...that's how many page views Joanne's blog has gotten in the last month. Yes, it has been exactly one month since Joanne's stroke. And for whatever reason thousands have been coming to her blog to find out how she is doing. I am overwhelmed at the response, and I know Joanne is too. I have been kidding her that over her three years of blogging she had about a quarter of a million page views, and since I started to write her blog we've gotten almost a million more. I say to her, "Hmmm...who's the better blogger here?" Of course she is the better blogger by a long shot but it's fun to hassle her about it. I have also been very direct with her that there are a lot better ways to get blog traffic then to have a stroke.
We've been at this now for one month and something strange has happened--let me try to explain: I used to play a lot of golf, and after each round, I had total recall of every shot that I made during the round--yardages, club selection, wind direct, score, etc. We could sit down over a Coke and I could lay it all out in excruciating detail. Strange as it may seem, I have the same recall about this past month.
I remember exactly where I was when I got the call for Audrey that Joanne was in trouble. I remember the 911 call, I remember turning around and driving at high speed to the hospital. I remember the frantic phone calls on the way. I remember the parking place I parked in at the emergency room. I remember Jordanna (one of the chaplains) meeting me and taking me back to see Joanne. I remember Joanne asking for her mom and clinging to my hand. I could go on and on from there. I remember all of it, like it is cemented in my memory. I have heard people say things like, "It's all been a blur." But to me it is a series of images in which I can recall every detail exactly in place for the last four weeks.
If I am honest, there are memories I wish I could be rid of. There are things I saw and conversations I had with doctors that I wish had never happened--obviously I wish none of this had ever happened, but there are a few moments in particular that I think will stick with me until the end of my days. They are moments shared with only the ones closest to me, and each of us will remember them in our own way, will process them and try to come to terms with them. I am sure that over time, the trauma of it will fade--thank God that time does that. But I think it will be a while before the press of all of this lifts. Doesn't mean I am a train wreck, just that I feel a haunted by some of it, that I can feel the weight of it still.
But I can also tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has provided a peace that passes understanding. Sometimes I think some people expect me to be a train wreck and that somehow I must be really stuffing it all in order to keep it together for Joanne and the girls and the family. But that's not the case. Yes, I have struggled with anxiety, fear, doubt, shock and exhaustion. I have cried, I have felt tightness in my chest like I can't breath, I have felt like I am outside my body looking in at a situation that is so bad that it can't possibly be real. But there is a peace there too and I know that it can only be coming from one place, because I know for a fact that I would be that train wreck without my relationship with Jesus.
A dear friend of mine when through an equally difficult time over a year ago and I remember him saying that it was so bad, he probably wouldn't have lived through it if it weren't for his faith. Now I know exactly what he means. The pain is too much to bear without faith. Simple as that. I feel like I could go into full-on sermon mode here but I'll leave it at that for now.
Today: there is so much to be thankful for! Joanne is improving day by day. Two weeks ago she was in a coma and today she took a spoon full of ice chips in her right hand, put it in her mouth, chewed it up and swallowed. Today she held her head up on her own for a while. Today she and I thumb wrestled (I won). Today she turned her head towards her mom's voice. Today she waved and smiled at a friend. Today she is a miracle.
She will probably be in LTAC for at least two more weeks then will head into a rehab hospital. She is already working so hard, to the point of her own exhaustion, with the therapy that she is doing here. But it will be exponentially greater as she moves to rehab. In ICU she was doing 20 minutes of therapy a day. In LTAC she has been doing about an hour between PT, OT, and speech. At rehab she will do a minimum of 3 hours a day and will work her way up from there. She is already working hard and will be working like she never has before. And for those of you who know Joanne, you know what that means. The girl is gonna do work!
I could go on and on with this post. But let me just wrap it up with thanksgiving:
- Thanks to thousands upon thousands who are praying all over the world. The Lord hears the prayers of his people and the prayers for Joanne have been a sweet aroma to him. He has heard and he is moving!
- Thanks to all those who have provided support in so many ways from financial help to meals to words of encouragement. Between Joanne and I we have received over 3000 encouraging emails (I hacked Joanne's account), countless calls, texts, tweets, FB posts, etc. All the support is truly overwhelming and humbling.
- Thanks to the hospital staffs, nurses, doctors, techs, and therapists that are helping Joanne get better. We have been blessed with some amazing folks whose care for Joanne has been extraordinary.
