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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Michelle V

Happy Birthday Joanne! You are an inspiration and such a blessing! I hope you have a very blessed day today!

Michelle V


Happy Birthday Joanne! Praying you have a great day today!

Houston, TX


Happy birthday, Joanne!!! Continued love and prayers from NJ! <3

Kathy Rivera

Joanne, This new year and all of the surprises that it holds is in the Omnipotent Hand of your Father. What a joy to know that what we do today will matter in eternity.
You have thousands of new friends this year who are praying for you and with you.
You are surrounded by God's provision. Happy Birthday!
Kathy from Idaho.

Laura Estes

Happy Birthday, Joanne! I pray your day is blessed in numerous ways! I'm wearing my bracelet!

Jenny S

Happy Birthday Joanne!

It has been such a privilege and a blessing over my life to watch your healing & progress. Our Lord is amazing and I'm so thankful that you're here to celebrate another birthday!

I'm wearing my bracelet, jingling along through the day, and sending many prayers, hugs, and lots of love your way! :)

Marla Taviano

Happy, happy, HAPPY birthday to you, my beautiful friend!! I love you like crazy, and I'm praying this is your most favorite birthday EVER EVER EVER!!


Happy Birthday, I am wearing my bracelet in honor of your special day...everytime it jingles I will from Wisconsin


Happy Birthday sweet Joanne may the Lord fill your day with lots of Love and smiles and Joy and I am wearing my bracelet and praying for you.
So happy birthday to you happy birthday sweet Joanne you go girl you are a warrior you have blessed me in so many ways I cannot begin to tell you.


Happy Birthday Joanne!!! You and Toben are such an inspiration. I hope ya'll have a very blessed day, with many more to come.


Happy birthday! I hope it is "charming"! I can't wait to build my own bracelet! You are all such inspirations! God bless!

Barb Motyka

Happy Birthday Joanne! Thanking God for you today, and hoping you have the very best birthday.
Barb from CNY


Happy Birthday Joanne. Praying this is a blessed and 'charming' day for you:)
Blessings today and every day,
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 46:10
Matthew 21:22


HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joanne!!! I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day! You truly are an inspiration! May God bless you each and every day! =) I hope you have a "charmed" day. =)

God bless,
Lynn P. from Texas


Happy Birthday, Joanne! Sending love and prayers your way!

Donna J

Happy Birthday Joanne! I am praying the Lord blesses your day.

Terri Forehand

Happy Birthday Joanne, prayers for continued recovery from one nurse writer to another published writer. I have an inkling about what you have gone through and what you may still face. What a wonderful inspiration you are to others. Have a great day.

Patti Warren

Happy Birthday Joanne! I pray you will be blessed today beyond measure and that it will be a wonderfully charming day. Praying for your complete recovery for you sweet siesta!

Hillary Mueller

Happy Birthday Joanne! I hope that you have the most wonderul birthday. Keep up all the hard work you've been doing. You are an amazing inspiration to us all!

Love you!

Angie Thieszen

Happy Birthday, Joanne!!! The Lord has brought you into this world and He has not taken you have much to accomplish still on this earth! May He get all the glory from your shining light! Eat some cake today, siesta!


happy birthday, dear girl! i hope your day is filled with smiles. :)

Real Housewife of Naperville

Happy Birthday, Joanne! You are a blessing and an inspiration!

Sharon Telfer

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNE!!! Praying for this special day to be filled with many blessings. Thanking God for how He has touched my heart through you and your family. Much love from Ontario, Canada.


Joanne, Happy Birthday! Thinking of you on a very special day.
Jeanette from Blue Bell, Pa.


Wishing you a happy birthday! Wearing my charm bracelet and praying for you.

Happy Day and lots of love!


Jen Medeiros


Janna, this rocks - and you rule. Thanks friend!

Debbie Swart

Happy, Happy Birthday Joanne. I don't know you or your family personally, but feel as if I do from reading your blog and following you on Twitter. I have even listened to your husband on his radio program, via the internet. I have been praying consistently for you and your family.

God bless you and heal you completely! I hope you do have a blessed birthday today!

