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Susan Moher

I missed this the first time around, Joanne, since I have just recently discovered your blog! I SO MUCH appreciate this fresh insight into an old familiar the midst of the 'not-alrightness' God is faithful! --and in 'well-remembering' the hurtful things, God's compassion seems even greater!


Joanne, It was a verse that got me through so much of my life. But it is good to read it again today.
Toben, I listened to you on the radio (via computer) yesterday. You did such a great job.


This "repost" was a God Wink for me this morning. God has been dealing with me all week through the word "affliction". And, it's funny that I thought of you,Joanne, when he did. I've read how you enjoy following the rabbit trail through the Word.

This week I was led to "affliction" verses like: The Lord gives bread of adversity, water of affliction (Isaiah 30:20), Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word (Psalm 119:67), and Do not recoil from afflictions, since they are among my most favored gifts (Jesus Calling).

Joanne, I just wanted you to know that your words impacted me today and gave me hope to not run from God but into his Word.

I think I'll grab my new Bic Crystals and dig deep :)


great archive post!!

Jennifer Camplin

Great post.. good to see you, J get chance to write/type.

bug hugs..

I only just found your blog not long after your health hit.

hugs and prayers...


The LORD, my Lord is teaching me so much through his servant, Joanne! I found a link to her blog just after her stroke. Have read so much and been blessed by her love for Jesus and for her family and us, her blog friends. I fell more in love with her after watching the videos of her and her girls reciting Scripture they memorized together. (Psalm 91!!! God knew this is just what they would need. He is SO GOOD!) He knew Joanne's family would need the support of extended family so he told Toben to move back to CO, just about 6 mos. before her stroke. Coincidence? I dare say NOT! I could write much more about all that God is speaking to me through this one life...This one humble servant who said "Yes" to her God. I am so grateful to have "met" you, Joanne. I am in awe of our GOD and full of hope and anticipation to see what more He is going to do in your life! I am praying for you, that you will continue to "hang tough" for Jesus, no matter how hard it you will be LIVING PROOF of God's awesome power. That by His power, you may fulfill every good purpose of yours. 2 Thess. 1:4-5, 11-12


correction: 2 Thess. 1:11 that by His power HE may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

Pam Houston

WOW! This post from back in November says so much. I have been walking in a "severe mercy" since Jan 23rd when I came down with Shingles. (On my left side-no less!) God had put an exclamation point on His call. It was through LPM blog that I was alerted to your need for a major miracle on Jan 11. I knew of you through your blog and had visited your site many times, although had not commented,(up until the stroke) but received such sweet and joyous ministry through your loved and be loved lives. It was very clear to me, I had been called to partnership in prayer for "such a time as this!" Your Toben has been so amazing, as has been your girls, your sister and Mom and Dad, all your family and loved ones...everyone shining like bright lights for Jesus through a very dark time. What an example for faith you all have been as you grapple with the incredible reality of regaining your mobility and life back. We cheer you on dear Joanne! You go girl! I can just see you in those darling spectator brown and white high heel boots one day...maybe sooner than we think!

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