First John 4:19 was the first verse I learned by heart: "We love because he first loved us."
And as I've sat here in the dark this morning by the light of the tree, thinking and journaling and reading and praying about this year that's just begun, God brought it to mind again.
If you've been around here for a while, you know that the girls and I memorize Scripture together every week as part of our Bible curriculum for the Heim School. It's become part of the Memory Monday meme I've done for the past two years.
But after I read Beth Moore's post about the Scripture Memory Team the other day, I felt God prompting me to participate. To memorize just for me. And to memorize verses around the theme of LOVE, the word that God has impressed on my heart to focus on in the upcoming year.
So, all that said, the first verse I'm going to learn this year is the first verse I ever learned--but from The Message this time.
I love the "though" in that first line. It makes it declarative, makes it determined, makes it clear there's a choice involved.
Oh, and not sure I mentioned this before, but Bible study starts again on Monday. We're going to be doing Loving Well. Coincidence? Not likely.
Your quote this morning from Jesus Calling really struck a cord with me. "Old ways" are so hard to let go of because so often I am already acting out in the "old way" before I realize that I am doing it. Many of my "old ways" have been held on to for so long that they have become THE WAY of acting/reacting. It is going to take God's help to LET GO of the old ways that I know do not work and to replace them with a new and better way.
Posted by: Gretchen | January 01, 2011 at 08:06 AM
Thanks for the inspiration! I am starting with 1 Timothy 6:6. Happy New Year to you, Toben, and the girls! May God continue to sustain you and fill your hearts with joy!
Posted by: Anuja | January 01, 2011 at 10:20 AM