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Julie Hoagland

So happy to read about the wonderful news. We will continue to pray for you requests and complete healing and recovery. Tonight at dinner I made "Joanne Carrots". The boys loved them and asked me how I knew how to make them. I told them that they were a recipe from my friend Joanne. Noah said, "Mom, these are Joey-ann carrots?" It was really cute! Both Noah and Isaiah continue to pray for her daily!

Julie Hoagland - Seattle, WA


I am so thankful to hear all of this good news. Yes, Joanne is making progress. The Lord says not to despise the day of small beginnings. Baby steps. I will pray for Heather as well! Blessings Toben!


thank you for taking the time to update us each night--I continue to pray for all of you and can't wait for the day that Joanne is giving updates herself!!

Sharon in Frederick

I am praying for Joanne, your friend of a friend, Heather, for your families.
Toben, these Baby Steps, are GIANT LEAPS.
They are faith builders for everyone.
Blessings, Sharon


wonderful to read, continuing to lift you all up before the Lord. Adding Heather and family as well.


Kim Feth

As I said in a previous post, we never know who we are intended to minister to when we first put our feet on the floor each morning. We will continue to praise and pray your requests and then some. Don't forget to get some sleep, Toben.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


such good news!

Praying for everything related to Joanne and her rehab and recovery. Thank you Toben, for giving faithful updates. I know you must be so tired every night, but these updates sure do fuel the fire to pray for her! It's nice knowing how to pray and how to PRAISE too!

God bless each of you,
a siesta in Georgia

The Godings

Continued prayers for the Heim and Noce family! Thanks for your graciousness in your hour of mention them. Please know we are trusting God for a full recovery for both Heather and Joanne!
Blessings always!

Dana Kinlaw

I heard your story through another blog and have been checking in on you and when I read about taking steps however small it made me think of the quote by Martin Luther King "courage is taking the first step without knowing where the staircase may lead" You are doing a wonderful job you are taking each step carefully but bravely! I have thought about your girls so often, I have a 12yr old daughter as well. A verse that I find comfort in is "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am" Phil4:11 Please know I am praying for Joanne and you and your girls! Take care Dana Columbia SC


I love reading about all the progress that Joanne is making. The Lord puts her on my heart daily....praising and praying! So thankful for your constant updates. I will also pray for Heather.

Jen Medeiros....bloggy friend form CA

Tina Nezat

I heard about Joanne from a friend in Birmingham. We have been praying daily for God's continued healing. I can't wait to check in everyday to hear about the miracles that are taking place in your family. We will also be praying for Heather and her family. God bless all of you!
Tina (Baton Rouge, LA)

ginger morris

:-) thank you for the updates
the news is so encouraging
praying & praising

Sandi in MN

I'm continuing to pray also. I love reading all your updates, can't imagine where the energy comes to do that daily. The thought of it is exhausting to me. But God is your strength in time of trouble....will keep the Noce's in my prayers as well. I thought it was very cool of you to ask for prayer for them first on your list.


I'm sure you know I think it is really cool that you got to be there for Joanne when they did that procedure and you got to see what is going on in there. I am blown away that she chewed and swallowed. Every day, I rejoice with you in this progress. I can only imagine the amount of energy it takes for both her and for you through this process.

Hugs to the girls and to you.

Dedra Herod

Thank you for the update friend... It helps my heart so much. I promise to take all these requests to corporate prayer tomorrow night and call out to Him on Joanne's behalf as well as Heather's. You are doing such a good job Toben.. I know He is well pleased with you.. I just know it.

Much love,

Child of God

And the news just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for keeping us so up to date! I will continue to pray and pray for Joanne and your whole family and this new family that you have met.

God bless,


Continuing in prayer for your family.

Marie Cauley

Will continue praying for Joanne and for Heather now as well. Praising God for the progress that has been made!

Amy Medeiros

"Significant recovery." What wonderful words to hear! Praising and praying with you.


Amazing. God's Grace. And His Mercy. It's new every morning! I pray it rains like a watershed all over that facility...may it be obvious that He is present and powerful in every need. For Joanne, for Heather, and for the desperate needs all over this facility. I want Joanne's desire for a year of LOVE to ignite. Right there. In her weakness. Let God be Strong. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Gigi Boyle

WE are grateful for your faithful updates, Tobin. We are keeping Joanne, you and the girls as well as Joanne's parents and sister in our prayers. We pray for patience for all of you as you continue the long road ahead.

marta ramos


Deena @ My Bookshelf

Toben, I know you give all credit to God, but your testimony through all of this is blessing and inspiring. I'm finding it is so easy to say we believe in and trust God for all things, but watching a brother in Christ LIVE IT builds up my faith as well.
God bless You and may He grant you the desires of your heart and continue to pour out His mercy and strength on Joanne, your girls, and your extended family. Please know that prayers go up daily here in No. California for you all.


Praising the Lord for the wonderful news and progress. I look forward to these posts everyday, hoping and praying for good news each time.

I am not sure if I missed it or if you've never mentioned but if you know and if you wouldn't mind sharing can you tell us what caused the stroke in the first place?? Had Joanne had one before? I'm thinking she was a pretty healthy gal that ran for exercise right??



I came across your blog through a friends. I am an Occupational Therapist and I have previously worked with adults with brain injury (I now work with kids with developmental disabilities). I have seen recovery from the therapist point of view, but this is offering an amazing opportunity through the eyes of the family. I have Joanne and your family in my thoughts, and can't wait to hear about all the wonderful things to come in her recovery!

Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

Praise the Lord! I'm praying! My mom is an emergency room nurse and we lost my precious dad to brain cancer in 1999, when I was still in school. I am generally NOT good with hearing about...or visualizing anything having to do with anything medical (I've really been praying a lot for Emma)...but I have been glued to your story, catching up each day to know how I need to be praying!

God Bless you, guys! Praise the Lord of all Comfort, Encouragement...and Healing!!!

Julie M.

Becky K.

It sounds like Joanne is getting excellent care...that is awesome! How wonderful to hear of the progress she is making.

Praying for your requests.

Becky K.
Lancaster, PA


Praising our God and continuing to pray for your entire family. Will start praying for the Noce's as well. Thanks for the updates, I check here daily.

Zita - Mlle Magpie

All such wonderful and encouraging news. So happy for you and Joanne.

Sheryl Dean

God is definitely at work. He never stops. So glad to hear of Joanne's progress and everything that is going on with you as well.

Continually praying,



This brought me to tears today! You and your family are so strong! Joanne is doing great!

Christine H.

So grateful to read of Joanne's progress. Praise God indeed!! Our family will continue to pray for yours. Thank you for sharing this journey with the rest of us. Be blessed.

Ruthy :o)

I just kept thinking 'Surrounded' when I read your blog how your 'Surrounded' by the Gr8 cloud of witnesses....'Surrounded' by family ....'Surrounded' by staff 'Surrounded' by people who pray for you...Surrounded by Gods Love and the list goes on :o) may you all continue to know that you are 'surrounded' and Loved and Prayed for.


Good morning!!

Praise God, praise God, praise God!!! So happy to hear of Joanne's progress she's making. It's wonderful news!!! Continuing to pray every day for continuing healing!! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers, Toben!! God bless you and may you always feel His loving arms around you, wrapping you in His love!!

God Bless,

yanna westmoreland

Thank you for posting the photo of the decorations Toben, I don't know Kristen to know her blog link and so wanted to see the banner. I love it. I will personaly spend time in prayer today lifting up your request. At this moment, I have a tender spot in my heart for "Gram". Thank you Gram.

Mary Lou

Praise God for all of the progress. Bless you for taking the time to write us such details. Praying for your requests.

Mary Lou in TN

Barb Motyka

So grateful to hear of Joanne's amazing progress! Praising and praying!
Barb from CNY

Dianne Walters

Very thankful for Joanne's progress and definitely will continue to pray for all the requests you mentioned. Our God is indeed an awesome God!

Kristin Brown

I've been following this blog and praying for your family. I can't help but share a word of encouragement, coming from someone who has lived what you are going through now.
When I was 11 years old, my mother at age 40 had a stroke. The doctors were very discouraging and were convinced that she would never walk and talk again. My mom had a different plan. She was determined to prove these doctors wrong and she DID. From my perspective, it was definitely a scary time. I hesitated for weeks to visit her in the hospital. I was afraid. It wasn't until my aunts helped me understand that my mom wanted to see ME and that having me visit would actually help her that I decided to go. She was in the hospital for months (while I stayed with an my parents divorced). Her return home was interesting. It seemed that the PT was endless and it was hard for me to watch because it was painful and frustrating for my mom. She worked through it. I could go on and on with stories from this time...and admittedly, it was a hard time.
The time line of her recovery is one that I don't remember specifically. As you know, it is a slow process. But, I can say that she regained abilities one after another and if you were to see her now you would not know that she had had a stroke. She's probably out shoveling her yard..or on a ladder raking snow off her roof as I type this! Not that it took 20 years for her to get to this point, but 20 years after her stroke I had my first baby and at the time had to work full time. My mom...the woman who was told would never walk or talk again, was the full time babysitter to my newborn baby girl. I now have four children between the ages of 10 and 3 and she willingly takes all of them...overnight..or even for weekends at a time. She is 100% fully capable.
Like I said, I could go on and on with stories about my mothers amazing progress. She never completely regained the use of her right hand...she uses the hand and can lift things and change diapers but the fine motor stuff never really came back, as far as writing she retrained herself to write with her left. She is an artist..a VERY creative person and she now does all her painting with her left hand. I would love to share pictures of the work that she does now with her left hand.
I don't know Joanne, but from what I have read about her, I have NO doubt that she will get through this!! From the perspective of your girls...I have been there! THEY will get through this too..and they will find that even though things won't be exactly as they were before, they will actually be better because they will be able to proudly tell the story of how their amazing mom persevered through such a hard time!

Paige Szajnuk

Still praying and praising in KS. Thank you, Toben, for the Twitter and Blog updates. It is so helpful to have these specific prayer requests.
He reaches down from on high and takes hold of us; He rescues us from deep waters - Ps 18:16 (paraphrased).
Blessings, Paige.

Laurie McCune

As thunder shook our home last night, my thoughts went to God's power in Joanne's life. It is with every bit of that force and more that He says, "Hands off. She's MINE!"
I continue to pray for you and for your families as well as the for the needs of the people that you find your life intertwined with now. Thank you for being open to how God wants to use you in this big picture and sharing those needs with the world.
Joanne, you go girl! Cheering with you for Jesus in you and praying in your rest that you hear God speak- how very much He loves you.


I'm praying continuously and very hard for all of you and will also add Heather and her family to my list.


You and every person involved with Joanne's care continue to be bathed in prayer. Your blog is so awesome and is reaching so many people. You will never know this side of heaven how many people in Central NY are loving your family up. God is so GOOD!! Much love to all of your family!


What a blessing to here those words. I know God is setting up the perfect plan for your family. Things are already in the works that no one knows about or even know the need you might have. God has the perfect plan. Praise God for the faith he has given you!

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