- Thanks especially for family (and friends that are almost like family). We have walked through this together and our relationships have grown deeper and more meaningful as a result. Where Satan would look to tear us apart, God has knit our hearts even more closely together. This in itself is a blessing beyond measure.
Prayer request (just one tonight):
Pastor Brian said last week that when we pray, we should "pray big." I love that. So let's pray big tonight. Let's pray for for nothing less than Joanne's complete healing and restoration. That's a scary prayer because we are putting it all on the line, but I believe that God enjoys nothing more then blowing peoples socks off as he reveals his glory. See ya later sock!
Praying BIG tonight, and will continue to!
Karene in California
Posted by: Karene | February 08, 2011 at 08:45 PM
A-MEN! God is so good! He is able!!!
The progress is amazing....We'll just keep on interceding here in PA.
Praise HIM!
Posted by: Becky K. | February 08, 2011 at 08:46 PM
Toben, over the years I have felt I got to know Joanne a little bit through her blog and occasional emails. It is wonderful to get to know you a wee bit and see your love story continue... Prayers and blessing to you and your family!
Posted by: MomPlusKid | February 08, 2011 at 08:46 PM
This was my favorite blog so far. You have moved me to tears. Happy, joyous, love-filled tears. God is so amazing. Your strength and the strength of everyone around you is proof of His greatness. And Joanne...she is the miracle in all of this. I am simply in awe. BIG hugs to you.
Posted by: Kathy Hutchinson | February 08, 2011 at 08:51 PM
Toben, I thought yesterday of Steven Furtick's book, Sun Stand Still. And just as Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still which was praying BIG, I'm praying for Joanne's complete receovery and full restoration. God bless you.
Posted by: Ashley Honea | February 08, 2011 at 08:51 PM
What a joy and blessing it is to be praying BIG here in Alabama!!
Posted by: Gina Roberts | February 08, 2011 at 08:54 PM
Thank you for your continued posts on Joanne's condition. I praise God for how He is carrying you and your famly through this situation. I am praying "big" for Joanne and the rest of you.
Posted by: Mary Ann from Alabama | February 08, 2011 at 09:01 PM
Thank you so much for always posting and giving us updates. We are praying everyday for all of you and as you write I can picture Joanne doing the things you say. I could picture her turning toward her mom, I could imagine you two thumb wrestling. Those things are so uplifting and thank you for always taking the time to write them for us. We love you guys. The Robinson Family
Posted by: Kim Robinson | February 08, 2011 at 09:06 PM
We will pray BIG in the Wahlers' household for a complete recovery with a tremendous testimony that will bring Glory to God. He is mighty and we want the world to see Him and to know Him.
Posted by: Susan | February 08, 2011 at 09:06 PM
Continuing to pray 'BIG' for all of you! So excited to read all the changes for the good for Joanne and the whole family, Toben. Thanks so much for your blogs that not only tell us specifics to pray, but that encourage us as well - as we see our awesome God and the daily miracles He's accomplishing in Joanne's healing and holding the whole family under His wing of protection!
Love and continued prayers for all of you:)
Posted by: Susan Moher | February 08, 2011 at 09:15 PM
We are the proud parents to a marvellous little girl with multiple disabilities. She is one of two diagnosed cases in the world. And people say I took her diagnosis with grace. I tell them it was The Lord revealing just a little more of his plan for our family a piece at a time. There was nothing I could do to change her disability so we thank God for what she can do and don't sweat the rest :)
I saw a call out for prayers for Joanne on Angie Smith's blog and I started praying. And I've been checking in on you all since.
I am so glad Joanne is doing so well and thank you for taking the time to remind us what to pray for!
Posted by: Michelle from Australia | February 08, 2011 at 09:17 PM
I only learned about your wife after reading Beth Moore's blog. I too am praying for your wife to come home to her sweet girls and you. You are doing a wonderful job of keeping us posted as to her needs and her progress. GOD IS BIG!!!!
Posted by: Joy Stamp | February 08, 2011 at 09:22 PM
Isaiah 41:17-20 Yesterday, I was on facebook and a friend posted your blog. I was curious and started reading and can only praise God for the way He's been carrying you through this most difficult trial. I have never experienced anything like this in my immediate family but often wonder how I would respond. I pray that I would be able to bless the Lord as you have because I love Him so much and want to live to glorify Him. Anyhow, as I laid in bed last night, I said a prayer for you and Joanne and your family. Then tonight at Bible Study Fellowship, the above Isaiah passage was spoken of. Read it when you can. I thought of you and the comments you've made about having a peace that surpasses all understanding so that when people look at you they see it can only be God who enables you. Look particularly at v. 20 "SO that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the Lord has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it." The hardships that Christians endure is an opportunity for us to point others to Christ as the only One who sustains and carries us with His Righteous Right Hand. From reading your blogs, I can see how you're living this even though it's difficult. Please know I will continue to pray for you and your family as we are bound by the love of Christ.
