Hey its Audrey agian
I really miss my mommy. All I want is a hug from here and her telling me she loves me. I have been getting so many hugs at school and I love it. It's really wierd that I come in to class and not seeing my mommy in her pajamas, reading a book and planing the school day. I miss that because our day would be really laid back and lazy... School and alot, I mean alot, of homework is what our days need to be in this time and place.
Alot of times I dream about her, were playing on a playground, on the swings and laughing and talking. It goes something like this:
I say, "Mom I love you, and I miss you..."
"What? Im right here..." she replys
"No, no your not your somewhere else I can feel it"
"Your right, Im not here Im talking with Jesus somewhere quite, light, and far, far away"
Then she starts walking away
I call out to her, "Mommy come back, take me with you! I must be with you."
She comes back and sais, "You can't come with me Audrey, but I'll come back soon."
"I love you mommy"
"I love you, too!"
She gives me a hug and starts running, running away with out streached arms towards a bright light, the sun, and as soon as I can't see her a flood of emotions comes over me, fright, joy, sorrow, laughter, and so many more. Because I know when she's asleep she is somewhere quite, light, and far, far away, talking with Jesus.
I don't know if thats exactly the dream but it sounds kind of poetic.
Really I do dream about here quite often, and thats pretty much the dream, kind of wierd that I have the same dream over and over agian.
I miss her a ton, and she is always on my mind. (I even find myself not always being able to consentrate in school) Oops... All day I wonder if she is ok, I worry all the time. And I wish I could be ther asking for here to give me the I LOVE YOU sign...
Thanks to some very tallented ladys Emma and I have gotten some amazing jewlary. Anyway Emma and I got a necklace that has a small picture of mommy on it and I have here wedding ring on a chain arround my neck close to my heart. I would like to thank all of you for your prayers, God is listening to everyones prayers And they are flooding the gates of heaven!
I would would like to thank everyone for the gifts and prayers. I would write each one of you a thank you note, but that would take all year. So Im thanking all of you now, Thanks.
Prayers for me:
1. That I would be able to consentrate more in school!
2. That I would know that God has everything under control!
3. That I would remember that mommy is a strong, strong woman and can fight through this.
4. All of my family will rest well and stay healthy, so we can be with mommy.
Thanks agian,
Praying for you and your sister every day, sweet, sweet girl.
Cling to Jesus just like your mommy. They both love you so, so much.
Posted by: Gayle | February 09, 2011 at 08:57 PM
You, Miss Audrey, are a very good writer. It runs in your family! I am praying for you and your sister. Your mommy will come back, it will just take a wire. A couple years ago my daughter (same age as you) was in an accident and her "brain got hurt". It took a LONG time for her to get back to normal, I thought for a while it was never going to happen...and then one day, BAM, she was well. Brain injuries can be like that. God is teaching you patience, and to trust Him. He will take good care of you and your mommy both. I can't wait until the day you post and tell us that she hugged you and said she loved you. It's not as far away as you think. Many prayers sweet one!
Posted by: Donna | February 09, 2011 at 08:59 PM
Audrey, We have been and will continue to pray for your Mommy, your Daddy, you, and your sister. And we will specifically pray your requests. Your Mom does love you, she just can't express it right now the way she did in the past. When she fully recovers and reads these posts she will be so proud of you.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | February 09, 2011 at 09:02 PM
It is so wonderful you can express what you are feeling. My husband had a brain illness too. One day leaving the hospital my son was sad. I asked "Do you not want to leave dad?" He said, "No, I just want my daddy back." It seemed like he was gone too. Your feeling are so normal and healthy. It just show everyone how much you love your mom. I am praying for you!
Posted by: Kimberly | February 09, 2011 at 09:04 PM
You are a strong girl! And a great writer like your mom! I am praying for you. Your mom is fighting and she wants to be back with you as much as you want her there. I pray that God will keep working His miracles and your mom will be able to speak " I love you" very soon.
In Christ,
Posted by: Allison | February 09, 2011 at 09:09 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us, sweetie. It's totally OK to feel distracted and out of sorts. I remember when my dad got sick when I was little, I had lots of dreams about him, too. I think it's a way that God gives us to process what is going on around us. Please know that God is holding you tight--and taking very, very good care of your mommy. Even now, your mommy does love you--her fingers shout it out!
Our family is praying for all of you every day.
Hang in there...
Posted by: adele | February 09, 2011 at 09:10 PM
Oh, sweet Audrey! I think it's so great that you're able to write your feelings out like this. You & your family are in so many people's prayers!
Posted by: Amy | February 09, 2011 at 09:11 PM
Sweet Audrey, we are praying for you! My girls ask about you all the time. I'm excited to tell them your prayer requests when they wake up in the morning. I'm proud of you for looking to Jesus for strength through this. Your mama has taught you well! She just loves you soooo much, and I'm sure she's just as eager as you are for that hug. Hang in there, girl! God DOES have everything under control and is taking of you, Emma, your Daddy and especially your Mommy. He won't forget about any one of you!
Posted by: angie | February 09, 2011 at 09:14 PM
Wonderful post Audrey! You should write all the things that you want to talk to your mom about, so later you can share it with her. She must be so proud of you and Emma, you are both strong girls like her! I would love to tell you some stories about both your mom and dad from our days in high school together, they are both amazing people! We are praying for you all!
-lots of love from the Paynes
Posted by: Chris | February 09, 2011 at 09:17 PM
You sweet thing...Your momma's gonna be hugging you before you know it!!! She's a fighter and I'm betting she's fighting as hard as she is, because she can't wait to hug you either.
