Another great post from Joanne's Dad!
Do you go through periods when God seems far off - perhaps even wondering if He is really real? My daughter Kristen has blogged about how "Jesus Calling" has ministered to us ( ). May I encourage you by His tangible comfort to me?
Have you been reading when a family member comes silently up behind you, and yet you were suddenly aware of their presence? Before you heard them you were impressed - even overshadowed? I am not superstitious when I say that
Something very similar happens to me when Jesus is near. Many believers will say they felt sure the Lord stood near while they have been in prayer, or hearing the Word, or meditating. Since Jesus has ascended to His Father, there couldn't be such a physical impression of Jesus' presence today; but yet His presence impresses our souls. There are influences of mind upon mind that are beyond science. I have discerned the special presence of the Spirit with me by a consciousness as sure as that by which I know myself.
How has this occurred? My closest brother in Christ introduced me to George MacDonald last fall. He grabbed my attention when I read that CS Lewis said "George MacDonald was my master"; so I was already reading him before Joanne's stroke. MacDonald was a Scottish pastor before he became the John Grisham of 19th century England. But his works are so hard to find, I bought a Kindle when I saw I could purchase all 50 of his books for $1.79! I was reading "Anals of a Quiet Neighborhood" on Jan 11th. For you dear Siestas who love Jan Karon's Mitford series, move Father Tim to 1867 as a Church of England vicar in the small village of Marshmallow, and you'll be right at home. Since Jan 11th, I've bookmarked dozens of places where I was reading something that PERFECTLY matched what was going on in our lives at that moment. This might happen once in a while, but dozens of times - when the words were written 150 years ago? No - this is the Spirit's work alive with vitality today! May I quote one for you?
I read this on the day Joanne first moved her right toes: Connie, the vicar's daughter, is paralyzed in bed after being thrown from her pony. “‘Papa, papa! I moved my big toe! I did indeed.’ We were all about her in a moment. But I saw that she was excited, and fearing a reaction I sought to calm her. ‘But, my dear,’ I said, as quietly as I could, ‘you are probably still aware that you are possessed of two big toes: which of them are we to congratulate on this first stride in he march of improvement?’ She broke out in the merriest laugh.”
One toe moving; one to go. Thank you for continuing to pray for Joanne's left!
Chuck Friedenstein; Joanne's dad
Dear Lord on this day of your Sabbath I pray that you bring healing about my sister in Christ, Joanne. Restore upon her the movement upon her left side of her body. God we praise you for all the healing you have done already in her body. Up lift her spirits...may your face shine upon her and her family.
Posted by: Kimberly | February 27, 2011 at 09:04 AM
What a truly blessed post you have written. Each day I start with a prayer for Joanne and all of her family. And the last at night, I remember you all as well.
We will likely never meet, but in my prayers you are all now part of my family. My big, loving, family in Christ!
Posted by: Maribeth | February 27, 2011 at 09:09 AM
Thank you, Mr. Friedenstein. First, as a siesta fan of Jan Karon's, I'm going to have to search for George MacDonald's works. Sounds like my kind of reading. I so agree with your thoughts on our experience of the Spirit's presence in our daily lives, even when we're reading. That happened continually last year when I was reading the devotional "Streams in the Desert." And now this year when I read Kristen's posts from "Jesus Calling." They seem written just for me, even though I'm going through things so different from your family.
Though we don't know each other, Joanne and your family are in my heart and prayers daily. Someday I hope to meet you all (may have to wait till heaven). You are a testimony of Jesus' love in your lives. May you continually sense His presence.
Posted by: Karene | February 27, 2011 at 09:21 AM
I was so moved by Kristen's initial post about Jesus Calling that I purchased a copy for my 82 year old mom and gave it to her for Valentine's Day. I also bought a copy for myself. It has been a blessing to me ever since. I continue to lift all of you up in prayer.
Amy in Idaho
Posted by: Amy J. | February 27, 2011 at 09:22 AM
So thankful for Christ's Presence with you, dear Mr. F. Thankful for G.Macdonald's words speaking to your now. Praying for Jo every moment...even in my dreams. Thankful for your family. Love you all so much.
Posted by: Holly Smith | February 27, 2011 at 09:40 AM
This post is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Continuing in prayer for Joanne and all of you!
Posted by: Lina | February 27, 2011 at 10:26 AM
Thank-you sir for this.
Joanne is on my heart and mind so often. In the last 14 days, we have spent 10 of them in the hospital with my husband who has had a heart attack and heart failure. Today in church we heard a sermon on Seek ye first HIS kingdom...then in Sunday School a lesson to the children about taking our eyes off of Jesus and sinking into the water that is the storm around us, as Peter did. God is talking to ME today!
