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So adorable! xx praying here xx


Keeping you all bathed in prayer!!!

Melissa Thacker

Love this! Its amazing what depth those 3 words hold. My hubby said those to me recently after battling addiction for several years leaving our marriage deeply wounded. In my opinion they are the best Vday words that could be said. :)

Still praying for you Joanne and the rest of the family!

Kendra @

Praying for you and your family. God is in control.


I vote for Joanne's post "Back to Normal Life" at for a re-published edition of the archives.
Her observation that "But we can say that in the midst of the not alright-ness, God is still faithful, still good, and actively working good," just seems so appropriate to the situation right now. What happened is NOT all right, but she's making such progress, and we can rejoice that God is good. Praying for you!


Good Choice Girlfriend!!! God picked the right one for you.

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