I continue to pray for you and Emma, your daddy...and of course your momma.
Posted by: Melana Cummings | February 09, 2011 at 09:19 PM
Oh you sweet precious Audrey....You are such a STRONG young woman...just like your momma. She would be so proud of you. I bet she knows just how hard you are working each day at school and her heart is just so happy. Us momma's have that gift to know how our kids are. These days are tough but you are right...God does have it under control. Its one of His many beautiful promises to us. We are all so happy and willing to pray for you, Emma, your daddy and your sweet mom. Look how far she has come?? Just think where she will be in a few weeks?!
My family prays for you daily. We love you so!
Chip, Fran, Clay, Tyler, and Dylan
Jackson TN
Posted by: Fran | February 09, 2011 at 09:21 PM
You are an amazing little girl.....I think maybe a mini of your Mom...I really do believe that your Mom is going to come back to you. I know you must have a lot of anxiety about all the changes in your family...Hang in there...Your words touched my heart tonight...
Posted by: Teresa Powell | February 09, 2011 at 09:23 PM
Dear Audrey,
Thank you for sharing with all of us. You've gone a very long time without bring able to have a conversation or s hug with your mom. I believe when she sees you in the hospital visiting her, she longs to hold you and talk with you. I know she loves you very much and we are all praying she will continue to make the kind of progress that will allow her to do those very things. You are right when you say she is a strong woman...one of the strongest I know!:) And I believe, dear heart YOU are strong like her!;) she has taught you well. I will pray you are able to concentrate at school. It is very normal for your thoughts to wander back to your sweet mom. You have sweet memories of time spent with her and I pray you can dream of the fun memories you'll make together in the days ahead.
Glad the necklace has been a comfort. May the Lord Jesus bring you sweet dreams and peace. Bless you.
Mrs. V
Posted by: Andrea Vidano | February 09, 2011 at 09:24 PM
Sweet Audrey girl, you are STRONG. Jesus is holding you close baby girl and is never going to let you go. Keep relying on God to fill you in those times of worry and anxiety and fear. I've been praying HARD for you girlfriend and for your sister, your daddy, and your momma. Keep on believing. God has already performed so many miracles on your momma. She knows you love her so and know that she loves you even more.
Ashley in west Texas:)
Posted by: Ashley Honea | February 09, 2011 at 09:36 PM
Oh Darlin' Girl Your Mommy is here...with us. God has given us a wonderful and mmiraculous answer to that question. We will continue to pray that she will fully be restored--to talk and hug and play on the awesome swings your Daddy made. I love you, Audrey. I love you, Emma. Not a day passes that Noah, Kylie, Tabor, and Sydney (and Mr. Chris) do not pray for your Mommy and for your family. We all love you very much...and psst. Jesus loves you more!
Posted by: Holly Smith | February 09, 2011 at 09:36 PM
Beautiful Audrey, you are an amazing young lady and you brought tears to my eyes with your post. I will keep your entire family in my prayers and I will definitely pray for your specific needs. Take comfort in God for He does have it all in His control. Know that He loves you and your mom and He is taking care of you both. Also know that the entire Chapin family is praying big and often.
Sandy Chapin
Posted by: Sandy Chapin | February 09, 2011 at 09:38 PM
Thank you for sharing that story with us. I remember you at SFC when my son Tanner and you were classmates. What fun we had! Time has passed and God is working mightily in your life. Hang in there sweet girl. We are praying for you and your family.
~Mrs. Leslie
Posted by: carolyn leslie | February 09, 2011 at 10:05 PM
Dear Audrey,
Thank you for letting us all know whats on your heart and mind so that we know how to pray for you and Emma. Just remember to reach out to others and to God with your thoughts, fears and joys. We, none of us, were made to do life alone. Talk to Jesus, to your family and know that we are all praying for you all!
Sending you a big Illinois hug - The Longorias
Posted by: Janine Longoria | February 09, 2011 at 10:06 PM
Audrey, what a beautiful heart you have, just like your mom. I'm praying for you, her, and your whole family!
Jen from PA
Posted by: Jen L. | February 09, 2011 at 10:07 PM
Audrey, you don't know me but I have a little girl (two actually, and a boy) and I love them with all my heart and soul. I know your mom loves you just like that... and she would be so proud of how you are thinking of her being with Jesus while she is asleep... and you can bet she is saying "I love you" a million times a day to you too. You are an amazing girl... what a beautiful and poetic post. I know your mom will be so happy to read this someday soon.
Keeping your mom and your whole family in my prayers.
Posted by: Sophie~Bug's Mom | February 09, 2011 at 10:25 PM
Precious girl...you are so loved. Thank you for sharing your heart. We are all praying for you and your Mom. Praying that God's love just rushes over you and that feel the kind of hugs in your heart until your sweet Mommy can do it for herself (imagine how much SHE must be wanting and waiting to hug YOU!).
Love to you from FL.
Posted by: robyn | February 09, 2011 at 10:28 PM
Audrey, thanks for sharing your beautiful dream and your honest thoughts! i do not know your sweet family, but I do know your Jesus! praying for you, darling girl, and your mama and all of your family. May you feel HIS presence in a mighty way. Love you!
in His grip,
hannah (in north dakota)
Psalm 54:4
Behold, God is my helper;
the Lord is the upholder of my life.
