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Caroline Perez

Thanks for this reminder post! Our womens's Bible study is working through Mark and just talked about Jesus being Lord of the Sabbath and what that means for families today. I sent the post to our group.
Praying for you today!


I rememeber this post too! Very impactful and relevant. The difficult thing for my family is that my husband is a pastor, so his "sabbath" may not fall on a day that works for our children to have their "sabbath." I completely needed to hear your list of "no's" and was truly motivated by them.

Sue Tell

I too appreciated this post. I love the freedom that Jesus opens for us in saying He is Lord of the sabbath.

For me Sunday is usually an extended sabbath as I love my daily times of sabbath
as well.

Joanne, what a celebration we will all enjoy as you are able to return to your blog! Praying for you my friend and all of your family. You are loved.


I enjoyed reading this topic, along with the others.
I want to add that, I had just grabbed a cookie and made some tea just as I began to read. So your last paragraph made me smile.

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