With Christian Love,
Debbie Swart
Galena, Kansas

Leslie Wright

Happy Birthday!! Praying for you everyday from here in Montana. You and your family are such an inspiration and encouragement to me. Blessings to you Joanne!


Wishing you all of Gods blessings today and everyday Joanne. Heal fast and smile a lot. We are all praying for you. Happy Birthday! Thanks for showing us what a miracle looks like!


Happy Birthday Joanne. Wishing you a great birthday. Praising God for the miracle He is showing us through you! Enjoy your day.



I was too late to get a photo included - or to write a blog post about my charm bracelet. But I do wish you a Happy Birthday. You're in my prayers!


Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to youu!
Happy Birthday dear Joanne!
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!!!
I am praying you have an awesome day and I am still hoping and praying for your complete Miracle healing from God!!
My memory verse today is Romans 5:5
"And hope does not disappoint us,
because God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us!"
Thank You God for Your Hope and Holy Spirit!
Happy Birthday Joanne!


Have the most wonderful birthday dear girl! Wishing you the joy of family around you and comfort knowing all who pray for you daily!


Happy Birthday, Joanne!!!! You are a beautiful and inspirational "charm" in my bracelet of friends. Praying for you and your family each and everyday.


I don't have a charm bracelet to share but ido wish Joanne a happy birthday and continued improvement and strength in the coming year.

Jean M

This has to be one of the neatest birthday ideas I have ever seen.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy JOANNE!!! Praying for a great year ahead.

Aimee Loeser

happy birthday, joanne! i am covering you in prayers today...all the way from ohio! you mean so much to me and i am inspired by you and your amazing family!

Jenny Corso

I'm wishing you a wonderful Happy Birthday and the Lord's blessings on your life today! It's my birthday today too! I'm happy to share it with such a strong, beautiful, godly woman as YOU!!! Love, Jenny in VA

Patty Mullins

Happy birthday, Joanne, from Scott AFB, IL!


OH HAPPY DAY JOANNE!!!!!! gosh I sure do love ya lady! And let me tell you one thing...we are just giddy over this day for you! We will have cake at our house tonight and i'll be dern but i forgot my bracelet this morning when i left the house. I'll go home later and put it on for you sweetie.

Oh we would all give anything to hug your precious neck and pray His abundant blessings over this next year for you!

Big big big hugs,


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope your day (and the year ahead) is smushed-up-full of BLESSINGS galore! Lisa


Happy Birthday Joanne....Praying God's b;essing on you today. You are an inspiration to all of us. God is good. Hope you have a special day...Heather

Rochelle Shaftic

Happy Birthday Joanne!


Jingling for you today, Joanne! Wishing you a Happy, Happy Day!


Happy birthday, Joanne! You are AWESOME and LOVED and a MIRACLE and BEAUTIFUL and CREATIVE and STRONG and okay, maybe just a little bit older now. Happy 30th! :) Love you!

Sarah Canfield

Happy Birthday! Looking forward to next year in Paris? Tuscany? :)


Wishing you a very happy birthday Joanne! All those charm bracelets kind of makes me want to have one too! You have a lot of people around you who love you! :)

Amy in North Idaho

Wishing you a charm-filled birthday!! Joanne, you are an inspiration and blessing to all of us!


Happy Birthday, Joanne! Praying for you, sister in Christ.

Lincoln, Nebraska


Happy Birthday, Joanne! You are my birthday twin. I knew I liked you after reading your blog. First we have the same taste in books and now this discovery :) I'm praying for you to be completely healed. I know you have a long journey ahead but I am confident that you and God can do it. much love, Joybird

Jamie Muramoto

Happy birthday Joanne. I've been praying for you and so excited to see God's miracles in your life. Hang in there - know that God loves you and will get you through. May He give you an awesome day today as you move. Take care - keep looking up to Him.


Happy Birthday Joanne! Thank you for all you do to teach us how to be better wives, mothers and daughters in Christ. You are LOVED and APPRECIATED!! Have a wonderful birthday.

