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Melissa Howell

Fervent prayers for each of you. Prayers for a complete recovery for Joanne, and peace and strength for you and the girls. We'll continue the prayers, throughout the "Ultra" no matter how long.

The Howell's

Jessica VM

Toben, I am a friend of Angie Osbourne and have been praying for you and Joanne since her stroke. We are praising the Father tonight for your good news. We are so thankful for our Healer. We are thankful for the wonderful care that Joanne's been receiving and pray that she will continue to get excellent care at her next facility. We pray that God will continue to do mighty things in your life through Joanne's rehab. We love you as a brother and sister in Christ and you will remain in our prayers. Praise God for His acts of mercy, kindness, healing, and love.


HALLELUJAH!!!!! That is awesome!! SOOOOO GLAD to hear that Joanne is coming back to you!! HALLELUJAH! :)
(From Colleen in Saskatchewan, Canada)

Mindy Mills

Praise the LORD! God is GOOD!


Thank You Jesus!!! I was just singing I exalt Thee and thought I would check one more time before bed and found this awesome post!!!

We exalted Thee!!! Thank You Jesus for this awesome news and I will continue praying for a Complete Healing Miracle!!!

Our God is an awesome God!!! He reigns from Heaven above!!!

Thank you Lord!!!!


That's amazing news! You don't know me and neither does Joanne but I am so happy to hear this exciting news! God bless!

Lori Proffett

Toben, I have been checking the blog all afternoon for this update! What a huge praise!!!! Thank you precious Jesus for you loving healing....!!!!! Thornton Co...Crossroads Church...


Awesome news, Toben. Just AWESOME! We were singing "Our God is Greater" this morning at church, and tears were coming to my eyes as I prayed for Joanne and sang "Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power"... and HE IS!!! Praise Him!!!!

Can't wait to see what next He has in store for your beautiful bride. :)

I just started following from another blog last night, but I wanted you to know I started praying for Joanne last night and judging by her posts and knowing how BIG the God we serve is, I am confident she will make a full recovery. Hang in there guys!

Love, Mere


Praise God!! Such encouraging news for your whole family! Thank you for keeping the blog world in the loop. Continuing to pray.

Jennifer (Wellette) Ekwere

Wonderful news, Toben. We are praising and continuing in prayer. Truly awesome watching prayers manifest. Thank you for including us in your journey.


Oh, what wonderful news! Progress! Hope! Healing! Tears of joy! Thank you God for your presence and your PRESENT this day. We will sleep tonight with praise in our hearts.


Just a bucket of tears over here. Praising Him and in just awe of whT our God isndoing through her. Tell her I love her ;)


Melana Cummings

YES, this is GOOD news! Praising Him! And continuing to pray for these things you have mentioned and probably a million other things you haven't.

In Wyoming.


Shivers, chills and thrills for your family... I can only imagine how you are feeling!


I checked in right before turning off the computer!!! Praise God!!!

As part of my Bible study this evening I passed by Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

This verse is also one of my favorite hymns and have been singing/humming it all evening. Now I know why!!!! I will join your friend in praises tonight as I go to bed. I am truly rejoicing in His signs of healing for Joanne and His answered prayers & blessings for you!


Crying with tears of gratitude for you and your family! It's like the dawn before the morning! Can't wait to tell my family tonight! Praying and giving God the praise!!!


Yes, praising God! Thank you so much for your amazing updates. Still Praying and Praising tonight.

Dawn  W

Awesome, awesome, awesome... is our God! Praising Him with you!!!


I have tears in my eyes reading this. My heart is so joyful for y'all. Still praying.


Praise God for healing and love.
So thankful she is waking up!
I will continue to pray.

Much love


No.17 CherryTreeLane

The Lord is so faithful.
Praise Him.

I love you Jo.


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of creation
Oh my soul, praise Him
For He is thy health and salvation
All ye who hear, now to his temple draw near
Praise Him in glad adoration!

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do
If with His love He befriend thee


Sara Tate

Toben, I'm a friend of Fran Thomas. My husband and I have been praying for Joanne and are so excited about this progress!! God is a FABULOUS God and is doing great things here. Peace be with you in the weeks to come. May God's healing hand continue to be an incredible gift to your sweet wife. Blessings!

Mary Ann from Alabama

Praise God for this good news. Thank you for keeping us updated. Will continue praying that everything progresses favorably.


Dear Heim Family,
I just "met" you 12 days ago when I read of Joanne's stroke on the LPM blog. My heart has been knit with yours through prayer, and I too am rejoicing with you over these great signs of improvement. I am praising the Lord with you for His faithfulness, and will continue to pray for complete healing, and an outcome "greater than what you can even think or imagine" for your whole family. Sending love & blessings from NJ~Renee


Fantastic news! You don't know me, but I've enjoyed reading Joanne's blog. Healing thoughts from Blue Bell, Pa. Thanks for the updates.

