelling to the song from I think it was jimmy cricket in pinocchio.. or just jimminy cricket on Disney : )
Posted by: Heather Fischbach | November 03, 2010 at 08:05 PM