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my heart is so very happy reading this! Our God is so good!!!!

hugs and prayers,


Oh this is wonderful news! God is good, Toben and Joanne!
I send prayers and blessing out to the Heim family and my hope for good rest for you all, and a happy weekend!~


Praise God from whom all blessings flow! He is good and He is a BIG GOD and He is ABLE! Praying for you in Alabama!


Yea! That is so awesome! I am so beyond thrilled! :-) Joanne- my dear blogger friend, if I could swing the airfare, I would hope on a plane and come and visit. But since I can't I will keep on sending my prayers and my love. :-) So glad you got to go outside- and very glad you got to say "see ya" to the trach. :-)


Praise God! Praise God! I'm so happy for y'all! We are still praying and will continue to do so. Every little step counts -Yah trach free! Thank you Lord!


Yay for fresh air! Sounds amazing to get the trach out and having a great field trip.

Kimberly S.

Yeah for everything today! I'm so glad you got to go outside and get that fresh air. How wonderful. To think that just a few "short" weeks ago you were not eating ANY solid foods. Now look at you, your eating, breathing on your own, communicating better everyday. God is so working on you and with your determination you'll be home soon. .

Love and many prayers,
Kimberly S.

Marla Taviano

I love, love, love being connected with Joanne!! Praise the Lord for texting. She already told me about her chicken salad for dinner. THANK YOU for letting her have her phone!! I've been praying she'll get some sweet, sweet rest!!

Tina Smith

That is so cool!!! no trach and fresh air:) Hospitals are terrible for sleep:) Our God is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing our God cannot do.....

Kary Ross

Lots of Vitamin D and God!! He is good, All the Time!! Praise God!

Kate Stoker

I remember a nurse friend of mine coming to see me in the hospital...she convinced them to allow me to go outside...sunshine is so amazing! It was one of the best feelings ever. I am so happy for you Joanne, and the huge steps you're making. The Lord is so amazing! I am continuing to pray for you. Xoxoxoxoxoxo


No trach, fresh air, sunshine and a visit with friends & family! What a wonderful day! Big Prayers continue in NC!


So happy the trach is out!!!! I will be praying for Joanne to get a good nights sleep.


What wonderful news!! Will definitely be praying for a good night's sleep.

Paige Szajnuk

Psalm 100 - a Psalm for giving grateful praise.

1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Joann rootsey

Hooray. One more step. So happy. How exciting. I'm glad you got outside today. Keep on truckin!

Sandy Chapin

Sounds like a great day. Continued prayers.

Alex Humphrey

Amen Toben!

Our God is glorious and powerful and wonderful and He is so beautifully glorified in your wife.

How encouraging to see Him work in the healing of your wife. To see Him calm your family as you struggle through this difficult time, and to see Him bring the body of Christ together to love on and intercede for a sister in Christ.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this experience. And thank YOU Joanne. Your suffering has been great (more than I can imagine) but you are being used through it all to impact the world for Christ.

God Bless

Michelle from Australia

Our little family will keep up the prayers for Joanne and all her support team.

Rachael Barr

Praying for sleep tonight for Joanne, and for you, Toben. Great day, great news and great progress. GREAT GOD! Sending up praise and prayers from Kansas, shalom, Rachael

Kathleen Jaeger

Praise the Lord that the trach is out! It is too a big deal! I am praying with you and thanking Him with you for each step of the way.

Terry Rayburn Mitchell

Toben, I continue to appreciate your posts so much. Sometimes I take out a little excerpt and include it in my Facebook update so that some of your and Joanne's Whitworth friends can keep up with her recovery. Su Chism asked me about Joanne the other day, and it turned out that she didn't know about J.'s stroke. She asked that I send along her very best wishes, and I'm doing that now. Still holding Joanne in our thoughts and prayers and rejoicing with you in her progress. Hang in there; it looks as if your "new normal" may be much, much better than you expected at one time. Your steadfast, faithful love for Joanne, for your girls, and for God is an inspiration.

Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

What wonderful news! I'm praying! : )


Hi Joanne (and Toben)- not sure if you remember me Joanne but we emailed a few years ago- I'm a Texan living in the UK (Wales) and I just wanted to let you know that I am so excited to hear all these wonderful updates and I continue to lift you up many times a day. I follow you on Twitter but my account is private so I can never let you know how I pray for you, but I wanted you to know. We have a university student home group that meets every Wed. for Bible study and they ask about you each week! :) Praise God. We love you!


This is so wonderful. Your recovery Joanne is miraculous.


Praise God, TRACH gone:) I continue to pray for progress, sleep, peace and healing! Have a blessed day, HUGS from Georgia!