Marie Cauley

God is absolutely amazing! Praising Him for waking Joanna up and all of the signs of progress...and continued prayer for her recovery and for your family. (((HUGS))) to all of you!

Linda Stover

Praise GOD!!! I have felt honored to be on this journey with you and to see ALL the work that GOD has done has just been amazing and pure joy!! I will continue to pray for her and her family....So glad that today was so encouraging!!!


God Is Good!!!
Will continue to pray - but I'm praising Him for what He has done!!

Wife of Rob

Tears of joy flowing brother.... I am in awe of our great God. I am just speechless. All I can hear right now is "be STILL and KNOW that I am God"!! Glory to HIS name!!

You are loved,
Jen Bartlett


Praise God! I am so happy to read this update. My love and continued prayers (and praises) are being send to you now.

Jill Goding

Praise be to God!! More prayer your way for continued healing and health!!


Praying praises indeed! Thanks for the updates. God is so good!


This brought me so much joy. All glory be to God!

And thank you Toben, for being such an incredible example of someone who's faith remains strong during the most personal and difficult of trials.


Praise and prayer coming from us! It's a joyful noise we make tonight!!


My heart is overflowing with absolute joy for Joanne, for you, the girls, and your entire family!!! Praise God for his faithfulness and new mercies morning by morning. We will continue to pray and lift Joanne and all of you up. How wonderful to just praise the Lord for these precious steps of restoration! I am so excited to share the good news with the girls in the morning. They ask for updates on "Mrs. Heim" all day long.

On eagles wings!

sandie posthumus

We serve a God of mercy and MIRACLES! Praising Him and rejoicing with you!

Helen at A Work of Heart

Such amazing news and such an amazing God. I know the wait has been long and excruciating but it seems He has moved to bring you all some needed optimism and peace.

We won't let down in our prayers for all of you!

Again...thank you so much for keeping us updated. It has meant so much!


I came across Joanne's blog from a button on another blog just two days ago. I have been praying for you, your girls, and of course Joanne! Tonight I had to check in one last time, and my heart is definetly praising God! He is amazing! Thanks for your posts and may God continue His work through your entire family!

Praying for you from South Carolina

Sara G

Thank You Lord! For Your Glory! Toben, I am so excited for you and your family. Praises definitely! I about jumped out of my chair when I saw the news! Be thankful for all, can and cannot do, along with staying positive. I get thrilled at the littlest things I progress in recovery. Woot! Go Joanne and thank You God for Your strength and power!


I have Shivers racing through my body as I read all this fantastic news! Amazing amazing amazing! By God's grace Joanne is coming back to you. Joanne is a true fighter! I am so incredibly happy for you all for this great news. May the Lord continue to watch over Joanne and your sweet family. (((hugs)))


Praising the Lord with you tonight! Our God is so awesome! We will be praying for His continued guidance, peace, and glory to shine through your lives as you continue this journey!


Praising our awesome God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been following and praying for your family. May He continue His amazing works.


Hallelujah! Praising God with you! Thanks also for telling us how we can continue to pray.

Karene in California

Jenny hope williams

Well to say I have been obsessing in pray over Joanne would be an understatement. I am so thrilled at this progress. Praise the LORD O my soul and forget not all of His benefits!

Anita Blackman

My favorite Scripture is Zeph 3:17:
"The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” I know the Lord is singing over Joanne and helping her recover. May He sing over all of you.


I am not surprised by this AWESOME report, (because I just knew our wonderful loving Father in Heaven wasn't done with sweet Joanne on this earth just yet!) but I AM THANKFUL and REJOICING with you tonight! I can't wait to share the news w/my husband and daughters in the morning...we have all been praying since the day I "met" your precious Joanne 12 days ago.
Love love love and praise praise praise!
Robyn in FL

Child of God

Praise our wonderful, awesome GOD!!!! I am so happy for you all!!

I will praise God and continue to ask Him for complete healing! Oh what great news!!



What wonderful news. I will continue praying that her healing continues and that each day brings more and more positive advances.

Heather in Manhattan, KS

Heidi St. John

Rejoicing with you! Praising God tonight - thank you for your faithful updates, we wait to read them. :) This is awesome news!

Natalie Witcher

WOW! Just refreshed my browser to see if there was a update before shutting down! SOOO excited for you ! Praising God in Oklahoma!!

Cindy Beall

Going to bed with praises. I like that. I'll do the same.


Praising God with you for His healing touch!! Continuing to pray here in Calif for all of you.