Kathryn Champion


My life has been touched on so many levels because of you. I pray that your special day today is nothing short of FANTABUWONDERMOUS for you! It is just so AWESOME to see what God is doing - and, yes I CAN use the word Awesome because it is GOD ;) (You'd have to read my post about the word AWESOME to get that, I guess - lol)

Anyway, I "sang" to you on facebook so I'll spare you here - lol - just know that I'm praying for MANY BLESSINGS to come your way today :)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOANNE!!! I am praying for blessings on your day, and for complete recovery! You and your family have blessed me in ways you may never know. But I hope someday I will get to meet you and tell you. You are a kindred spirit. Keep at it, dear sister. You will finish strong and receive the crown of life.

Love, Karene in Yorba Linda, CA

Lisa Chandler

Happy birthday to you, Joanne! You are truly an inspiration to me and a blessing in my life (even tho we've never met in person).

With love,
Lisa in sunny and hot AZ

Ann Doucette

Happy Birthday!!!! I don't have a charm bracelet , but after seeing all of these beautiful ones I am gonna have to start one. They are lovely . Hope you have a great day !!! Praying for you !!!

Child of God

HAPPY 39th BIRTHDAY Joanne!!

I am praying and praying for you often.

Psalm 139:13-18 NIV

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.

You have a wonderful family and a beautiful fighting spirit. Blessings on you, trust in Him and never give up the fight.

Praying for 100% healing.



Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you a blessed day filled with much joy and love! I have not been commenting much lately, and I am even behind a couple week on my Memory Monday posts. I am incredibly grateful to you for giving me the gift of Memory Monday and today I certainly would like to provide you a better gift than a simple birthday wish - perhaps somday :-) For now, I can check in on you every day through your blog and of course continue to pray for you.


All linked up! Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Joanne - here's to SO many more years to come! Happy, happy birthday!

Lisa J

Happy Birthday, Joanne! May it be a wonderful and blessed day, and may an amazing year be ahead of you.

Love and prayers from Oklahoma,
Lisa J.

Christine H.

Happy Birthday Joanne. Keep up the tremendous work.

Kim - connorcolesmom

Happy Birthday sweet Joanne!! I hope it has been a day full of Joy, laughter, sweet surprises, love and blessings!!
Much love

Katie S

Happy birthday, Joanne!! I hope it's full of chocolate cake and all the ice cream a girl can eat!! You're such an inspiration to all of us. You're doing an amazing job and I continue to pray for you and your family every day. You can do this!!


Happy Birthday, Joanne! I have been praying for you from Day 1 since reading about your stroke on Beth Moore's blog. I have cried and laughed alongside your family, celebrated, and prayed unceasingly. What an amazing woman you are! I know God has some incredible things in store for you and your family this year. Praying you are showered with love and God's grace as you move to your next home before home! Continuing to pray BIG for you in TX!

Sara G

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Joanne!! Happy Birthday to you!!!! May God continue to bless you and His healing and face shine through you!
From Sara G, Oklahoma City, OK, stroke survivor


Happy Birthday Joanne!! I pray for you everyday!!

janet cline

Happy Birthday!!
(Love this post....kudo's to whoever thought of it!)

Leah C

Happy, Happy Birthday Joanne!! Still praying here in Missouri:)

Holly Smith

Ahhh, my friend! I pray this day has been so very special for you!! I love you so much, my sister...and am thankful for you!! CELEBRATING YOU!~

Also? My charm is in the picture under Chris S. just to let you know...My email address often confuses with both my and Chris' name in it. :)

Love you!

Paige Wright

Happy birthday Joanne from Memphis TN:) I share the same birthday and have been praying for you and your family since I received an email and your blog for a prayer request in January. So thankful for your continued recovery. I know this is not your "best" birthday but pray you have hope for better and better ones in your future. Your family obviuosly adore you!!!Think of you today on your birthday and praying for peace, comfort and healing for you!!!
Much love,

Paige Wright


Happy, Happy Birthday Joanne!! You have the most creative and thoughtful people that make up Team Joanne!! What an amazingly cool idea! Oh how I wish I lived closer- I would love to be at your benefit! Since the day I read on the LPM blog about your situation I have been praying for you and your family. Especially today, I pray you literally feel all the healing love that is being sent your way!! Much love from a fellow siesta in CNY!


