I just glanced at my blog and saw that I hadn't blogged since Wednesday--despite having written a number of posts in my head and thinking that somehow magically translated to them actually showing up here.
I'm out the door for a run in a minute, so here's a quick rundown of what's been going on around here.
We finished school on Thursday for the week and are taking the whole of this coming week off. We haven't had a break since beginning school in September and we are all excited.
I don't have school this week either. But I need to spend some time with my Greek vocabulary flashcards. The stack is getting big and my final for this semester is in a couple of weeks.
Going to take the second semester of Greek in the spring for sure. So my Tuesday nights at school will continue.
Taught the girls to diagram sentences (after brushing up on it myself) on Thursday morning. We got out the giant wipe board and dry erase markers and went to town. They loved it. Thought it was so super fun. (Which it totally is.) It's true--seeing sentences in diagrams helped them identify parts of speech much more quickly and easily than they had been. Hunting for some workbooks.
My run on Thursday was ugly. Ugly, I tell ya. Couldn't maintain a pace, tried a new route that ended up being uphill in both directions and against the wind. Yuck. But came home to Toben's having bought me the Glee Christmas album, so I'm feeling more hopeful about today's run. Even though it's 32 degrees outside. Brr.
I'm loving the Ruth Bible study. Yesterday's homework on Ruth's work ethic struck a chord with me. That she worked steadily--not in fits and starts, but evenly and smoothly with time built in for rest. Lots of room for application there. Maybe I'll apply it to my run. A steady pace gets it done rather than sprints and stops.
Today I'm going to finish the laundry (and put it away--which I'll start by putting away last week's laundry--something that never quite got done last week), watch a movie and do the ironing, and knit. And maybe run to the store for some brown paper to wrap Christmas presents.
"Brown paper packages tied up with string." That's how I wrap gifts. Wisdom from The Sound of Music. Hmm...maybe that's the movie I'll watch today. Seems like it was always on television (since VCRs weren't invented yet!) at Thanksgiving when I was in elementary school. I thought the scene in the gazebo was the most romantic thing ever. And still do.
Okay, off to run. And doesn't pancakes and bacon sound yummy for breakfast?
I love Shurley Grammar for diagramming sentences and learning parts of speech. When I was home schooling, the boys were diagramming sentences with prepositional phrases in 1st grade. We still sing the jingles for the parts of speech whilst doing 7th grade homework!
Posted by: Heather Fischbach | November 20, 2010 at 09:00 AM
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog - your posts are always so refreshing. Thank you for sharing a journal of your life with us! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Posted by: Betsy | November 20, 2010 at 01:15 PM
Another great grammar program that I highly recommend is the Winston Grammar set. It uses a multi-sensory approach to learning grammar I used it (as a student) about 15 years ago (we only used the basic set) but I still remember how to label all the parts of a sentence and what color card each part was on :)
Posted by: Jennifer | November 20, 2010 at 02:16 PM
I am so relieved to know that I'm not the only one who writes blog posts in my head!! And it seems as though it takes me a week to do one load of laundry, get it in the dryer, turn the dryer on enough times so that everything actually gets dry, and then to put it all away.
Posted by: Sharon | November 20, 2010 at 05:46 PM
I made your heavenly cake for my family and they loved it, my brother in law even said i was an angel when i brought it warm to their house, i will make this for Thanksgiving. Love your blog, you inspire me in so many ways, from workout to time with family and even time for hobbies!Love ya my sister in Christ!
Posted by: Leona Cowden | November 21, 2010 at 12:08 AM
My son's Montessori school has some neat, multi-sensorial stuff for grammar work like how to diagram a sentence. If you google, you may be able to find something and make most of what you see pictured.
I apparently need to bust out with some Ruth study. Thanks for that.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | November 21, 2010 at 02:32 PM
I just watched Sound of Music myself and I always loved both scenes at the gazebo--with Leisel and then later with Maria. As a kid, I dreamed about being 16 (going on 17). Now that I'm older with husband and child, watching Maria and Captain Von Trapp made me lean on the Mr. so affectionately. Thanks for mentioning the movie. I hope you ended up watching it!
Posted by: Meryl | November 21, 2010 at 10:24 PM