Posted by: hannah | February 09, 2011 at 10:46 PM
I'm praying for you and your whole family! My church is praying for you too!! I pray God fills you up with His Holy Spirit so you feel His presence in you while you patiently wait for that hug from your Mom!! Just think how awesome that day will be!!! Keep the Faith and believe BIG! That day will be very soon!!
Just imagine in your mind, ALL the people that are praying for you!! And remember Jesus loves you sooooo much!!!
Posted by: Colette | February 09, 2011 at 10:47 PM
When you share with all of us we truly feel a part of this amazing work that God is doing in your mom. He has gathered this huge online family to surround you with prayer and we watch and wait with you as God brings about His perfect will day by day. I like your word picture of sleeping. It is like waking up slowly as the brain readjusts to doing things differently. Your mommy is incredibly proud of you and Emma and your Daddy. You are on an adventure of faith. Thanks for leaving a note from your heart.
Posted by: Kathy Rivera | February 09, 2011 at 11:03 PM
Oh Audrey,
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your dreams with us.
I feel like I know even better how to pray for you.
You are a brave warrior girl...and I know that God has you in the palm of His hand...remembered your are engraved there...just like a tatoo.
Big hugs from here in Portland, Oregon,
Posted by: Helen at A Work of Heart | February 09, 2011 at 11:32 PM
Dear Audrey,
I've been following your Dad's blogs and your Mom's progress from almost day one. You don't know me but I was called by God to pray for her and your family. It has been something just placed on my heart. First it was minute-to-minute and now it's day-to-day, but often through each day!
I wish you could meet my son. He is 16 and when I was in my coma he was only 15. The one thing he recalls about that time was his not being able to think of anything else but me when he was in school. He only wanted to be with me and that lasted for a year or more.
Now, he and I are closer than any two people can be. He watches out for me and encourages me and he's the only one who really has the kind of patience that I sometimes need. You see, I lost my hearing when I was sick. I woke up without it. So everyone needs to be patient when I read lips. He just wait and repeats and repeats things until I get it! What a blessing he is.
You and your Mom will share so much. She will show you what it means to be strong. I can tell you first hand that your Mom has been visiting Jesus and I bet your dreams are her way of reaching out to you and you alone!!!! I can't wait until you two can talk about it.
I know that this month has been horrible for you and your sister. Your Mom has no clue because she has been so out of it. It's hard for me to imagine that the whole world was functioning when I wasn't. Hang in there sweet girl...your Mommy will be just fine, like me. Ok, so I can't hear. Maybe your Mom will have something minor she can't quite overcome, but I am praying with the thousands of others that God completes her recovery to the amazement of others!!!!!!!!
Warm wishes for you and your sister. Give your Mom lots of hugs and patience. She's been to heaven and back and she came back to be with YOU!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jerri G...Catersavvy on Twitter | February 09, 2011 at 11:58 PM
Oh, baby-girl, I wish your mom could give you a big squeeze now! But until then, you & Emma can do the hugging. My little girl, Marissa (13) and I have been praying for your wonderful momma since the first day & we've never lost faith in the great miracle the Lord would do for you! It's so wonderful to hear of your momma's progress. (It almost makes me jump up & down!) I'm so very sorry that you & your family are going through this, but God must have a reason & we're trusting that your momma will totally recover & God would receive all the glory! For all the hugs, kisses & sweet words your momma has given you & Emma over the years, I think it's time to give these back to her. I know I'd want to feel Marissa's hugs even if I couldn't give one back...yet! Know that we're praying for you all each day. Love & hugs from Oregon! ~Sheila
Posted by: Sheila (& Marissa) | February 10, 2011 at 12:06 AM
Praying for you Audrey, and for Emma and your Dad. I think you are a brave and wonderful girl who has had to deal with some very tough things in this last month. We will not stop praying for you, and for your Mom. Thanks for taking the time to share with us what is going on in your heart and in your life. Keep writing, you are very good at it!
Barb from CNY
Posted by: Barb | February 10, 2011 at 01:14 AM
Bless your heart, Audrey. I'm praying for you and your sweet family.
I know that a lot of my friends are praying for y'all too!
: )
Julie M.
Posted by: Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop | February 10, 2011 at 01:43 AM
Thanks for listing specific ways we can pray for you, Audrey. Your dad has done a great job giving us prayer "assignments," and I'm so glad you did, too!
I'm praying today for your mom, of course, but extra special prayers just for you and Emma.
With much love,
Gail in Kentucky
Posted by: Gail @ Pandemonium in the Parsonage | February 10, 2011 at 03:47 AM
Hey sweet Audrey,
You should be a writer; you have a great way with words :)
It is really very impressing to see you trusting God like this, I just know how proud God is of you!
I'm convinced that your dream is from God, because the situation is exactly like you describe; she is physically here, and at the same time she is in a light place talking to Jesus. She will be back SOON, just look at how fast she is improving.
About the worrying, I understand, it's so hard not to worry. This verse from 1 Peter 5 verse 7 says: "Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." So everytime you worry try to put the worries in God's hands, He will help you do this and I'll pray for you about this as well.
I'll pray for all the things you mentioned.
And when you're confused about all that is happening and why it's happening... it's impossible to always understand God's ways but this verse from Jeremiah 29:11 is true for you and Audrey and your dad and for your mommy:
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Hold on to that verse when you're worried, God has a GOOD future in mind for your mom and for all of you.
I wish I could give you a hug!