Posted by: Yvonne Ramirez | February 08, 2011 at 09:23 PM
Toben, your faith and humor are so encouraging. How could we do anything but pray big? We've got a God who whispers and moves mountains!
Posted by: Keith Jones | February 08, 2011 at 09:27 PM
I have been praying BIG the whole time! :) I love how Jesus is holding on to you and lifting you up.
Thank you Jesus for all You are doing here, You are amazing! Praise Your Holy name! All the way Lord, 100% healing right back to normal and even better because a touch from You makes everything new.
Thank you. In the wonderful, powerful name of Jesus Christ amen.
Posted by: Child of God | February 08, 2011 at 09:32 PM
"I sing for joy at the work of His hands, forever I'll love Him forever I'll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in You."
Found those words to be so powerful for you tonight.
Praying BIG-Texas sized
Posted by: Kristi Morgan | February 08, 2011 at 09:36 PM
Praying BIG tonight in Tennessee!!!
Posted by: Kristen | February 08, 2011 at 09:39 PM
We are praying BIG in Minnesota!
Posted by: Donna | February 08, 2011 at 09:39 PM
We've got a BIG God - so praying BIG is the only way to go! Continuing to pray for you all.
Posted by: Teri | February 08, 2011 at 09:48 PM
Still praying BIG in Mesa, AZ!!!! I can't wait for God to blow my socks off!!! He is The Everlasting, Awesome, Miracle making God!!!
Thank you Lord!!!
Thank you for your awesome post too!! It is just filled with so much joy and thankfulness!!! God loves to make us happy!!! He is so Great!!!
Praying for the WHOLE LTAC to feel His Presence too!! And to receive His Miracles too!!!
We love you Lord!!!
Posted by: Colette | February 08, 2011 at 09:53 PM
I am praying so big!!!!! So excited to hear the good updates, and so happy to hear that you feel such peace in the midst of these circumstances. It gives us all hope!
Posted by: kristy Beckendorf | February 08, 2011 at 10:02 PM
Toben - I am a friend of Michael Hall's and have been sending prayers from the Dallas area since day one and will continue to do so. My prayer will continue to be for her full restoration. I lost my mother after when I was 14 and was diagnosed and treated for cancer when I was 17. I wouldn't wish either of those events on anyone, they were terrible. But I was also amazed by the blessings that I received that were beyond measure. I understood at a very young age how incredibly supportive, loving, giving, and encouraging family and friends could be. I also understood faith, peace, and God's grace in a way that is not possible until you've walked this path. I look forward to "meeting" Joanna through this blog when she is ready.
"For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friend, For everything Thy goodness sends." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by: Leslie McKinney | February 08, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Praying big in Ohio!
Posted by: ANDREA | February 08, 2011 at 10:20 PM
I learned about Joanne from Becky Smith of the Smithellaneous blog. I think one of the things that shocked me is that I'm 30 and Joanne isn't "that" much older than me, is apparently a runner, and had a stroke?? I've made a commitment to get my health back in check. if it can happen to a healthy person it could happen to me.
Praying for big improvements!!! God is good and he knows what is best - even when you feel you can't possibly see it.
My whole family was in a horrible car accident in 2003. My mom nearly died of head injuries. It was scary, and hard work getting us all back to some sort of normal. I lost out on a college scholarship I had just won, I got mono to boot, my dad was diagnosed with seizures, and lots of other bad things happened. But in the end we ended up moving to another state, I attended a cheaper(but better) university. Ended up getting an AWESOME job Through the new university which I work at home 80% of the time. and NONE of this would have happened had the bad car accident not happened.
While I'm sure God didn't allow this on purpose, I'm sure that he will guide you on how you are supposed to use this "event" in your life to point you in a different direction. You might not see it for years, but one day you will look back and say OHHH! Now I understand - we wouldn't be here if it weren't for the stoke years ago. That is what I observe when I look back at my life.
May His peace be with you tonight.
Posted by: Rachel | February 08, 2011 at 10:24 PM
Praying really, really BIG! Toben, so many have said this already but I want to add how thankful I am that you take the time each day to update us on Joanne and in doing so, remind us of just how BIG our loving God and Savior is. Can't wait to lose my socks too!