Nichole Nordeman

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus.


SO SWEET TO BE CRYING TEARS OF JOY AND GRATITUDE - I cannot even imagine what this mean to your family I and am so encouraged just thinking about it! ALL GLORY AND HONOR AND PRAISE TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for sharing! Praising HIM!!!


PRAISE GOD!! Hallelujah!! What an EXCITING post! I'm so happy for you!!

*does a little happy dance*


Sending up prayers of praise and thanksgiving! I suspect Joanne's prayer warriors will sleep with lighter hearts tonight after hearing this positive report. Thank you for the update Toben and thanks to our compassionate Father who knew Joanne's name before any one of us lifted it in prayer over these last many days. Continuing to pray for a miracle as God unfolds His plan for Joanne.


I've been praying daily for you and Joanne and your girls. As a mom of a baby boy (now age 13) who suffered a right side traumatic brain injury in a car accident, I am overjoyed with you at Joanne's progress already. My son was 5 months old, and had the entire right side of his brain removed due to blood clots and damage. We have dealt with left side seizures as well. If meds don't control them, consider the ketogenic diet. It was a miracle for my boy. My son has never said more than 12-15 words that have come and gone, but he can follow simple, routine commands. I was told by more than one professional that it is easier to rewire a brain later in life than to create new connections in a young child with brain damage. Just being able to communicate is such an amazing thing. You don't realize how much it matters until you cannot be understood or hear those words, "I love you". I'm rejoicing with you and pray she makes a full recovery.

Carrie Bond

Praise the Father for such sweet signs of life on Sanctity of LIFE Sunday!


Prayers of praise from here in the UK too! Wonderful news!


I'm so happy for you guys. I'm rejoicing. This is indeed good news.

Wendy Schulz

So glad I checked for news one more time before bed. Our dear Joanne how we have all been waiting for good news!! We love you and the girls have been working on a stack of pictures for your room.


praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God.....

way to go God... is right...

Praise you, Jesus.

continuing to pray....
Teena & family


Fantastic! Keep it up, Joanne!


Thumbs up!! I'm thrilled that you're looking into her beautiful brown eyes once again. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

The Coffins

Aba Father, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you!
For your faithfulness, you are the same Yesterday, Today and Forever!
And we know you don't leave anything incomplete, You will finish your work, complete healing is coming Joanne's way, The Glory and Honor be to the Almighty!


Thank you, Again Father for allowing us to be witnesses of your Mighty works for your Kingdom! Thank you Mr. Heim for enduring, your steadfast obedience, a testimony that had changed our lives forever!

By the way I don't think I ever mentioned that my family knows your family, from Denver Christian. This year the Lord opened a different door for our daughters in Lone Tree. But we had never forgotten about the wonderful people God blessed us with when we were at DC. I personally will never forget your beautiful daughters, in our Camping trip together with the Girl Scouts troops two years ago, they taught me and my girls how to make these beautiful braiding with different color daughters had a blast and I did also braiding with Audry and Emma, now I make this ribbons into beautiful book marks! Thank you Audrey and Emma for sharing your gifts from Heaven!


Praise be to God! Our fervent prayers have been answered but Joanne's warriors will not be finished until she is fully restored, Father! We rejoice with Toben and his girls and their entire steps are just fine with all of us!!!!!!

Tomorrow is another day and JOY...cometh in the morning! Thank you Father for showing us that standing together, believing, and praying will heal and comfort and bring miracles into being! Only God knows what tomorrow will bring!

Toben, enjoy those squeezes...pretty soon you'll see that smile! Hope your packing for your trip over the moon!!!!!!


I AM SOOO HAPPY!!! PRAISE THE LORD! Thanks so much for taking the time to share the good news - I kept checking in and this was a huge blessing! Sooo happy and grateful to God! Will keep praying for sweet Joanne and your family!

Joanne in Fremont, CA


This is what we have been praying for!
(Holding back tears here.)

The Lord is able to dramatically heal the existing damage on the right side of the brain. And we are all praying in agreement that He WILL!
Glory be to the One to whom all praise is due. We stand in awe of You, Lord. NOTHING is too difficult for You!

There is power in prayer when all believers are of one accord, and agree with unity on what they are praying for. We have just witnessed that. Let's all keep praying (with thanksgiving), everyone!
Bet you'll sleep well tonight, Toben!

Kirsten P

Thanks be to God! Joanne has never been far from my mind since I first read what happened 12 days ago. She has been continually in my prayers and I can't tell you how often I check for updates. I am overjoyed to read tonight's update and will keep praying for Joanne.

ang almond

God bless and strengthen you all in the days ahead

Ruthy :o)

Will keep Praising and Praying


I of course do not know you- as many others who read this blog. But at 5am I awoke with a heavy heart wanting to know how Joanne was doing. Now I sit with tears in my eyes at what a MIGHTY God we serve. Praise God!!! SO happy for you in this time of celebrating the little or not so little steps and praying for many MANY more to come.