A virtual hug from me :-)
Posted by: marije | February 10, 2011 at 04:00 AM
I meant to say that "Jeremiah 29:11 is true for you and EMMA and your dad and for your mommy".
Don't want to forget Emma! :-)
Posted by: marije | February 10, 2011 at 04:04 AM
I am praying for your Mom and also for your family.
Posted by: Kendra @ www.abusywomanslife.com | February 10, 2011 at 05:09 AM
Oh, sweet Audrey...what a BeauTiFuL post and dream about your Mommy. I don't know you or your family, but I am praying for aLL of you - that you will feel GoD'S PeaCe and HiS aRMS around you aLL during this hard time and that He will CoMPLeTeLy HeaL your Mommy.
Posted by: Jenny | February 10, 2011 at 05:25 AM
Oh Audrey, this was one of the most honest, beautiful blog posts I have ever read... As I sit crying now - I KNOW, as you do, that as soon as your mom is able - she will have her arms around you! I have thought about you and your sister and what ya'll must be going though more times than I can count. I have been following your Mom's blog for so long - and know how much she loves you both - so knowing that - I have been so concerned for you. Though we have totally different "stories" - we all have something really hard in our life that we must be strong and press through. Often it takes a long time...
Praying for you and Emma...
Posted by: Kristy | February 10, 2011 at 05:49 AM
You are really great at putting your thoughts and feelings to paper! What a gift you hold! Thank you for sharing your dream. My heart goes out to you girl! You're holding so much together, having to adjust to a new school, a new schedule, a new "normal". You are truly amazing, and I would just like for you to know how much I admire your strength. Sometimes, even when we don't feel strong, God gives us power to get through all of the stuff around us--I'm glad to see His power at work in your life!
I am praying for you, your mom, dad, and sister everyday. I absolutely know that God has a plan in all of this, and I'm glad that, even though we don't understand how, he does work it all out for us in the end. You'll get your hug soon, I just know your mom is desperate to hold you just as much as you're longing for it!
Keep your chin up girl, God's got you!
Posted by: Teri Butcher | February 10, 2011 at 06:14 AM
Dear Audrey,
Like everyone else is writing to you in their posts, you are a very gifted writer. It really came from your heart. Thank- you for being so willing to share with us what you are thinking and how you are feeling. I pray so often throughout the day for your mom and your family. I think one of the hardest things must be the waiting; but each day your mom is getting stronger and stronger and that is a praise! God loves each of you (us) with an everlasting love and He knows each of your needs and your feelings. Keep looking to Him.
With love,
Carla in Columbia, Maryland
Posted by: Carla Sorensen | February 10, 2011 at 06:14 AM
Dear Audrey,
That was such a beautiful, "poetic" post! =) You're a wonderful writer, just like your mom & dad! Bless your heart!
I will continue to pray for your family during this difficult time! And I will add your personal prayer requests to my list!
May God bring you comfort, sweet girl!
Sycamore, OH
Posted by: Lelia | February 10, 2011 at 06:16 AM
Praying for you dear Audrey! You are dearly loved.
Posted by: Adrienne | February 10, 2011 at 06:19 AM
Dear Emma,
Did you notice that one of the first things that your Mama did was show you all the sign for "I Love You"?
I think that your Mama is fighting as hard as she can, so she can get back to all of you...her beloved family!!!
She knows the Lord and she is using her faith to get a little stronger every day.
One day very soon, you will go in and find that your Mom is sitting there ready to hug you!
I'm praying for you, for your Mom, your Dad, your sister and all of your family.
Hang in there Audrey, and know we are all here for you!
With love!
Posted by: Maribeth | February 10, 2011 at 06:25 AM
I am praying for each of you. When I was 12, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I remember the fear I had in my heart and the way I tried to keep a happy face and be strong on the outside. I drew close to the Lord and to my family at that time like no other, and that changed my life. I'm now a thirty-six-year-old mom to four, but when I see a mother of young daughters go through a health crisis, it still tugs at my heart strings. Love the Lord and continue to follow Him--nothing could make your parents prouder! Praying for your mom's healing and for strength for each of you to get through each day. Cyber hugs your way!
Posted by: ginny | February 10, 2011 at 06:33 AM
Audrey, You have a gift for writing and expressing your feeling through your writing. THank you for sharing your dream. I am praying for you today. Praying for God to help you concentrate and focus on HIM and what you need to learn for today.
Posted by: Lee Ann | February 10, 2011 at 06:48 AM
God Bless your Lovely heart...
The words of the song by Don Francisco came to mind as I read your writings
No matter what may happen Child I'll NEVER LET GO of Your Hand.
Lots of Love and Prayers
Posted by: Ruthy :o) | February 10, 2011 at 06:51 AM
Precious girl,
It is a joy and an honor to bring all of your requests before our Lord who loves you, your Mommy, and your family so very much! May you feel God's peace and his presence fill your heart completely.
