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Nicole B

Ooohh great question today! I can't stand when my mother, and others, say WAR-sh for Wash. There is not an R in wash! *cringe*

Lovely advent center piece. You crafty girl!

Jennifer VeStrand

Li-berry and Valentimes Day! Seriously?? Oh-and the other day a friend called Imelda Marcos, Amanda Marcos!! Yikes!!!


I actually had a friend write "walla!" in an email to me. Took me a bit to realize she meant "voila!". :0)

I don't really like when people say heighth--with a th on the end like depth. I don't think there is an h on the end of height, right??

Great advent idea.


Yellow pronounced, yellar. Got into a k-garden fight w/ another 6 yr old over this many years ago. I ended up with a streak of yellow paint across my face ! Then his mother drove him to my house to say sorry after school. But I'd rather of heard him say "yellow" ;)


Mine's not a pronunciation one, but when people misspell words online. The very worst is someone who always writes "dido" for "ditto." Drives me crazy!

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