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Dear Toben,
When I read that the Ipad has and App for Stroke Recovery, I started to cry with happiness! What a blessing!
People are so good and so kind. Thank the good Lord above!

Sung Wook Chung

We are thankful for the continuous progress in Joanne's recovery. The Lord has been so faithful in answering our prayers. Praise the Lord! We pray that the Lord would provide Joanne with a great rehab facility so that she may be completely healed. We have an invincible hope that Joanne will be fully well soon. "It is well, it is well with my soul..." AMEN.
In-Kyung & Sung Wook


I have been following your updates on Joanne and praying for all of you. I have wanted to write how amazed I have been how God began working in this situation last summer long before anyone would have thought something like this could happen. God led you to move back to Colorado at just the right time so you would have all your family and friends right there to help all of you when Joanne had her stroke; where your girls could easily return to school when their Mom was not able to teach them. Best wishes to you all and keep us posted on the prayer needs.


God is in the APP business! You are so loved! Continued prayers for your sweet family!

Rachel Pate

I am so glad to see how the body of Christ is ministering to all of you! I can't wait to hear of her using her new gadgets.
Still praying in Atlanta,

Jen Abbas de Jong

Wow! I can't believe how quickly therapy has progressed even in the last 7 years. The app sounds awesome and the Wii has been fantastic for helping me improve my balance and hand/eye coordination. What generous, fun and perfect gifts for Joanne.

We'll keep praying every day for Joanne's recovery.

Sharon Brumfield

Our God is so good....He knows just how to love us in the most perfect way!
I am blessed because He has blessed you so perfectly. :)
Still praying in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina.

Melana Cummings

Ok, I have read every update from you and Kristen and have been touched....but this one has me in tears. From the kind friends who gave you these devices, to the Apple guy to the 3200 emails, to "seeing" Joanne on her new "toys" some day getting better...Well it just got to me!

God and His people are good!

Cathy Davis

I love when technology is used for good! We're ready to hear from you Joanne!

Kim Feth

God is in control - of course there's an app for that! Laughing with job. Still praising and praying.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Sara G

Yay what great gifts! The Wii has great tools (games) for therapy. When I was in the hospital rehab we used Wii Fit games along with Wii Sports Resort (which we had at home) to work on different areas. The basketball game on Sports is one of my favorite ones. We had to move the controller to point down and then move up and forward to throw the ball. Tennis table helps move the arm, wrist and hand motions. Repetition is the key with learning, re-learning. To me, one of the best tools in recovery is doing things you like to do. The iPad can also help with finger movement, reading focus and probably more. I am so glad that you were helped! Praise God!

Theresa Roach

WOW, God even works thru Apple! AMAZING! Have a blessed evening! HUGS from Georgia!


"We have an app for that." Awesome--great story! Don't forget the Kindle app for all her favorite books when she's ready to read. Also, there is a stand for the iPad; it can be propped in front of the user so that they don't have to actually hold it. I have a feeling you already know about this, but I wanted to toss it out, just in case. Blessings ~K


Continuing in prayer and praise!


That is so neat that they have an app for that! We were on a vacation in the mountains since Friday, I my lost my iPad connection. But I didn't lose my connection to God, ( may have even had a better connection up there) so my prayers for Joanne continued. But as soon as we got back into a service area, I had to get my updates on Joanne.

I love your positive attitude in such a difficult time. I wish everyone in the LTAC had the prayer support going for them that Joanne has. If you give us some of theirs names, we can send up extra prayers for them and their families.


What an awesome update!! Love the iPad and the Wii!!
Just letting you know Im still praying and believing for a total recovery!!
Our church has a "Miracle Service" on the 1st Sunday of the month and I went up for prayer for Joanne and others that are needing miracles today. My Pastor asked if I believe that they can be healed and I said yes!!! God just continues to amaze me in everything he does! He is Faithful with His Promises!!! Just reminding you that He IS the God who performs miracles!!!
Thank you for the awesome updates!!!
Still praying for your girls too, especially Emma! Hoping she can see her Mom very soon!!!
P.S. The Talking Tom App is very fun! And it's free!!! The girls will get a kick out of it!!!

Ann Berg

Okay, I am officially, positively giddy with praise for all God has doing....and will do in and through Joanne, you, your family. Thank you Toben for generously sharing this journey with has been an unspeakable privilege to give our Lord praise and honor as He continues to reveal His Amazing Grace & Mercy!

Sending praise & prayers without ceasing on your behalf and for the residents at the LTAC.


I forgot to tell you the "Words with Friends" app is really fun too!! :-)
(also free!)


I read your updates every day, and although you don't know me, I am getting to know your whole family through your story telling and your introductions.

Many prayers still coming your way from all over the world.