In Him,
Posted by: JoAnn | February 10, 2011 at 07:14 AM
That is an absolutely precious dream Audrey...and I am sure it is one that the Lord Himself planted in your mind and heart. Always remember that when we are weak...HE IS STRONG!!! Every morning lay your precious Mommy and all your concerns at the feet of Jesus and know that HE is taking care of her! He is the Great Physician!! I know this process is taking longer than I am sure any of you would like...but keep your eye on the prize...that one day your amazing Mommy will be back with all of you and you will be rejoicing together over what God has done! Much love to you...will be praying for your requests today! (:
Posted by: Kristen McWilliams | February 10, 2011 at 07:21 AM
Sweet Audrey,
Thank you for sharing your dream. It was very poetic and I agree with all the other comments you have a gift for writing. Your mommy is going to be so proud and I think she just might hold you in her lap in one forever hug as you and she read all these post together. I am praying Big. Lord, bring Joanne to Complete Healing soon. We know she is having a great conversation with You still, Lord this family is ready to share Her with You in their lives once again. Thank You Father for Your love, Your faithfulness, and for hearing our prayers. I lift Audrey up today Lord. I ask for peace for her mind so she can concentrate at school, I ask for a pajama day very soon so she can go to school in her pajamas. I ask for good health and blessings for those who come in contact with Joanne that they may spend their time on and thoughts on her Complete Healing. Father I thank You for showing us Your strength. We believe because You have said;"The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughtout the whole earth so that He may show Himself strong to those whose heat is faithful to Him" II Chronicles 16:9 The Heims are faithful show Yourself strong to them today. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
Posted by: yanna westmoreland | February 10, 2011 at 08:08 AM
Sweet Audrey, praying for you and your family. Keep clinging to Jesus and looking to Him. May He meet you each step of the day in every way.
Mary Lou in TN
Posted by: Mary Lou | February 10, 2011 at 08:13 AM
Sweet, sweet Audrey.
I can't imagine all that you are feeling & experiencing. But I want you to know that so many people are praying for you, your mom & your whole family.
When I practice my memory verses, I pray this for your mommy.
Though you have made me see troubles, many & bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. Psalm 71:20
We love y'all!
Cheryl & Steven
Emma, Dougie, Caleb & Asher
Augusta, Ga.
Posted by: Cheryl | February 10, 2011 at 08:22 AM
Dear Audrey, Your mom is truly a Blessed woman! Keep the faith Honey and know that God is with you & taking care of mommy too! All of you are in our thoughts & prayers. God Bless you all. Sincerely...
Posted by: Vondora Moss | February 10, 2011 at 08:33 AM
God and mom have a plan. they are going to show the world there are miracles and she is one of them. Patience is required but it is happening.
Posted by: Janice | February 10, 2011 at 08:39 AM
You are a great writer and so strong and wise! It is totally normal that you aren't able to concentrate in school--so don't be too hard on yourself! You are going through a lot right now. Thank you for sharing your words. We are praying for your family and for you. So glad you have so many loving family and friends to surround you. :)
Lauren Forsythe (your mom's friend from seminary)
Posted by: Lauren Forsythe | February 10, 2011 at 09:05 AM
What a special young lady, you are, Audrey! Your post brought tears to my eyes. As a mom -I would never want my daughter's to feel what you are going through. But also as a mom, I can tell you that I KNOW your mom is SO proud of you. You don't have to be strong all of the time. It's okay to cry sometimes, to worry sometimes, and to laugh sometimes even though all is not perfect right now.
I pray that God will especially wrap His arms around you and your sister. Let this time strengthen your faith in Him and He will prove faithful to you.
Posted by: Dionna | February 10, 2011 at 09:07 AM
Maybe you could keep a journal and write down the things you wish you could talk to your mom about (Emma could too, if she wants!). You could write the entries in a letter format to your mother. Then, when your mom is able, you won't forget all of the things you'd wanted to share with her! I'm sure that she would LOVE being able to hear about the things going on with you, in detail.
You are doing an awesome job!
Posted by: Davonne | February 10, 2011 at 09:09 AM
Dear Audrey, Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you are doing and how we might pray for you. You have a very poetic way of expressing yourself...very much like your mom. Know that you and Emma (and the rest of the family) are being lifted up to the throne daily. Much love is being sent your way today.
Posted by: Fonda | February 10, 2011 at 09:21 AM
Audrey, that was so beautiful and so heart felt. I am so sure that your posts are going to touch your mother so much when she reads them. Davonne commented that you might want to keep a journal, that is a good thing to consider.Writing is a great outlet in fact my son writes, his writings are in the form of poetry. His writing allows him to keep things from being bottled up. You are such a strong young woman and your writing is beautiful. Your are your parents daughter that is for sure.You keep hanging in there.
Posted by: Tracy | February 10, 2011 at 09:37 AM
Oh Audrey, I wish I could wrap you up in more hugs:) You are so brave & strong {must get that from you Mama} and I am praying for you, your sister, your whole family...especially your Mom!!
Posted by: Leah C | February 10, 2011 at 09:57 AM
Precious Audrey, your words have communicated such tenderness and longing and truth. I don't believe I have ever heard such depth of feeling from a 12 year old. I agree with everyone who has said how gifted a writer you are, just like your Mommy and Daddy. We are praying BIG for your Mommy and you and Emma, and your whole family to be blessed with the peace that passes all understanding and that will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus during this time of testing, waiting and refining patience. God knows what you have need of, and I can't wait to hear the report of your Mommy giving you girls your long awaited (((HUGS))). Please know we are praying for just that in So. California. So many prayer chains are going, and you all asking for definate requests gives us the opportunity to pray with understanding. "May God bless and keep you and lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace"...dearest girl...even while you wait. I just have to say this too...my words say so little when my heart means so much. How I pray you feel the love coming from so many, and it will make your way lighter, sweet Audrey.
Posted by: Pam Houston | February 10, 2011 at 10:02 AM
I know it's hard when she goes off to Jesus like that, but it's good because she is gathering His strength so she can get well and come back to you fully. It's beautiful...He breathes His life into her while he is holding her hand and she gets a little bit better everytime He does that.