I can worry about so many things..but the truth of God and his presence in my life IS REAL.
God Bless you and your family.
Posted by: Melana Cummings | February 27, 2011 at 12:10 PM
Praying for you all. Joanne and family are in my prayers throughout the day.
Posted by: Kendra @ | February 27, 2011 at 12:34 PM
Great post. Can't wait to download the books onto my Kindle. Thanks!
(Praying for Joanne's left side.)
Posted by: A fellow Siesta | February 27, 2011 at 12:49 PM
I love george macdonald! Such rich writing! I got chills reading that quote from the book....oh how He loves you mr. F! To put this author in your hands "for such a time as this!" You might like to try some elizabeth gouge books..."the pilgrims inn" is wonderful :) blessings, papa of joanne!
Posted by: traci | February 27, 2011 at 03:06 PM
Thank you sir for this post. In tears. Been following this God adventure from the beginning. He is good.
Posted by: DigiNee | February 27, 2011 at 03:34 PM
...another quick comment...just noticed that the sole publisher for george macdonald books is named JOhANNEesen...;)
Posted by: traci | February 27, 2011 at 04:15 PM
beautifully written I am reading Jesus Is Calling again after I heard alot on Kristen website. I have had the book Jesus Is calling for about 3yrs now and I had not read it everyday until this yr. so thanks Kristen for pointing me to theis devotional book. Thank you to your whole family for all the updates and the posts praying for Joanne that God will restore her completely and praying for the BIG to happen. Praying for you all to.
Carol Albuquerque NM
Posted by: Carol | February 27, 2011 at 04:46 PM
The Spirit is such an active part of the Trinity of God. I'm doing Beth Moore's study on Revelation...Here and Now, There and Then, and she describes The Spirit as being sent from God...His Eyes...To and Fro.
I am so glad you know His Presence.
Exodus 33, especially verses 17-23 were given to me this morning in my quiet time.
God's Glory would kill us if we saw Him face-to-face. But He allows us to see His Back after He covers us in the cleft of the rock with His Hand. I believe He is passing by all of you right now. And I believe His Glory is overwhelming...blinding...this world can't take it. Beautiful message in Exodus 33:19 and 21. To me, Jesus is the Rock we are hidden in.
God bless you. He is there with all of you. You are feeling the weight of His Glory. He is definitely showing you all His Glory.
Posted by: twinkle | February 27, 2011 at 06:22 PM
Thank you, Mr. F., for this beautiful post. If you like Lewis and MacDonald, maybe you like Charles Spurgeon, too. Plagued with depression, he wrote: "I write this with all reverence: God Himself cannot deliver a person who is not in trouble. Therefore, it is to some advantage to be in distress, because God can then deliver you. Even Jesus Christ, the Healer of me, cannot heal a person who is not sick. Therefore, sickness is not an adversity for us, but rather an advantageous opportunity for Christ to heal us. The point is, my reader, your adversity may prove your advantage by offering occasion for the display of divine grace." Spurgeon on Prayer and Spiritual Warfare.
I ran across this the other day and thought of Joanne and your family. I pray God will use this season for Joanne's benefit and His glory. Blessings to all of you.
Posted by: Paige Szajnuk | February 27, 2011 at 08:11 PM
Mr. Friedenstein,
THANK YOU for sharing with us...that touched my heart deeply. On several different levels....
First, my family has been going through some really tough stuff the last couple years and it's been an unexpected 'wilderness' experience for me. I long to feel God's presence, but it seems He has me in a desert for some reason, someday to be revealed. Hearing about others feeling His presence ministers to me, to no end.
Reading the posts and verses on Joanne's FB and blog have ministered to me also, since Jan. 11th. Please know that God has used your suffering to bless/minister to others, including myself.
Lastly, I am inspired by your presence as your families ROCK of strength and wisdom. I remember Joanne RAVING about her parents, several years ago when I got the privilege of getting to know her at DC. Now, I clearly see why.
I got to meet you for a few minutes in the prayer chapel at Littleton Hospital back in January. I was so touched to meet an older man w/ godly wisdom who was there for his family in a time of suffering. My dad passed away last summer after 13 years of severe mental and physical decline. It was truly an awful journey. His 5 kids, their spouses and 18 grandkids missed out on his wisdom, advice, unconditional love and care during the years we needed his leading most.
I LOVE seeing fathers/grandfathers fulfilling the role God meant for them to....leading, loving and guiding their families...
Thank you for offering fatherly wisdom to those of us who are fatherless....
You're ALL always in my prayers...
Cheryl Veenstra
Posted by: Cheryl Veenstra | February 27, 2011 at 10:59 PM