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I saw it and I loved it! Now when she opens those beautiful eyes, she sees all that happiness and love around her all the time!


what a clever and intentional way to create an atmosphere of healing and restoration. i think of all of joanne's caregivers and how you are faithfully speaking the healing name of Jesus throughout her room. Lives will be changed because of Joanne being where she is. As much as all of this is hard and agonizing, Audrey and Emma are growing and striving in positive directions. the readers of this blog are being inspired and encouraged by all you are enduring. all this to say… keep on keepin on… the messages of faith, of prayer, of healing, of struggles, of persevering, of miracles… of Jesus… they are being heard. press on, sweet family, and know that there are legions of us praying.


Toben, you are such an amazing man; I so clearly see your life as a prayer, constantly worshiping Our Lord in your actions and words, your thoughts and even your doubts. Throughout out a horrible trial, that many would feel impossible to cope with, you continue each day with faith in God, and therefore you are witnessing to all of us.
I thank you for your example and pray for the strength to follow it.
I look forward to your updates on not only Joanne, but also on yourself and your girls. My family is praying for all of you, following your prayer requests and I also rekindled my prayer circle here in England, UK as well as on facebook, all praying for Joanne.
God Bless you all!

Margie Smallman

Even if there is some "left neglect",a lot of that can be worked on to diminish the lack of awareness. Praise the Lord that it seems she won't have as much of an issue with that.

Provigil is a wonderful drug! I've taken it for years and I love that it's not like caffeine that drops off all of a sudden. Just helps a "sleepy" brain be more alert. Hoping that will help get her out of the fog.

Continuing to uplift your whole family and thinking specifically about Emma that courage will come to return her to her mom's side.


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Lifting you up in prayer today Joanne, so thankful to hear you are progessing toward Complete Healing. Prayer warrior in Bryan, Tx

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