Posted by: Michelle Drent | February 08, 2011 at 10:34 PM
Yes! We have been praying for complete healing and restoration in this life from the beginning. We will continue. Isaiah and Noah prayed long and hard today for Emma and Audrey during our drive to school. We will continue to uplift you all before the Lord!
Julie Hoagland - Seattle, WA
Posted by: Julie Hoagland | February 08, 2011 at 10:51 PM
Eating ice chips is HUGE! Thank you for your detailed and tender updates. I've also been following several times a day due to Angie Smith's direction. Praying BIG with JOY and HOPE from Lake Forest Park, Washington
Posted by: Michal Ann | February 08, 2011 at 11:23 PM
That's what I'm praying! : )
Posted by: Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop | February 09, 2011 at 12:26 AM
Preach on Toben! Our God is a BIG God. Let's expect nothing less than His very best. I think we need to post some pictures of feet- one sock on and one sock off. I will be wearing one sock all day today as I pray for You, Joanne, Audrey, Emma, Joanne's folks, Melissa's clan, the techs, the doctors, the nurses, the patients and families being cared for alongside Joanne. May you continue to feel peace and love in His mighty grasp. God loves you so much. He is in the details. I am excited to SEE His plan continue to unfold. Thanks for being a blessing.
Posted by: Kerry | February 09, 2011 at 04:30 AM
I am praying for you guys here in Alabama. My mom suffered a major stroke 15 years ago. It was very hard. She could not walk or talk but after all the hard work over a years time, you could not really tell she had a stroke unless you really knew her ways really well. I am believing God for that complete recovery.
Posted by: jenny | February 09, 2011 at 04:51 AM
Yeah, so she's doing miraculously well, yada yada yada. That's a huge, huge gift from God, but here's my big prayer. I'd love to keep watching and praying until I find out that Joanne's heart is doing well too. That Toben's heart and Audrey's heart and Emma's heart know they are solidly loved and are solidly loving Jesus back. That Grandpa's been struck with a chronic grin that would make Grandma jealous if it weren't for the fact that she's so busy thanking Jesus herself. That Auntie's lens would shout His grace. That whatever new ways of doing things will have peace built into them. And no big prayer involving a princess is complete without a pony. Papa God, please throw in a pony, maybe two for good measure. Too big of an adventure to not have one in there somewhere. ;-)
Posted by: Rachel B | February 09, 2011 at 05:13 AM
Still praying BIG in Virginia!
Posted by: Janette | February 09, 2011 at 05:37 AM
You are all amazing... thank you for sharing this journey with us. I will definitely be praying BIG!
Posted by: julie | February 09, 2011 at 05:54 AM
Since hearing the news of Joanne's stroke I've been believing God for a full recovery. Even when it was very grim, I was being taught to walk by faith and not by sight. It is a true blessing to pray for Joanne. She is a true servant, always thinking of others, and loud about the Spirit that moves her to those things. She is beautiful, and I admire her so much. I continue to pray for Joannes progress, for her comfort, for her day. She is a miracle, and I look forward to what she has to share, as God wills. Many blessings to you Toben. You are being prayed for as well. Thank you for your authenticity.
Posted by: Teri Butcher | February 09, 2011 at 06:07 AM
That's what we're praying for: to get 100% Joanne back! My kids always ask how Joanne's doing and also about your kids. We're ALL believing.
Posted by: anne elhajoui | February 09, 2011 at 07:01 AM
Hi Toben and family
You have me in tears here big old tears I had tot ake my glasses off and stop and praise God half way thru this post, you my friend are an amazing man of God like you said without your faith in God and your relationship with Him you could not have walked thru this and I believe that highly I do not know how people who don't know the Lord handle situations in there life without Him or even go day to day without the Lord. I know I could not go on without Jesus I am the sole caregiver of my mom she has a number of health issues and I take care of her I could not do this without Jesus me and my mom would have never had this special relationship had it not been for God to long to explain here but you know what I am talking about. This post you posted is one of my favorties and I am pryaing right along with you for big things to happen and yes we are laying it all on the line but Pray Big
Bless you and your family Toben keep on keeping on brother.
I read my devotion today by Sarah Young
and at the end it says
Posted by: Carol | February 09, 2011 at 07:03 AM
Joanne is a beautiful miracle. Your whole family testifies, Toben, to God's abounding love and His faithfulness in every circumstance. Thank you for the privilege of sharing your heart here with us. You glorify Him in this. You and your beautiful Joanne and your family continue to be in my prayers for complete healing and wholeness!
