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This is precious and your girls brought tears to my eyes! I'm so proud of you, but the miracle of what they are doing will follow them for a lifetime!!!!

So blessed!


I"m on board for Memory Monday starting today! And gonna include my kids too!I'm currently reading Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray as part of my time with Jesus daily. Loving it! It is full of wonderful nuggets of truth that is drawing me closer to my Friend. :)

Caroline Perez

Back with you to finish 1 John this year! Really felt convicted about dropping the goal behind. So this week I'm reviewing Chapters 1 and 2. And the there is just enough time to finish it this year! Thanks for your encouaragement to memorize scripture. Also just got back from trip to Liberia!
Also want to work on Psalm 100 with my kids for November! -Caroline


Yay! I love seeing you guys together. You did a great job!

As a side note I wanted to say a big thank you for your blog. After much hard work, prayer and listening I have landed my dream job at a wonderful school. I would often come to your blog and your writing would be just what I needed to hear to get my through! So thank you, so very much for your wonderful blog!


Love this Memory Monday! Very inspiring!

Jessica VM

Toben, I know that you are probably moderating comments now, and I wanted you to know how touching this video was (Angie linked to this video on her blog To see Joanne smiling as she recites this verse, to see her speak Truth about God, His love, His protection, His care for us is an amazing testament as you go through this current trial. I pray that you and your girls can continue to rely in His presence and His Word as you continue to care for Joanne. Much love to you.

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