God Bless You..be patient. Your mom will be better than ever and sooner than you think!
Posted by: Lisa Ramsey | February 10, 2011 at 10:09 AM
What a delight to hear from your heart! I thank God that he has given you the ability to write out your feelings about what is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to keep this up, even if it's just a few sentences each day in a journal of some sort. Your mom is going to be so proud of you and you two will have so many thoughts (and hugs) to share when she is feeling better! Hugs and prayers to you and your family !
Posted by: mary beth | February 10, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Audrey, Your mother is so proud of you I know it. I will be praying for these things. Lean on God and your family during this time as your Mother heals ansd before you know it your Mother will be back with you.
Posted by: Pam | February 10, 2011 at 10:21 AM
Precious Audrey, you do your family and your God proud! You, like your mom, are very strong and have such a gift with words. I know that you have been and will continue to be such a blessing to your family. Don't be too hard on yourself. I am continuing to pray for you all.
Posted by: Betsy | February 10, 2011 at 10:25 AM
Dear Audrey,
Your post was so honest and sweet. I don't know you or your family, but God led me to this blog. I have been praying for your mom and all of you. It is so awesome to see such a strong faith in the Lord in each one of you! God is with you through all of this. Thank you for sharing your story, for the courage you show, and your commitment to Christ! This story is a great way to glorify GOD! May the Lord provide for you exactly what you need, when you need it! "With God, all things are possible!" Love to you, your sister, mommy, and dad!
Posted by: Kori | February 10, 2011 at 10:56 AM
We are praying, Audrey, and trusting that God hears all our prayers. We are praying and believing that she will get well soon. And that just like your dream, she will come back to you and be the mom you remember. I agree with others, don't be too hard on yourself for thinking of your mom during school, I know that God has lots of grace and forgiveness for that. But we will still be praying that you won't worry as much about her at school. :)
Remember this, God will never leave you or forsake you. He is with you every moment of this. Jesus knows every feeling you are feeling and He will be your comforter. Know that so many love you and are praying for you, your sister, your family, and especially your mommy every single day!!
Heather (David's mom)
Ben (David's dad)
David (10 yrs old)
Nathan (1 year old, so he can't really pray yet) :)
Posted by: Heather B | February 10, 2011 at 11:01 AM
Oh Sweet girl, what a beautiful dream and what a beautiful glimpse of your heart you have shared with us. Thank you. Audrey, I know that you are aware of so many praying for you, your family, your Mom and you have such a talent with words,I am not going to try to give you more words. Just know that when I pray for you, I am adding the prayer that I prayed for my own children when they were in school: Father please wrap Audrey and Emma in your love, please let them be able to feel the warmth of your arms around them throughout each day Lord. Father, give them peace in their minds, grant them wisdom, knowledge and discernment of both your Word and the subjects they study in school. Lord Jesus help them to remember,and understand everything they are taught,everything they read, hear, or study and when it comes time for a test Lord, reward their efforts with total recall of these things. In your precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Hugs and prayers to you & Em,
Another mom in Alabama
Posted by: Julie Reynolds | February 10, 2011 at 11:13 AM
What a great writer you are! I just wanted you to know that my daddy was really sick when I was a young girl and I totally understand what you are saying when you talk about not being able to concentrate in school. Try not to worry about it too much - as your mommy gets better, you'll be able to concentrate better and better and then you'll be able to catch up on anything you might have missed when you had trouble concentrating. God is taking very good care of your mommy and your family and He will make sure that you will learn what you need to in order to get through the school year!
Posted by: Cathy | February 10, 2011 at 11:27 AM
I will certainly pray hard and BIG for your prayer requests. You are an amazing girl and writer.
Posted by: julie | February 10, 2011 at 11:53 AM
what a beautiful beautiful post, audrey! i think it is great that you can express your thoughts about your mom in this way.
your love and support is such a healing thing for your mom. she feels it, sweetie, even if she doesn't seem to respond all the time. God has given you great strength at this time, so that you can walk through this valley. sometimes when a situation is very hard, we don't feel strong. but later, when we look back, we realize that God's strength was the only thing that got us through.
also, i want to encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts. it allows us readers to "glean" from the the grace and blessings that God is giving your family at this time. by your sharing your heart, we are drawn closer to Him and we get a small taste of what He is like. all because you are sharing this part of your life.
i am leaving you hugs here in this comment. my prayers will be with you throughout this day.
you are a beautiful girl, audrey!
Posted by: randi | February 10, 2011 at 11:55 AM
I have a daughter your age. What a sweet girl you are. I am sending lots of prayers for your family and for your Mom.
Posted by: Tina | February 10, 2011 at 11:58 AM
Oh, girl. I can hardly type with all these tears in my eyes. I can't even imagine how much you and Emma miss your mommy. Livi, Ava, and Nina have been praying for you. They're so sad for you but also so inspired by your courage.
I had a dream about your mom a few days ago (actually on the day she said her first word). I had come from Ohio to visit her, and before I even walked in the room, she saw me and recognized me and talked to me from her bed. It made me so happy.
Praying BIG prayers for your mommy and my friend. I love you!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | February 10, 2011 at 12:10 PM
You are so sweet. Hang in there, Audrey.
Posted by: Amy | February 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM
You sweet girl are one brave, brave daughter of God. Keeping you so close in prayer. Tons of love from one Siesta in CNY!