Posted by: Annette Geffert | February 09, 2011 at 07:31 AM
I think every time I read your updates I tear up! God is amazing!
Your family is beautiful! Inside and out!
Posted by: Tara | February 09, 2011 at 07:39 AM
Will keep praying in Miss. I love the updates and the progress ~ the Lord is working a miracle.
Posted by: Donna J | February 09, 2011 at 07:48 AM
start a journal in that Ipad. Everything... One day I'll come meet you both at the book signing, when you've written the book about how you overcame this season of life.
Can't wait.
Posted by: Speck | February 09, 2011 at 08:02 AM
Toben, you had a prayer request the other day, something to the effect that God would use the very way Joanne's room is decorated, to be a witness for Christ. I have no doubt that it already is. But, your blog posts, in which you share your heart about this experience, a testimony of God's great work in you through this experience is a powerful witness too. And, I have NO doubt, that it, too, is a sweet aroma to our gracious and heavenly Father. Continuing in prayer and praise!
Posted by: Betsy | February 09, 2011 at 08:08 AM
Praising and Praying BIG in Kansas!
Toben, I think we all wish none of this had ever happened. Our hearts hurt for you, Joanne, and your entire family. I know I'm not telling you anything new here, but our Loving Father will work all of this for His Glory and will give Joanne exactly what she needs in His perfect timing. Because this happened, our collective faith in God and in answered prayer has deepened and our awe of Him has increased. Our dependence on Him and our love for Him has strengthened. He really does work all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose. We don't understand why, or how or when, but He does. He is good and He is in control. We praise His Holy Name. You are a wonderful example of a loving husband and follower of Christ. I pray you'll be richly blessed today and in the days to come.
Posted by: Paige Szajnuk | February 09, 2011 at 08:08 AM
Dearest Heim Family,
I am "praying big" along with all of you. I am one of those 90,000+ that have 'met' your family through this and have been joined with you in prayer. I'm a children's pastor from NJ that has been teaching on Eph. 2:10 for the last few weeks. What has occured to me as I was 'praying big' for Joanne is that God has "good works, that He has already prepared for her to do"! I think some of those works will be directly linked to her experiencing this stroke. Your lives have changed in ways you would never have imagined and yet God already knows 'the good' He has planned to come from this. You are so wise Toben to give praise and thanks. It always proceeds the miracle...'Jesus looking up to heaven, gave thanks, and broke the loaves'...and fed the multitudes! May you continue to trust in The One who holds all things together, and has a plan...that is good for your family. With blessings and love from, Renee Bloom in NJ
Posted by: Renee Bloom | February 09, 2011 at 09:09 AM
Thank you for letting us [me] know how you are doing. I have been praying specifically for God to "uphold you with His righteous right hand." (Is. 41:10)
It has always seemed odd to me that crises are often easier to weather than everyday life. I wonder if that is because of the fervent prayers of the saints. James 5:16 reads: "pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous person has great power."
I look forward to reading Joanne's thoughts on the subject. I bet she will have a lot to say. ^_^
Posted by: ginger morris | February 09, 2011 at 09:17 AM
What a glorious post! And I am so thankful to be one of those 903,000+ views. Your family has touched my heart, and I continue to pray for Joanne and your family. It is amazing to stand back and watch God work through your family. I have also read some of your marriage blog, and it's truly inspirational to see God leading your family, from your move to sparing your savings - the Lord knew this situation was coming, and there is no doubt that He put you exactly where you needed to be for the best possible outcome. I cannot wait to watch God use your story in a mighty way!
Praying big in Tennessee,
Posted by: Tara | February 09, 2011 at 09:21 AM
Our Gods knows every detail of Joannes body...and He knows how to call each and every cell into perfect working order. This world may not always obey His words....but those cells will align themselves perfectly at the sound of His voice.
I am going to go ahead and thank Him for the perfect work that He is doing. Thank Him for the glory that will be brought to His name through your sweet wife. May there be many who bend their knees to Him because your wife was willing to be used by the Father.
Still praying in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. :)
Posted by: Sharon Brumfield | February 09, 2011 at 09:29 AM
I have been praying for your whole family. I have never had the experience of living with someone who has had a stroke, but have had a wonderful friend who was in a coma from a car wreck and then had to totally re-learn everything all over again. It can be so difficult to watch someone who was once so full of vigor and life be reduced to starting over. I know, as do you, that God is THE God of miracles. It is so good to read of your faith and the strength it gives you. I am praying for complete and total recovery, and quickly! May God continue to bless you to the fullest.