Happy Birthday Joanne! It is my hubby's birthday today as well, so now I'll always remember it. :) May God bless you with His strength today and a special measure of His joy!


Happy Birthday!


Happy, Happy Day! Love all the charm bracelets!
Praying for you from CT!
In His Love, Karol


Hi Joanne:

Though we have never met we do share one thing and that is the same birthday. I hope your are having a happy birthday as well. You are in my prayers!



I hope you hear the Happy Birthday song jingling sweetly from countless wrists today! Have a lovely day, beloved Joanne.

I pray especially during the night hours.

Another caring reader sending (((hugs))) from the Seattle area.


Happy birthday! May you feel His abundant love and blessings today. You are loved!

Anonymous Prayer

Happy Birthday Joanne! Hope your day has been the best birthday yet! Just wanted to say how inspirational you have been to me, you are my hero! Through your link on your blog I have started supporting a Compassion child! You have also helped me to see God clearer and I 100% believe in the power of prayer. Thank you so much you have touched my life so greatly and we've never met. Happy Birthday!

Diane Mitchell

I hope that as you lay your head down to sleep tonight that you have a big ol' grin on your face just thinkin' about all the women all over the world who are your new friends. Its obvious that you are loved by your sweet husband and beautiful girls, your loving parents and the rest of your extended family...but how blessed you must feel tonight as you see all these birthday wishes. May you have nothing but sweet dreams as you sleep soundly knowing that not only are you loved by many on this earth, you are LOVED BY THE KING my friend, and there is no better gift than that. Happy Birthday from central Iowa!

Margie Smallman

Joanne, you have soooooo much to look forward to in this next year!! Much love to and many prayers for you! Happy Birthday!

Rachel Pate

I think this year will be your absolute best! Imagine .... millions of people praying for you! Wow! what does God have in store? I can't wait to see!
Happy, happy birthday!
Atlanta, GA

Susan Schnitzler

Happy Birthday, Joanne! I looked at my bracelet many times today and thought of you. Wishing you an amazing, strong, and healthy year.

Susan S.


Happy Birthay, Joanne! Sorry I wasn't able to join the charm bracelet fun. I was away from home and away from my James Avery bracelet when all the fun began. I hope you had a wonderful day surrounded by those you love! Keep working hard. We miss hearing from you!


Happy Birthday, Joanne! My high school students and I are praying for you in Victoria, Mississippi!

Marie D.

Jennifer Lo

We haven't met but I've been following the blog a few months now. My prayers to you and your family still! Happy birthday

Renee Bloom

Happy Happy Birthday Joanne!! Prayers, best wishes and love are coming to you from New Jersey in hopes that your birthday (a most special day already) will show you just how loved you are...especially by your Heavenly Father. May this day be just the beginning of a year that is WOWED by God's grace, faithfulness, and blessings.
Praying God's best for you and your family~with love, Renee

Kathryn Carpenter

Happy Birthday Joanne! We haven't met but I am praying for you and your family!



happy birthday, birthday girl... praying for you and awed at your recovery so far! yay... dance of joy... god is good! linda

Susan Moher

OH HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WOW, Joanne! What a perfectly delightful birthday celebration for a most deserving gal! Luv the whole 'charming' idea...(would love to have seen your face over your 'surprise party'C=)and luv all the beautiful bracelets!! What fun! Praying your day was an exciting beginning to a most promising, miraculous year in your life!


Happy Birthday Joanne! I hope this day brought you joy and happiness as you were with the ones that love you so much. My prayers for you and your family continue!

Michelle Burnett

Happy Birthday, Joanne! May this be one of the best years in your life! :) Hugs, Michelle


Happy Birthday Joanne! Praying it was filled with love and lots of cake. I love the bracelet pics...I can just hear all that jingling:)

We keep on praying here in OR. for continued recovery and peace for you.

Blessings to you and your family on this special day.



Happy happy birthday Joanne. So excited to see how God is moving to heal you and look forward to hearing YOUR words on this fully in the coming days. You are much loved.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday and many more returns.

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