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yanna westmoreland

Praying for you Joanne. I am giving thanks for your nights of good sleep, and for the Sunday blessings you were given today. Enjoy your hamburger and fries! I will continue to pray for Complete Healing with extra emphasis on flaps and flip flops...hmm where did that come from flip flops maybe since spring is in the air? Maybe a loved one will get you some flip flops for the flap trip? Even if Toben has to wear them. Your Siesta that's praying in Bryan Tx


Let's hope you get the news for which you are hoping. Thank goodness for better sleep. I will pray for continued healing, continued rest and peace as Joanne anticipates further surgery.



Sounds like a wonderful Sunday to me. Continued prayers and praise for a couple nights of better sleep.

Susan Moher

Sounds like a perfect day!---how can it miss starting with 'real' shower, burger & fries, and friends!C=
Praising the good sleep and rest these past couple of days. Toben, you sound better rested as well. God is good...all the time.
Praying that this good day is just the start to a great week...continued rest and healing, and good news at Wednesday's appointment.
Love and prayers to all your family for continued rest and encouragement.

PS - Tried your recipe for your uncle's burrittos yesterday, Joanne - your chicken-apple sausage version. Was a hit!! Not sure they'll make it through the week?!;)
That's OK cuz I'm anxious to try the chorizo-green chile version, too...Thanks!!

Kim Feth

Hoping and praying that your restful Sabbath continues and culminates in another good night of sleep for everyone.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Praying she sleeps again tonight. You, too. I hope you get a nap today. Praying for a successsful trip to the Dr. Good news about the surgery and smooth transportation. Praying here in KY for the whole family. I found your blog thru LPM.

Melanie Amos

Hi, Joanne and family! I have been a "lurker in the shadows." I first heard of your stroke via Beth Moore's tweet. I since have found out that I have friends who have read your books! I have been following your story and praying for your recovery. I just wanted to give you a shout out to say hello! I will continue to pray God's peace and healing over you and your family!

Theresa Roach

Happy to hear that Joanne is having a HAPPY Sunday, that she rested... which means YOU rested too! I'll be praying that your requests are fulfilled:) Have a blessed day, HUGS from Georgia!

Mary Lou

Praising Him for the good sleep. Will add you all to my list of people that I pray for every night to get good sleep. Will pray for your other requests. God is good and He is good ALL of the time. You all are living this out before the rest of us. Blessings on your Sabbath...Your Siesta in TN

Rachel Pate

Toben, when you can't see HIS His Heart! i am so very sorry that you are wiped out! I am praying for you and your sweet wife! I just got back from a Linda Dillow retreat where she spoke on contentment, even when things are super hard. My 7 year old has a tumor by his spine that the doctors can not do a thing about...John-Michael, like all of us (really), is in His hands and totally out of mine. My post on what I learned from Linda, might be helpful to you...
GOd has sooooo many praying for you and your family!
Be encouraged,


Dear Toben,
Please know that your girls and you are in our prayers. We always start the day with your names on our lips and end the day the same.
God Bless you.


Praying for Joanne and the whole family that the travel to the doctor's goes well and that they might beable to put the flap back before she goes into rehab. Praying all else goes well.

Kristi Walker

Praying and Praising here! We will continue to pray daily for your sweet family and we are just tickled pink that Joanne has finally gotten a good nights sleep. (and you, too!) We also have a wonderful Pawpaw and Grand, and God is so good to give us family that loves and supports us. I know what you mean when you say how thankful you are.

Blessings and prayers, Kristi


Thankful y'all had such a wonderful happy to hear of answered prayers and awesome recovery! You have prayers still coming from down here in Arkansas!!!


Glad Joanne had a good day with friends and family!

Love praying for her and will continue.

Love and Blessings



Yay for burger day! I hope you all have a good night's sleep. Everyone of you could use one. I hope that Joanne doesn't experience too much discomfort tonight.

And finally, I hope that Wednesday brings good good news from the neurosurgeon!

Lisa Brooks

Continuing to pray for your whole family.

Lisa Brooks


So thankful to hear Joanne is sleeping. Praise God!

Christine H.

What a wonderful way to spend God's gift of a Sabbath! Our family will continue to pray for restful sleep for all of you, Joanne's appointment as well as her complete healing. Thanks for your faithfulness in updating this blog. It is truly a blessing for us readers. Be blessed!

Amy Morgan

Lots of prayers still coming from the Morgan clan.

Mmmm burgers and fries sound good to me too. LOL

God is with you.

Rayleine Chagoya

Heavenly Father we thank you for the rest you have been giving Joanne & her family & ask for continued restful sleep.We ask that you give Joanne & Toben peace & calm about the surgery to replace the brain flap & thank you for these things in advance.In your precious Son Jesus Name.AMEN <3 Rayleine, West Covina, CA

lisa smith

Praying for comfort, peace, strength and miracles from Texas. May God uphold you and comfort you with His righteous and healing right hand!! Amen

Rachel Pate
Laura Story's testimony (her husband's brain tumor/ walking through that journey..and what blessings have come through the tears). I hope it is a blessing for you.
Her singing it here..


Hi Joanne and family,
Just thought I would share with you that because of you I have found out about Jesus Calling. Since hearing about this book I have bought many copies for friends and all say how perfectly it speaks to them. What I found really neat is today I ordered another copy for a friend from Amazon and it showed others who bought this book also bought...Joanne Heim's Misplacing God and finding Him again. Praying for you and wanted to remind you how your life is impacting millions! Love, Sue from NC


Joanne and family, Just a quick note to let you know that you are being prayed for daily in Maine. We rejoice in your progress and pray for continued strength. You all are a blessing. Love and prayers, Carol

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