Love from Chattanooga, TN
Posted by: Lynnmarie | February 09, 2011 at 09:37 AM
Oh Toben-
I want to tell you that I so understand the place you find yourself. We endured horrendous things this last July, August and September. We had 2 extra children in our home for a couple of months, while we were dealing with my father-in-laws battle with his stroke. He lost his battle on September 4, 2010, and went straight in to the arms of Jesus. There are still days we miss him horribly. And the holidays this year were tough. I remember thinking "This year I am so grateful for Jesus' birth, simply because we will see our sweet Ted again!" But as I look back on those horribly stressed, awful months I am so grateful for God's hand, for His provision, for His peace and His strenghth, and HIS fingerprints that I still see all over those months. Oh what would it have been if we didn't have the hope of Jesus? We surely would have broken in pieces.
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destoryed." 2 Cor 4:8-9
I am still praying daily for you and Joanne and the girls. I am STILL praying EVERY DAY for God to fully restore Joanne, all to His glory! Praying for your miracle healing!
Loving you guys,
Andrea S.
Posted by: Andrea S. | February 09, 2011 at 09:38 AM
Good morning! I just read Ephesians 1:15-23!!!!
Wow!! "And His incomparably Great Power for us who believe!"
There IS Great Power all right!!!
We Believe!!!!
Praying for another Miracle filled day!!!
Posted by: Colette | February 09, 2011 at 09:39 AM
i kINGS 19:12 - It is "The Sound of Sheer Silence" that echoes from the depths of your faith ~ the Gentle Whisper of a Very Good God.
praying B.I.G. ♥♥♥ Bev
Posted by: Bev Brandon | February 09, 2011 at 09:40 AM
Praying BIG in Utah! It's truly been a blessing in my life to follow and pray for Joanne's complete restoration. God is so good! God is love.
Posted by: Ashli | February 09, 2011 at 09:52 AM
My daughter is in Kindergarten at Denver Christian and I learned of your family through the prayer request section of their website. I have read many of Joanne's blog's and have learned so much about your wonderful family. This morning at school was "Muffins with Mom". I was able to pick your beautiful girls out of the crowd and went and gave them a hug (and Grandma too). What a blessing that was for me. You could see the sadness in their eyes, yet the love of the Lord was with them (and the love and hugs from Grandma). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family every day! You are all amazing!
Posted by: Karen | February 09, 2011 at 10:29 AM
Before Joannes stroke, I never heard of her or you (Toben), I heard Ryan Dobson ask for prayer for Joanne on Jan. 14th. I Immediately started praying for Joanne, You and the family. I check in every single day to read your post and hear about Joannes progress. I must say your blogging has been very informative with out giving away personal information and I respect that. I have a feeling when Joanne is up and reading your blogs she will be very impressed. Don't cut yourself short you are a very good blogger. Toben please stay strong and let God carry you through this in his time, in his way.
Posted by: Lori Rathbun | February 09, 2011 at 10:30 AM
Do you remember that a few weeks ago you were imagining Joanne having a long talk with God while she was in her coma?
Well, it must have been a very good talk, because here Joanne is, fighting back with the strength of a thousand men!
Posted by: Maribeth | February 09, 2011 at 10:33 AM
Toben, this is one of my favorite posts of yours. Shows your great sense of humor and the acknowledgement that without God, your family's circumstances right now would be more than unbearable.
On January 9, our pastors sermon was on Ephesians 3:20 "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
On January 10, the K-love verse of the day was also Ephesians 3:20.
I'm doing a Beth Moore study and we were studying patience the week of Jan 16. Beth quoted Dr. Adrian Rogers, "Time is not nearly as important to God as timing." And I wrote Joanne's name next to it.
We are praying big prayers and that God would answer them in whatever way fits best with his timing.
Beth also mentioned the Greek word hupomone which doesn't just mean hope as we know it in the English language. It means "a positive outlook toward an expected end. Biblical hope is not focused on what might happen but what must happen."
And I am clinging to the hupomone that Joanne will have a complete recovery and that there won't be one single thing that she was able to do before January 11, that she won't be able to do after her recovery is complete, this side of heaven.
If you ever do decide to write that full blown sermon, we'd all love to read it!
By the way, I'm getting a couple of books Joanne has written for my birthday. I can't wait to dive into them!