Has anyone mentioned the book "My Stroke of Insight" by Jill Bolte Taylor? She is a Harvard trained brain researcher who had a massive stroke in her late 30's and actually, because of her education, was/is able to describe the moment of the stroke, the recovery phases and what felt good (and what didn't) and what she wishes providers of care for stroke patients knew about how the patient is feeling (such as how light and sound were painfully magnified so greatly!) I am a nurse and found the book to be very informative and committed to telling everyone I know with stroke issues about it because of what Jill feels is important info for caregivers and family about the recovery stages.

Praying.........praying.........for recovery, peace, joy, relief.


Jerri G...Catersavvy on Twitter


That is super news for this Super Bowl Sunday!

I must tell you that I have been looking into the IPad because I still have difficulty sitting at my laptop for any length of time.

I was in an awesome rehab...LifeCare off I225 but even they were behind the times with WiFi so this sounds like is just what the LORD ordered!

God is healing her inside and spiritually and you seem to have her outside/physical needs under control. Bless you.

I have a feeling that this week is going to be an amazing one...after all, as we sing in the song...OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!

Blesssing to the whole family!


Ok one more thing and then I'm done!! I forgot, Beth has the LPM/SMT app and it is also FREE!!! Ok Good Night!!

Ruthy :o)

As with Maribeth on the first comment I just sat and cryed on the GOODNESS of GOD how He CARES so much to PROVIDE the practical tools for Joannes recovery...

What a WOW GOD we serve.


I stumbled across this blog via a few different 'crafty' blogs and became entranced by your family's story. What a strong, beautiful couple you both are! To support each other at times where you both needed it, without falter. As an ICU nurse myself (although for children), nothing makes me happier than seeing small milestones achieved by my patients. Remember that these are not small milestones, they are huge and exciting for Joanne - a cause for celebration. Whilst rehabilitation can be slow.. it's a chain of small links that eventually become bigger and more prosperous. It can be an arduous and emotional process watching a loved one's body heal from such a traumatic event. But it does heal, with time and most importantly, great patience. Keep positive and remember to look after yourself Toben. I can't stress that enough. It's ok to take time out for you, in fact, it's crucial for the well-being of you and your family. All the best. Erin.

yanna westmoreland

Praising our Lord for the love and blessings sent from Above through people who have giving hearts. Praying for you Joanne from Bryan, Tx


I'm a brain aneurysm survivor in North Carolina, and I continue to cheer Joanne on, go Joanne you can do it. Blessings to the whole family. Take care of yourself Toben, this is mentally very hard to deal with. Best wishes.... Carol.


Hi! We have that app for our 11 year old non-verbal son with is great!! Right now he really just uses it to let us know "I want French fries". Been following you since stroke and have to tell you what a blessing Joanne's words have been to me in her previous blogs. God is using her even in this time. You have a precious beautiful family. Will be keeping you all in my prayers!


Hi! I followed one of the "Praying for Joanne" buttons on someone's blog. So glad I did, as I will be joining you in prayer for her. I posted it on my blog, as well.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results." James 5:16.

We serve a Mighty God who is the Divine Physician! May the Lord comfort you, your daughters and the entire family during this time and may He restore your wife to her fullest!


Toben - do not "Twitter" but have been following your tweets - just read your comment on J mouthing the word "black" ---- absolutely bawling - have been praying for her since day one - I work in rehab in nursing administration and God is truly performing a miracle - one day at a time! Yeah God!


I stumbled upon your blog from a friend. I am praying for you wife. I have special needs twin two year olds and we do lots of ST/OT/PT. I just recently got them an Ipad.

I really like this app:

Its customized so you can put your own pictures in to make choices. Its very simple and doesn't require a lot of fine motor skills.

I just wanted to share. We will also be getting Proloque2Go when the boys get a little older. Right now, they just enjoy simple apps like a piano, story readers, and "mood apps" where they choose how they feel.

Diane Conner

I heard about Joanne from Beth Moore's blog and have kept up ever since. You all are in my prayers and thoughts daily!

After reading your post about the ipad I wanted to write. I'm a former homeschooler/spec ed teacher and my 13 yr old son has severe dyslexia and we use ours like crazy. The ipad will be a phenomenal resource for Joanne.

I belong to a list serve of Assistive Technology professionals(I'm a lurker). They will be a great resource for you if you would like to join the list. Go to [email protected] as well as 2 other great resources on Facebook "Assistive Technology" and "iTeach Special Education-iDevices in Special Education". This is an amazing time to be in need of Assistive Technology it is just exploding with possibilities for those in need.

Also the book "Stroke of Insight" is a good book written by a young Dr.s journey after her stroke. Also the book "Spark:The revolutionary science of exercise and the brain" is interesting as well.

It is such a privilege to go to the Lord for you and your family in prayer!!


This is something extraordinary. I can not used it for this purpose. But anyways it is genuine information.


Wow! I can not believe how therapy has progressed rapidly, even in the last more then 5 years. The application looks awesome and the Wii has been great for helping me improve my balance and hand / eye coordination. I love this gift. Thanks!

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