Posted by: Katie | February 10, 2011 at 12:43 PM
You're words are bringing tears to my eyes right now. You are so brave to write to us and share your heart. You have an amazing mom. Thank you for sharing her with us. I'm praying for you and your family.
Jeanne in Texas
Posted by: jeanne adams | February 10, 2011 at 01:15 PM
This was an awesome post Audrey! Many of us that read it were able to feel God's love, just because you took the time to write. Thank you for being brave and letting us hear from your heart. God knows who you are, what you are thinking, and He cares SO much about you.
I pray now that He will continue to heal your mommy! Go give your Dad a big hug and tell him how awesome he is!
Posted by: Gabe Taviano | February 10, 2011 at 01:34 PM
You've got a band of warriors praying for you, sweet girl. Even though I don't know you personally & I only know your mama through blogs and email, I'm very proud of you for sharing your heart, your struggles, and your prayer requests. This is where we find our strength (cause, a whole lot of the time, we run out & we find that there are other people waiting to help us along). I speak from experience.
It's okay to worry about your mom. That's party of loving someone so much. The other part (though much harder) is letting God take care of them when we can't. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know- but I do know that, sometimes, its good to hear it from other people.
You are loved, dear one. You and your sister. Your mom and your dad.
Posted by: Taylor | February 10, 2011 at 02:13 PM
You are an amazing 12 yr old Audrey! I feel so blessed to be able to pray for you and your family. Your mom loves you more than words can express! That, I'm sure of. Praying the Lord comforts you as you wait for your mom to return a little more each day.
Posted by: heidi | February 10, 2011 at 02:15 PM
Sweet, sweet Audrey....as one of, I'm sure, many mommies who read this blog, I know that your mom wants nothing more than to sit up and hug and love on you and Emma. You are both in my prayers. You have amazing parents who have taught you so well and now it's also YOUR faith that keeps you going.
Posted by: Lisa | February 10, 2011 at 03:00 PM
Oh sweet girl-
I don't think its strange at all that you have to same dream about your mommy over and over again. You too are so connected, that she comes to you in your dreams...that's pretty awesome! You are a pretty amazing girl, and this journey has been so hard for all of you, but continue to trust in Jesus and rest in his arms, and when anxiety tries to overtake you...just call on his MIGHTY MIGHTY name! You are learning some amazing lessons at such a young age, and I hope you can see the blessing in that as well!
Loving you,
Andrea S.
Dear Lord,
Wrap your arms around Audrey today as she simply misses her mommy and the way life was. Bless her with focus at school, and help her to find peace and strength in you. Help her to trust in your ways Oh Lord, and help her to remember the strength that Joanne has in her, simply because she is a daughter of the King!
In Jesus Name.
Posted by: Andrea S. | February 10, 2011 at 04:35 PM
You bet, Audrey - I will pray all those things for you tonight! And don't stress too much about the concentration - I think everyone will understand if your mind isn't ALWAYS on the schoolwork! Mommys are VERY important people - I have to say that 'cos I am one!! :0)
Posted by: Debbie | February 10, 2011 at 05:07 PM
Hey Audrey girl...
How cool that the dream keeps repeating, reminding you that she's on her way back.
You know what's even more true than your Mom being a strong, strong woman who can fight through this? That even while Mom's body is weak, Jesus is super-strong and knows that you and Emma need Mom back. (Don't tell him, but I think your Dad needs her around too!)
Betcha if you hug Emma every time you need a mom-hug, she'd be squished flat as a pancake in about a week. Might be worth a try. ;-)
Thank You, Jesus, for loving Audrey and Emma right in the middle of all this. Amen.
Posted by: Rachel B | February 10, 2011 at 05:30 PM
Audrey, You are a wonderful made young lady and so brave to be dealing with all this. What a blessing you are to your mom and sister and dad. Keep on writing down your thoughs and feelings and dreams - even if you don't share them with us, you will be glad you have them when mom is back home.
When something is going on in my life, I have a hard time concentrating too. I think most people are like that.
I will pray for those things for you and for your mom to get better as soon as humanly possible.
Sending cyber hugs your way all the way from Massachusetts!
Posted by: Linda - Behind My Red Door | February 10, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Sweet Audrey, I loved reading your post. We are praying for you in NC. If you could picture it, picture me, my husband, my daughter Emma (9 yrs old) and my daughter Olivia (5 years old) gathered around and lifting your family up in prayer. We love you! Your Mom is a fighter and would be so, so proud of you!
Posted by: Deidre | February 10, 2011 at 08:07 PM
What a great writer you are - just like your mom! And I have thought all through this of how proud your mom is and will continue to be of you. Will continue to keep you and Emma and your mom and the rest of your family in my prayers. You are all special people and are a bright light for many. God bless each of you.
Posted by: Genie | February 10, 2011 at 08:36 PM
Thank you for letting us know how you're doing and what's on your mind and heart.
Your dream let's me know that you are afraid of losing your mom. Sometimes, just telling that to God when you pray helps to feel better. He likes us to need Him. I need Him every day! A lot of the things I worry about never even happen! Isn't that cool? One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6. You probably already know that passage. I hope it helps you to "Fear not!" Don't you love it when you read those two words in the Bible? "Fear not!" It lets me know that others were afraid before me. And it's also something I can say back to my fears when I am afraid. "Fear not!"
Audrey, take each day one day at a time. You've been through a lot and it's not easy. My mom likes to crochet when she's worried. I like to listen to music...Tobymac is one of my favorites, too! What do you like to do when you're worried?