Posted by: Sharon | February 09, 2011 at 11:07 AM
Toben, Pray Big...it is scary. My husband was sick (months in the hospital), the worst recession hit since the Great Depression, he lost his job, and I homeschooled with three little kids. My brother-in-law (Dan) ask me to pray that we would loose not a penny of our savings...I said sure but with very little faith and guess what happened...none lost...God provided in extraodinary ways and ordinary ways but HE PROVIDED. Pray Big...
Posted by: Kimberly | February 09, 2011 at 11:11 AM
This is so huge and the Lord is bigger... so tonight I will pray big for her to have full restoration and recovery.... The Lord is fighting this battle with you and we are all standing in agreement! Toben thank you for shaing with us everyday her progress...
Posted by: Lichelle | February 09, 2011 at 11:14 AM
Big Prayers continue! So glad to hear of the progress Joanne is making!
Posted by: Amelia in NC | February 09, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Praying BIG for a complete recovery and for full restoration.Praying that the girls will be strengthened and grow in whatever ways God has willed for them, and praying for you Toben that you would begin to see what a great husband you are and what a rock of strength you have allowed us to see God in you and through you. Thank you Toben for allowing us to be a part of your journey and Joanne's.
Posted by: Julie Reynolds | February 09, 2011 at 11:27 AM
You are amazing people and I pray for you often but I will start praying BIG.
(My daughter just said Pray Big mom or go home - to which she said a really loud prayer. Ok not quite my line of thinking but I guess for an 8 year old it made perfect sense!)
Thanks for sharing your life with us and keeping us updated on Joanne's progress. I love reading your words but look forward to getting the opportunity to read a few of Joanne's words once she is better. (I didn't start reading this blog until Melissa from LPM posted it on their site)
Kelli in Colorado
Posted by: Kelli | February 09, 2011 at 12:12 PM
A week ago I learned about your family from my daughter. Every day since I have come to your site to read about Joanne's amazing miracles. You have faith to move mountains, Toben. My own faith has been deepened because of your journey. I ask God to hold each of you close in His compassion and love. I am praying BIG! "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." ~ Corrie ten Boom
Carol from Nebraska
Posted by: www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnr8YihPnRyWLzzZ-UqwIpIgX_rTtNQNJ0 | February 09, 2011 at 12:50 PM
WOW! I am humbled and awed by your ability to articulate so much in such a small space...you are living life BIG and outloud for God! We are believing with you for nothing less than total restoration for your beautiful bride...our God is able. Praying BIG, believing big, and trusting BIG...now, may we love BIG! It's been exciting to see how God's ways are not our ways, and how He has called out to so many of "His kingdom kids" all around the world in this, to come alongside you and yours figuratively and spiritually, to run the "Ultra". You are never alone.
A So. Cal Siesta,
Posted by: Pam Houston | February 09, 2011 at 01:23 PM
You are going through the fire, but when you come out the other side, your testimony of how the Lord held you and Joanne in the palm of his hand will be amazing. God will use this experience in mighty ways.
Posted by: Robin in New Jersey | February 09, 2011 at 01:38 PM
believing with you all that God can bless your socks off by bringing complete healing to joanne.
bless you Toben and you all
we love you all so much all the way here in England and I know Eva and John Hemsley and Joy are cheering you on in Heaven so keep working with Jesus xx
Posted by: angela | February 09, 2011 at 01:45 PM
Full Recovery - Never a Doubt!
Posted by: lisa | February 09, 2011 at 02:18 PM
Toben your faith and commitment and strength are an inspiration. Whatever you and Joanne have been through together, I think of you as the most beautiful couple ever.
I have been through some difficult things and without faith, I don't know how I would have done it. My faith wobbled at times. But I don't know how people who have nothing to believe in manage and cope.
I am in crisis in my own life and your posts are helping keep me buoyed. I am going to pray really big for Joanne and your family...big big big. and I hope y'all are barefoot for DAYS from the socks blowin off!!
I'm gonna pray big for me too. Thanks for the inspiration.
May God's comforting presence be with you all at all times of the day and night, so obviously that you can't mistake it. I am especially thinking of your girls.
I am in awe at how God brings His people together sometimes. You think we are all just praying for you. But YOU are lifting US up. funny.
Have a fantastic day.
Kelly in Calif.
Posted by: Kelly | February 09, 2011 at 02:19 PM
Praises! Praises! Praises! Praying in Alabama!!!! God is so GOOD and He is so ABLE!
Posted by: Lyn | February 09, 2011 at 02:22 PM
Praying BIG in NC for nothing less than a full recovery!
