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Susan Smith

Again, we are sisters, separated at birth (and a few years *ahem*). I love English. I love writing, reading, I love words, I love dissecting sentences...or at least I used to. Haven't allowed myself the luxury in so many years. I think it's time. Don't you? I know you do, Jo :)

My Girl's knee is swelling up like there is no tomorrow because she gets up and moves around too much when I leave for the office. So I told the boss I wasn't coming in today. And I might not go in tomorrow. And he's not in on Friday, so no need for me to go in. Really wondering how to tell my husband that I am done with the whole work thing and I think I'm ready to go back to school. Wish we hadn't just bought that


I'm with you on diagramming sentences. I love to diagram sentences--and fully intend to teach my own children how to someday (since they apparently don't teach that in school anymore.)

Kathleen Jaeger

Okay, so I'm a grammar wanna-be. I haven't diagrammed sentences -- but I want to! It is all tied to in-depth Bible study for me. And I even took one semester of Greek while I was in college. But they required that you start in 5th century BC Greek and then move on to New Testament Greek. And I needed to graduate. But I saved my text books. And I was the ONLY female in the class (which was fine with me being single in college). here is I am rambling back to you in the comments. Take care.

Jennifer VeStrand

LOVE LOVE LOVE diagramming sentences and remember doing it through 12th grade--and doing sentences that took up an entire sheet of notebook paper!

It pains me GREATLY that it's no longer taught in schools--at least not the ones our kids attend. There is NO better way to learn the parts of speech/parts of a sentence than diagramming!


I LOVE to diagram sentences and cannot wait until we get into that in the coming years. I've already told my oldest how much fun it is and I really think she'll love it too!

Oh, and I have a really big comfy chair in the corner of my den. Beside it is a HUGE red bin for all our library books. The overflow books (usually 20-30 books) sit on the floor around the "reading chair." I think I could live in a library and be so very content!

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