You know you have a lot of people praying for you. You may even feel those prayers inside you sometimes. Almost like power inside of you. Just thank God that He's got people praying for you and ask Him to help you through this. He will!!! You may have to ask Him several times, but He will help you. I know because He has helped me through some scary things.
Jesus, please help Audrey concentrate on her lessons and to learn what she needs to learn right now in school. Make her so very smart! Give her wisdom and increase her knowledge as she goes through this time of missing her mom and going to a new school. I pray that her grades would improve and that her mind would be able to focus on what she is learning. Lord, You can make us smarter than we are! And braver that we are! Help Audrey to feel safe right now. Love her with tender loving care, Jesus. Give her faith like Ruth in the Bible. Help her to keep busy and to not be afraid. I pray that she would be able to fully rely on God (F.R.O.G.) as she waits for those hugs from her mommy. Thank You, Jesus, for what You are doing to help them and care for them. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Audrey, your name means "noble strength." Or another way of saying that is "superior strength." Looks to me like God is calling you to trust Him to give you His Super Strength through this time. He is Mighty Mighty! Ask Him to give You His Strength every day. He will!
Love you, very much,
Posted by: twinkle | February 10, 2011 at 08:39 PM
What a beautiful post Audrey. You are a gifted writer like your Mom and Dad!! It's hard to be so strong when things around you seem so scary and uncertain. But know that you are not alone that Jesus is with you every step of the way, and you have 1000's of people all over the World praying for you, Emma, your Dad and Mom. My family and I will continue to pray for you and your family!! Sending (((HUGS))) from Canada! Erin
Posted by: erin | February 10, 2011 at 11:31 PM
You are such a brave and honest person! I am very proud of you that you are expressing how you feel and asking us for prayer. I am praying for you with everyone else around the world. I am praying His strength and peace for you in school, home, with your family and for your family! I pray when you are alone with your thoughts... that you know you are NOT alone...God is always there! He understands and loves you!!! Praying for your whole family! An awesome break through yesterday with the ipod! You must be happy! I think of you every day! Hugs and prayers! Joyce (grand kids call me Mam) from Washington State!
Posted by: Joyce Black | February 11, 2011 at 09:46 AM
Oh Sweet, precious girl. You're a very gifted writer. Your Mama IS coming back to you. I'm a Mommy too and I can't imagine how proud you are making your Mommy by expressing your feelings this way. She will treasure your writings for the rest of her days. What a blessing!!
Keep holding on to your Jesus! Don't lose site of HIM no matter what fears creep in ...
Our Lord, GOD, is with us wherever we go and whatever we do! No matter what! Don't dispair, HE never leaves our side.
[that's my own little paraphrase of Joshua 1:9]
I will continue praying for you and your family, Dear one.
Rachael in Ohio
Posted by: Rachael D. | February 11, 2011 at 12:13 PM
Oh, you sweet little girl. I know you dont know me, I came here after seeing the story about your Moomy on another blog.But, I have been praying very, very much for you and your sister. I know your Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you for being such a strong girl. Im praying here in NC, and you just keep praying too sweetheart. God will make Mommy alright before you know it, just stay strong.
Posted by: Lauri Weaver | February 11, 2011 at 12:20 PM
Audrey, you express yourself so beautifully. Thank you for allowing us to lift you and your family up in prayer. I have read your Mommy's books and blog for a couple of years now and I always love when she writes about her family. You all have shown others what loving and caring for your family is all about. My daughter is ten and read your entry and she was clearly moved. Our family in Oregon is praying and praying BIG for your mommy and your whole family.
Hugs to you Audrey:)
Sue and family, Oregon
Posted by: sue | February 11, 2011 at 01:05 PM
Hugs to you Audrey! I'm continuing to pray for you and your Mommy.
Posted by: Anuja | February 11, 2011 at 08:50 PM
Thank you for sharing with us. As has already been mentioned, you definitely inherited the writing talent!
I saw this verse the day after you wrote this post and thought of you,
"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12, NLT
Your family's faith is such a testimony both to people who already know God and to those who don't.
I'm praying that your mom will be able to hug you soon. Please know that she wants to hug you desperately and to be able to speak the words, "I love you."
As someone mentioned, you and your sister should give each other lots of hugs (and your dad too!) My sister and I are just a little younger than your parents and we are the best of friends now. But didn't get along very well when we were kids. What a waste of our childhood! I hope you and Emma are good friends and will become even closer now.
Praying BIG for your entire family.
Posted by: Sharon | February 12, 2011 at 09:17 AM
God bless you Audrey. Everyone is telling you how strong you are, and I know you don't feel very strong right now, but that's because you are staying close to God, and He's the strong one. He will continue to hold you and your family up...and He is encouraging you each day by letting you see the healing miracles He is performing in your Mom.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings so that we can all pray specifically for your needs. Love in Christ.
Posted by: lindimity | February 12, 2011 at 12:31 PM
I've been reading these updates but not commented until now--You my dear, are PRECIOUS--praying and praying for you and your amazing Mommy!!!
Posted by: Amanda | February 13, 2011 at 02:41 PM
Dear Audrey: You are a very strong young lady. Just wanted you to know I am praying for you.
Posted by: Patty | February 13, 2011 at 11:36 PM
Praying for you and your family. Stay strong girl! You and your family have been such a blessing to all of us and I pray that our prayers and thoughts are blessings to you.
Posted by: Amy T | February 16, 2011 at 09:51 AM