Posted by: Dawn | February 09, 2011 at 02:55 PM
Toben, you are truly awesome. I have been praying that very thing since the beginning. I have prayed that God would blow our socks off with her recovery and that He would receive all the glory. Praise God!
Thank You Father God for all You have done in and through Joanne so far and what You are going to do! Praise Your Name!
Posted by: Devanee | February 09, 2011 at 03:34 PM
Thinking of you all and still praying for you too!
Posted by: Debbie | February 09, 2011 at 03:39 PM
Thinking of all of you and will be praying "big".
Thank you for being a faithful witness.
Brian in Columbus, Ohio
Posted by: Brian Elder | February 09, 2011 at 03:43 PM
Continuing to pray big, huge, gigantic, enormous, faith-filled prayers for Joanne, you the girls, and the entire families.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | February 09, 2011 at 04:07 PM
Toben, I was lead to "The Simple Wife" website after reading Beth Moore's daughter post concerning Joanne's stroke. Since that day, I have not stopped reading your daily posts and tweets concerning Joanne and your precious family. I stand in awe of answered prayers in Joanne's recovery and will continue to praise and pray to Jesus for continued healing and restoration. I am also a nurse and I am thankful that Joanne has been richly blessed by such an amazing medical team! Your post today, brought tears to my eyes..I have one question? How is your youngest daughter doing? Has she been to see her momma yet? Been praying for the girls, as well. Praying daily, Linda
Posted by: Linda Schaich | February 09, 2011 at 04:36 PM
I also found out about Joanne through Beth Moored blog. Ever since then I have been praying for Joanne' s healing through the power of Jesus Christ. I stand in awe at what he has already done! Thank you so much for updating her progress whenever you can.I will continue to pray BIG for Joanne's healing-to God be the glory!
Posted by: denise | February 09, 2011 at 05:14 PM
Sweet Jesus,
I feel as though I am sitting by the Sea of Galilee watching you heal the paralytic lowered down through the roof. And here we all are...running...breathlessly...bringing Joanne on her pallet to you. And just like the paralytic was miraculously healed, we know you are working that same powerful healing in Joanne. And I sense that this power is splashing over onto others around Joanne. Contagious miracles, Lord, that's what we pray for. That's a BIG prayer, Lord, that only you have the ability to answer. Lord, every physical need, heal, and spread the miracle to those who are here reading and praying. Lord, every emotional need, heal, and spread the miracle to those who are here reading and praying. Lord, every spiritual need...even salvation...heal and save, and spread the miracle to those who are here reading and praying. We pray BIG power...asking for seas to part...for the stone slung by a shepherd boy killing a giant...for the barren womb of Sarai and Hannah fruitful...for the caravan coming in the distance, coming for the one in the coat of many colors...for the one who walked with Jesus on the water...and even for the one who knew NO man and birthed GRACE, our Saviour...oh, Lord, we pray BIG...we pray so BIG and MIGHTY...and we pray to the One True God, Jehovah, who is Mighty to Save. Lord, just work miracles in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and for His sake alone. Amen.
Posted by: twinkle | February 09, 2011 at 06:05 PM
Thank you, Toben, for this beautiful post. I learned of Joanne's stroke when Tami Snowden asked for prayers on her behalf. Our church supports Tami through our missions program. We are continuing to pray for Joanne and your family at Westminster Presbyterian in Bluefield, WV.
It is so encouraging to read the comments and to claim the promises of scripture. Blessings to all of you.
Posted by: Wilma Hatcher | February 09, 2011 at 07:43 PM
They say in Tennessee "GO BIG OR GO HOME" Well Satan move over cause the people of God are praying BIG! We BELIEVE IN BIG, so YES we are praying for BIG miracles that no one can deny are absolutely from God! Thank you for your faithfulness and picture of true Godly love!! Praying and believing for nothing but a HUGE Miracle of complete full recovery and God's will unfolds in all of your family! Praying BIG for those sweet girls too! They have witnessed a Father that truely believes and is faithful to his wife and family. God bless you sweet Toben!!
Posted by: Krystal Spencer | February 09, 2011 at 07:44 PM
Your ability with words and your willingness to share your heart, you fears, your hopes, your FAITH, are remarkable. And I totally agree. How DOES one get through something of this magnitude withOUT Jesus? I just don't know.
As always my prayers are with Joanne and you and the girls as you travel the long road back.
Posted by: Amy M. Fry | February 10, 2011 at 07:14 AM