Denise Keeter

Joanne & Toben,
PTL...from whom all blessings flow! I have been praying for you and so has my Deeper Still bible study here in Naples Italy (16 women). I had read some of your posts on Beth Moore's blog and have gotten to know you from now reading your own blog. I am so grateful to God who is healing you & drawing people to himself through your story. Your family is amazing and your prayer warrior friends encourage EVEN ME. Continue to rest and give God the glory. And I will continue to pray!!! In Christ's love, Denise Keeter

ps--Joanne, we are the same age & have similar interests....and that makes me feel connected to you and want to pray more!! :-)


Blessings indeed! Thank you Lord for great friends, staff, family and being able to go outside.
Joanne, I got your tweet this morning about the wonderful sleep you had. YES!!!
Praying for your family and continued recovery.

Amy T

Awesome! So glad the trach is gone and that you got to experience sunshine today. And that it looks like you got a good night's sleep (I'm assuming the tweets are from you on the sidebar). Looking forward to more good news in the days ahead.


Praising God for these updates--from the BOTH of you, and praying for all that you detail, Toben. Hugs from Seattle.


Thanking God for this awesome update on your recovery!!! We take for granted the outdoors air and the Sun!! I'm so happy you were able to get out and enjoy it!! Continuing to press deep into prayer for you to be pain free and to keep on healing in record time!!! God is so great!!
I pray you have an awesome weekend and still praying that your family will be getting their hugs from you very soon!!!
Keep trusting Him and He will keep amazing us through YOU!
Thank You Lord!!


That is so awesome!! God is so good. I send hugs and prayers to you all.
I wanted to take a moment to remind you (or if you didn't see my last post) that fresh life has teachings from 8am to 11:30 am all great teachers. Jon Courson is the last 11 to 11:30. Also on @ 1:30am - 3:30ish if Joanne can't sleep..
Have a wonderful day. Much love from Montana.

Tara (Bowers) Bain

Really awesome news! What a strong lady you married!

Marena Sheffield

Praise God for getting your trach out. You have been in my prayers since I heard of you from the Dobson's. I, too, had a stroke when I was in my 30's (34). I, too, was a homeschooling mom. And I am praying that you, too, will have people say to you one day, "You had a stroke??"!

Shannon Roberts

I came to you through Beth Moore's blog back when Joanne became sick. Like others, I originally visited your blog simply to pray for a Sister in Christ. Since that time, I continue to visit regularly because I have fallen in love with your family! You have done an excellent job keeping us up-to-date on Joanne's progress. I remember being in knots in the beginning when she was so ill. Now, I celebrate with gladness with each step of forward progress. I can't wait for her to begin blogging so I can get to know HER better. The depth of her wisdom is going to come from such a deeper and more passionate place. I.Can't.Wait! What a testimony she will be sharing. What an anointed testimony you all are already sharing with us! Thank you...thank you for allowing us strangers to glean from your testimony before you've had a chance to grasp it all yourselves. You are all amazing.

Shannon Roberts

Kim Oaster

This note of encouragement came in response to the Family Talk interview you gave:
Gina Snoeyenbos-FitzgeraldFebruary 25, 2011 at 1:56pm
Re: James Dobson
Amen to that...!!! I also want to privately share this with you. I have made a decision to attempt to achieve running a half marathon..13.1 miles. At age mind says this is probably heart says otherwise. With each step I take on the treadmill, I think of Joanne..and with each mile I conquer, I will celebrate Joanne.

If there comes a time when I enter a race...I will dedicate it to her.
I want to do this and I want to finish strong...just like her...


Everytime I read this blog, it just keeps on getting better and better! HE sure does work miracles!
Sending prayers from MASS!

Rayleine Chagoya

Praise God for His healing & faithfulness.It's so wonderful to hear of His Miracles & blessings.Prayers still coming your way from West Covina,CA <3 Rayleine

Sandi in MN

Amen Toben!! To God be all the glory! He really is answering all these prayers. I was so excited to read that Joanne's trach came out. What a wonderful thing. And I can only imagine how good all the sunshine and fresh air smelled after being cooped up in a hospital room for six weeks! Amazing, good friends with great ideas!

Leah C

Oh it is a big deal!! Wonderful news:)

Kristen McWilliams

Oh happy day! So glad she is trach free. That is a huge leap forward. Will be praying she can catch some good z's tonight! (: May blessing and healing continue to flow in abundance!

Ruthy :o)

Just want to shout praises to our KING and sing what a MIGHTY God we serve, what a MIGHTY God we serve, Angels bow b4 Him Heaven n Earth ADORE Him what a MIGHTY God we serve.

Praise the Lord Toben ...what Progress


Glory to God in the Highest!!! YAY!!!! That is AMAZING NEWS!!!! I'll keep praying!!

Love, Mere


Yay Hooray!!! : ) What a blessing THAT's got to be! : ) Congratulations Jo! No trach AND fresh sunshine...what a great day!

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