That's what my professor called me last night in class. And I kinda liked it. Got the nickname because I knew what an appositive was in the translation when it was my turn. Funny, because the girls and I just learned it yesterday in our grammar lesson.
(We do identify parts of speech in our grammar curriculum, but so far we're not diagramming sentences, though I wish we were. I think it's actually pretty fun. Yes, yes, I know. But there are some of you out there who think it's fun too. Right?!)
Can't wait until the girls get up so I can tell them it showed up in my class. It's funny how often things we study in grammar show up in my Greek class that same week. The fact that they know what an antecedent is when grown-ups in my class sometimes don't makes them feel really, really smart.
And feeling smart makes them want to learn more. Pretty neat how that works.
P.S. I loved hearing where you keep your library books.
P.S.2. And I also loved hearing about your Christmas decorating plans. There's snow outside this morning (not much, but the lawn is lightly covered) and it's making me wonder if today would be a good day to decorate for Christmas. And also wonder if I should skip my run and just stay in my jammies and have school by the fire and under an afghan.
Saw someone's Twitter (think it was yours, Miss Chris) about loving twinkle lights. Which makes me want to put some up. And which also makes me think about You've Got Mail. Which I did end up watching the other day after all.
P.S.3. I think I've officially crossed the line into rambling on. So I'll just stop now and say,
"Happy Wednesday, bloggy friends!"
Again, we are sisters, separated at birth (and a few years *ahem*). I love English. I love writing, reading, I love words, I love dissecting sentences...or at least I used to. Haven't allowed myself the luxury in so many years. I think it's time. Don't you? I know you do, Jo :)
My Girl's knee is swelling up like there is no tomorrow because she gets up and moves around too much when I leave for the office. So I told the boss I wasn't coming in today. And I might not go in tomorrow. And he's not in on Friday, so no need for me to go in. Really wondering how to tell my husband that I am done with the whole work thing and I think I'm ready to go back to school. Wish we hadn't just bought that
Posted by: Susan Smith | November 17, 2010 at 07:06 AM
I'm with you on diagramming sentences. I love to diagram sentences--and fully intend to teach my own children how to someday (since they apparently don't teach that in school anymore.)
Posted by: bekahcubed | November 17, 2010 at 07:44 AM
Okay, so I'm a grammar wanna-be. I haven't diagrammed sentences -- but I want to! It is all tied to in-depth Bible study for me. And I even took one semester of Greek while I was in college. But they required that you start in 5th century BC Greek and then move on to New Testament Greek. And I needed to graduate. But I saved my text books. And I was the ONLY female in the class (which was fine with me being single in college). here is I am rambling back to you in the comments. Take care.
Posted by: Kathleen Jaeger | November 17, 2010 at 11:18 AM
LOVE LOVE LOVE diagramming sentences and remember doing it through 12th grade--and doing sentences that took up an entire sheet of notebook paper!
It pains me GREATLY that it's no longer taught in schools--at least not the ones our kids attend. There is NO better way to learn the parts of speech/parts of a sentence than diagramming!
Posted by: Jennifer VeStrand | November 18, 2010 at 07:06 PM
I LOVE to diagram sentences and cannot wait until we get into that in the coming years. I've already told my oldest how much fun it is and I really think she'll love it too!
Oh, and I have a really big comfy chair in the corner of my den. Beside it is a HUGE red bin for all our library books. The overflow books (usually 20-30 books) sit on the floor around the "reading chair." I think I could live in a library and be so very content!
Posted by: Tara | November 18, 2010 at 08:12 PM