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« Sweet potato pie recap, Memory Monday, Christmas is coming!! | Main | Shopping prayer »


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Heather C

Oh my word, Joanne... this was for me today. Thank you. Thank Him. Love you both.

Kristy Beckendorf

Perfect way of putting that!

Joanne - I do so wish you would show us (as best you can) how to knit. I can crochet, cross-stitch, but not knit. Can you show the basics of how to begin? Thank you!!!


Bless your heart, I needed this today. My oldest (she's 8) is having a rough day which translates to be having a rough day. Through all the tears I need to remind both of us that God is working in us and we just need to be patient to see what He does.


Lovely! Thank you, Joanne.

Melissa Thacker

Needed this terribly today. Thank you...


That was fantastically beautiful Joanne!

And on a day when I rode 12+ hours across 2 provinces, knitting a hat I completely undid 2 times (or was that 3?) and realized AGAIN I had made a major pattern mistake.


What a beautiful word picture!
Hmm... never thought about blocking to show off the pattern. (I crochet more often than knit.) I have a scarf I knitted that rolls up a lot. May be blocking is what I need to try. Thanks for the tip!


Joanne, How very interesting it is that this came up today...well, we KNOW that it wasn't one of those totally amazing God moments!! I am a new knitter...about a year. I am now working on a blanket that I will be piecing together with a bunch of squares that I am slowing knitting.
The subject of Blocking keeps coming up in everything I see/read/talk about lately. I keep looking at these squares and they look so pitiful all curled and mis-shapen and I know that to make this project work I am going to have to block them. I could NOT block them and just try to piece it together as is, but that would be doing the whole project a huge disservice. Their potential is there, but they definately need some refining and a good bit of training to make them what they were created to be. I will have to work on them. Of course it isn't really me who will do the work...I mean I'll just be the one pinning them down and following God's lead in training their young lives. God is the one who will actually do the blocking with those two amazing little girls he loaned me. Pretty cool how HE can block all of us at once too!! (I need blocking as much if not more than my precious babies do!!)
Thanks for...yet again...another reminder of what my job really is!!! How easy and lazy it is to take the path of least resistance...but that is not what we have been called to do as Moms, is it!!
Whew...I'm going to need to soak in that warm water for a good long time!!!!
Thanks Joanne!!
In HIS Mighty Grip~

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