Michelle from Australia

Amen! Alleluia! Wonderful news. We will continue prayers for you all but add in a thank you prayer or two whilst we pray for her healing.

Eveline from the Netherlands!

So happy for you and your family. Praise God. I miss you joanne. Love to Audery and Emma. Thanks Toben for your updates your a amazing husband.

Anné Leonard

Now, mor than ever, would the right time to sing "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin.

Thanks for the update!

And give your girls a BIG hug from this side!


I've been following your story since I learned about Joanne's stroke from Boomama's blog. Glory to God! Rejoicing with you and your family. I am beyond thrilled for you!

Godspeed Joanne!


Hallelujah! That is wonderful news! Yes, prayers will continue here in VA. I post all updates on FB so those here can continue as well. Tell her that her Siestas love her so!


Praising God and rejoicing with you. Continuing to thank our Father God for complete and full recovery of Joanne!


Amen and Amen!!

Kim Feth

Praying with Thanksgiving and Petitions to the GOD who can do miracles more than we can hope or imagine. Continuing to march forward in prayer and faith!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Praising God this morning!!! Lifting Joanne and your family in prayer at this very moment.


the love for your wife is so encouraging. the little things that she'll be able to do, yet such love is evident from your updates. I've been reading your blog since the stroke and rejoice with you for Joanne's progress.

Marcy Massura

Heck yeah God is DOING IT! Amen.

I will keep in prayer and praise for you both!

Becky K.

This is just wonderful news! Praising God and continuing to pray that Joanne's recovery is steady. Hang in there, Heim Family! Feel God's hands around you!


Reading this with tears in my eyes and just so full of gratitude! Thank you so much for this beautiful update! Praying that this day goes as well as yesterday!
Barb from CNY

Karen Willis

That is such AWESOME news!! Thank you Sweet Jesus!. We will continue to keep the entire family in our prayers. Thank you for the updates!


Praise the Lord! Thank you for Jesus for being the great Jehovah Rophi. Thank you that no request is too small for you. We praise you Lord for Joanne...for her healthy brain activity, for her thumbs up, for the movement of her limbs and her ability to understand...for the timing of Toben seeing his wife's beautiful brown eyes. We Praise you Lord for what she will share with us...the work that you started and said you were going to finish. Praise you Father for your Hands of protection over her, for a loving husband beside her, for daughters who adore her, for her mother and father, family and friends who reach out, for prayers lifted on her behalf, for community of strangers coming together in one accord, for your witness Lord...all for your glory God, all for your GLORY!
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Joanne you are a gift...even to a stranger like me. Thank you Jesus!


God has heard our prayers! He is so good. I can hardly type this as the tears of joy streaming from my eyes are blurring the words!

Today will be a day of singing praises to God, but I will also continue to pray for those specific requests made and also continue to pray for Audrey as she goes to school today. I am sure she will have a new bounce in her step as she enters the building this morning.

Now to get on my knees and offer up praises to the Great Physician!!!!

Sharon in Frederick

Praise God from Whom All Blessings flow!
Rejoicing with you.


Happy tears this morning for such wonderful news! Praising God! You go, Joanne... we all love you!


Praise the Lord!
To Joanne, and you and the girls, I send prayers and blessings!
The Lord is good and he hears and answers our prayers.


Thank you Lord, I'm so happy & filled with gratitude that I'm crying over my keyboard.
Thank you for the update Toben. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, from the Old Continent, from morning till I go to sleep.


Wonderful news! This is the post we've been waiting to hear! God is good.


Praise the Lord!!!!! He is able to do exceeding abundantly ABOVE all we can ask, think, or imagine. Ephesians 3:20. God bless.


I am crying tears of joy for you! I originally heard about Joanne through the LPM blog and have been following her progress every since. What an awesome God we have! I love hearing about answered prayer! I'll be continuing to pray for you all here from western SD.


to God be the glory, for HE alone iS Worthy! im So glad She iS doing better!!!!!!!!!

Peter Mayhew

God is good.

My wife survived a series of strokes last year and some of the things I did to help with her recovery while she was in this state was to try to hit all of her senses. Decorating the room is great. I also suggest bringing in the pillow case your kids' used the night before and laying it above her head. Also I recommend recording the normal sounds of your family at home and playing it back. My wife remembers hearing my daughter's constant laughter.

Don't forget to take care of yourself.

You'll get through this Toben. God has you in His hands.

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